Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sickening Threats

I figured with all these "normal" people posts I was posting today I should throw in a Bowen family post to let you know we were still alive and kicking. Plus, I didn't want any of you to change your perception of us and let your guard down and then have something like this happen to you in our presence. It's rough.

So here goes:
I'm not sure how this happened, but somehow Cooper caught wind of how much his mother "loves" all things throw-up. He has decided that this knowledge holds certain perks, shall we say, and thus employs it at any time he believes is advantagious. Here are just a handful of those times.

Randomly through out the day when I tell Cooper to pick up his toys.
"Mom, me can't pick up my toys, I'm gonna throw-up!"

In the middle of the night when he wants to climb in bed
"Mom, my tummy hurts, I think I'm going to throw-up."
Of course, this has the opposite result he's looking for. You better believe I'm not letting him near my bed if he feels like he is going to throw-up.

When he is mad at me
"I'm gonna throw-up on you!!!"

and my personal favorites,
the time when he actually does throw-up. (about 8 different times this week)
I swear, it feels like this kid throws-up all the time. (But I know he doesn't, only Gwen's kids do that.) Good thing I love him or I might be tempted to trade him in for a less volatile version. Although, bless this little boy's heart, at least he knows how to throw-up in a toilet.

Kami, bless her heart, is a doll. When Cooper got mad at her today and said "Kami! Me gonna throw-up on you!!!" She just looked him square in the eye and said "You can't throw-up on me, you're not even sick."
Unfortunately, Cooper got the last laugh, and although he isn't even sick, the second I tucked him into bed he got mad at Kami and threw-up all over himself. (But I guess since he threw up all over himself, Kami got the last laugh.)

Cute Boy

I was just browsing through all my pictures in photoshop and came across all these adorable pictures that were taken lately of my little man. And, of course, like any mother, I wanted to share his cuteness in bunches with you.
Enjoy. I know you will.
Look at that cute little mug! I love this little guy so much.
Landon usually naps while Kami is at school and so I get to spend the afternoon with just my Cooper man. I absolutely love him! We usually spend a part of the afternoon watching food network. I love watching food shows with Cooper. He is so cute. He'll always tell me "mmm Mom! That looks "beh-licious" I want you to make that for me mom." So fun. So cute. So one of the best times of my day. A couple days ago at around 8:00 at night we were watching a food show and Cooper was convinced that he wanted me to cook him a steak, french fries, and a salad. So cute. He was absolutely adamant that I make him a "beh-licious" steak right that second. Unfortunately we didn't have any steaks on hand and all the stores were closed in town, otherwise I probably would have gotten up and whipped him up a steak, he was so cute.

Cooper is in speech preschool right now (not sure if I've mentioned that yet on here.) Anyway, his teacher told me today that he is doing really well with his K sounds right now and if he continues to do well she will move him on to the next sound. So way to go Coop! Funniest phenominon, Cooper wakes up at 7:00 every day. Every day EXCEPT Tuesdays, which is preschool day, and then, without fail, I have to come into his room at 7:40 and wake him up to be ready for school at 8:00. Go figure. It's so sad because he is sleeping so peacefully that I want to let him sleep in and skip. But then I remember just how much he loves preschool and so I wake him up.
In other preschool related news, about a week and a half ago Cooper got to go to the store with me and pick out his very own "pack-pack" He picked Cars and is so excited. Such a big kid.

Book it!

Kami gets to bring home books every night to "read" It is so cute we thought we would share it with everyone. I love the inflection in her voice as she reads. Too cute. I wish she still had the book Six Silly Sailors because it was my favorite.

Monday, October 26, 2009

My Daughter's Latest

Sorry for the absence of posts as of late. We have been full of sick bugs here at our house, not to mention tremendous amounts of stress, so, blog posts have taken second fiddle.

This morning Kami relates the following to me:

"Mom, I just don't like school. Because people at school "frustalate" me. They try to talk to me and I don't want them to and it just "frustalates" me. But I like dinner time (snack time at school - my kids think every meal constitutes as dinner) because everyone just has to sit in our chairs and talks and nobody can bug you and my teacher sometimes reads stories or shuts off the lights and nobody can bug you, so I like dinner time.
But I don't like the people at school because they just "frustalate" me!"

and then literally two seconds ago:

"I'm just always frusterated at people because they do stuff to me... hmmph!"

Apparently my daughter likes to be left alone because she finds people who try to talk to her and/or play with her frusterating. Good to know her social skills are coming along nicely.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Kami Said

This morning I called Kami in to curl her hair. It took her a second, but when she finally showed up she said
"sorry mom, I was starring at the boys."
(we are babysitting 2 little boys right now)
Kami then continues with
"I like to stare at boys mom. It's fun. Sometimes you just like to stare at things because it's fun. Sometimes you don't. But me, I just like to stare at boys."

Follow that up immediately with this comment:
"Mommy, why does your tummy look like that?" (as she pokes me in the stomach)
"It just does Kami"
"But why is it fat?"
"It just is Kami"
"I thought you weren't going to have another baby yet?"
"I'm not Kami."
"Well then, if you're not having a baby, why is your tummy fat?"
"It just is Kami."

In completely unrelated news: I've decided to start a diet...

Monday, October 12, 2009

School Pictures '09

Kami brought home her school pictures today. Isn't she the cutest?!Got to love her "smile". (By the way, that is a perfectly legitimate Kami smile.)

By the by, something I just noticed last night at dinner, Baby Girl has a dimple. Right below her lips.
Cute stuff.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Supposing I could remember...

I composed this blog post in my mind last night... when I was supposed to be sleeping (read: when I couldn't sleep) I do that a lot; compose blog posts in the wee hours of the night, as I lay in bed begging the cogs in my brain to stop spinning ... stop worrying ... stop just thinking, of important things and nonsense. So instead of thinking about weighty financial "stuff" (imagine me throwing my arms in the air in a "bah" like, fiddle on the roof "tradition!" sort of way when I say stuff - hence the quotation marks) and never ending chore lists and stressures, I have trained my brain to think of fluff, such as blog posts and home decorating. Unfortunately, the later keeps my brain just as wide awake as the former.
Last night was a rough back and forth struggle between the important, the pressing, the imaginative, and the thoughtful thoughts.
Here is what won out:

Supposing I could remember to tell myself the following about child rearing:

Messes: Children make messes. Emphasis on children. These past two months I have felt an extreme connection to the mess in my house. Meaning, it is all I think about 24/7. It drives me crazy. I base my worth on it.
Two weeks ago I suppose my mind and heart were at a place where they were ready to hear an important truth. I was on my knees scrubbing endless finger prints and muck off my walls (at exactly the same height as my littlest). When the words "children make messes" came to me. But this time, instead of the emphasis being on the messes, the emphasis was on the children.
I thought of little Landon, running from room to room giggling with sticky who knows what all over his hands. I thought of how little he was. How low to the ground these little hand smears were. And I thought of how grateful I was for him and his littleness.
There will come a time in my life when there are no messes because there are no children. I prefer not to think about it. I prefer, instead, to thank the Lord that I have the opportunity to clean up these messes because I have the opportunity to have these children.
...Supposing I could remember that.

Listen: Listen to my children. Listen to what they are saying to me.
Do you know how frustrating and disheartening it is to be ignored? I just thought of that. Do you know how often my children's voices and questions and stories just become background noise to me?
Cooper talks non-stop now. It's like a little button went off in his head a couple months ago and now his mouth never stops moving. Story after story, opinion after opinion, and a lot of nonsense ... wow. He will often say to me "Mommy, are you listening to me?"
Yesterday, I did.
I stopped
and I listened to him.
I don't know what he said, but it was glorious.
My little boy.
The animation in his eyes, his puffed up chest when he realized I was listening to him; really listening, the inflection in his voice.
He is a wonder.
My children are a beautiful wonder.
Each with distinct and incredible little personalities, likes, dislikes, passions, emotions, all beautiful and they want to share it, the wonder, the newness, the excitement... all of it, with me. I just need to listen.
Listen to my children.
Talk to my children, not at my children. To my children. Listen.
...Supposing I could remember that.

Hold: Yesterday I held my children. Individually. Embraced. Each. Child. What a blessing. To hold their little bodies with their arms firmly wrapped around me. Just transferring all the love I have to them in a single act of affection. Why don't I do that? Why don't I spent those few precious moments every night and just hold them? Just love them.
...Supposing I could remember that.

I love you: A week ago Kameryn asked me if I could tell her "I love you." Dagger. Did I not say that? I thought I said that? I say that now.
Every day, say I love you Kameryn. I love you Cooper. I love you Landon.
For everything you are. For everything you will become. For everything you are trying to be.
I love you.
...Supposing I could remember that.

Be Kind: There are two things that Brandon and I have discussed as the most important traits we would like to instill in our children. They are kindness and gratitude.
Be kind. I never imagined this would be a problem for me. Let alone that this would ever be a problem between my children and I. But, it must be said, and I must remember: choose kindness.
Choose to uplift, not belittle. Choose to praise, not to criticize. Choose to be kind.
Sometimes wrath is the quickest action to the surface, but only because you let it be. Choose kindness.
Choose to be kind in your discipline. Firm. but kind.
Remember that these children are the single most important people in your life. Remember that raising these children is the single most important thing you will ever do in your life. Choose to treat them kindly.
Be kind. Be kind first. Let it be the first action/response to the surface.
...Supposing I could remember that.