Tuesday, November 17, 2009

17. Kadon

Today I am grateful for my brother Kadon. I need not go into too many details lest I cry... but today, know that I am grateful for my brother Kadon.

Dear Kadon,
I love you.
Thanks for making me laugh. Thanks for loving my children... and my husband. Thank you for loving your family; our family. Thank you for loving my mom, and being her friend. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for caring about what happens in my day. Thank you for loving me.
Thank you for teaching me how to speak like a gansta ... and not making fun of me. Thank you for actually making fun of me. Thank you for teaching me how to be cool, I'm still learning obviously. Thank you for keeping me "up to date" on all that is music awesomeness. Thank you for treating me to spoon me when I came down to visit. Thanks for sitting with me on the swing just to talk to me. Thanks for all the funny stories. Thanks for having time for me.
Thank you for teaching us how to be kind and truly care about others. Thank you for teaching us how to be compassionate. Thank you for your example of love and service, faith, and righteousness. Thank you for being a man anyone would be proud to know. Thank you for being a man I am very proud to know.

I will miss you. Probably more than I should. Know that I am proud of you, that I look up to you, and that I honestly thank my Father in Heaven everyday for my friendship with you and your pressence in my life.
Have fun in the Ukraine. You will rock this mission!
I love you, little brother,

Kadon, today, and everday, I am grateful for you.
miss you already bud.

Friday, November 13, 2009

13. Productivity

I am an absurd procrastinator by nature. Nothing cracks my work ethic into high gear like a deadline. So today, I am grateful for productivity. I am grateful for work to keep my idle hands busy. I am grateful for the feeling of empowerment that comes from working hard and accomplishing what you set your mind out to do (even if you will just be repeating it again in the very near future.) I am grateful that as a mother there is always plenty for me to do. I am grateful for the excitement that comes when you know you are just about to finish that monstrous task you've been working on all day. And, to top it all off, I am grateful that my motivation for getting everything done today is something as awesome as seeing my family.

and that is what I am grateful for today.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

12. Sight

Today I am grateful for my contacts. True statement: without my contacts I can't see one foot in front of my face. I am grateful for the miracle of sight. I am grateful for the advancements in science (even if they are centuries old) that let me see my children's faces. I am grateful for the joy and the blessing it is to see the creations of God all around me.
and that is what I am grateful for today.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

11. Husband

You knew it was coming, didn't you? You didn't think that tiny little birthday message was my "I'm grateful for my husband post" did you? Sure hope not because here you go:
Today I am grateful for my husband. My best friend. My inspiration to be better. My confidant. My help mate. My love.
I am grateful for his selfless service to me, our children, my family, the church, his job, and all others he comes in contact with. I love that about him. I love that he has a desire to do well at all he does. I am grateful for his work ethic. I am grateful for his quirks. I am grateful for his handsome face (and body).
I am grateful that I get to see him each day and lay next to him each night. I'm grateful I get to hear his voice; listen to his stories. I'm grateful he wants to tell me things. I'm grateful he wants to share his life with me. I'm grateful he tries his hardest to be the best he can be and yet is still patient with me when I'm not the best I can be. I am grateful that he does all he can to make my life easier. I am grateful for his desire to make my life better. I am grateful he wants to be my friend. He listens to my dreams, he helps me fulfill them, and, when necessary, he helps me pick new dreams. I am grateful for that. He helps calm my fears. I am grateful for that. He picks up on cues I don't even know I am sending. I am grateful for that. And when I drop the ball, he is there to pick it up. I am grateful for that...
I am grateful that he wants to be a good husband, a good father, and a good son. But more than anything, I am grateful he wants to be mine.

Dear Brandon, I love you. I want to marry you so I can be with you forever and ever. (oh wait... still true.)

Dear Husband, you are what I am grateful for today

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

10. Blog

Today I am grateful for my blog. Roughly 2 1/2 - 3 years ago my friend Gwen called me on the phone and said "Brittany, you have to try this, you will love it." And, of course, she was right. I am so grateful for a space to store my thoughts. But more than anything, with my old age, I am grateful for a place to remember my thoughts. I have been blessed multiple times to look back over my blog and read the things that I've written, the memories we've made, our funny stories, our hard times, etc. It's amazing how quickly I can forget those things but I am grateful that I have it here. Stored on our little blog.
Blogging makes me take pictures. Blogging keeps me in touch with my family "far" away. Blogging helps me remember my blessings.

and that is what I am grateful for today.

Monday, November 9, 2009

I would like to dedicate this song to my darling Cooper...

Tonight I "read" a book to the kids that consisted of silly new lyrics to familiar tunes. When I came to this song I immediately thought of Cooper. I love this little boy so gosh darn much and this song only made me love him more. I'm sure the days I am dealing with these "happy moments" I feel more like screaming than singing... but today isn't one of those days, and today I am thoroughly grateful for my little menace.

I'm a Menace
(to the tune of "Frere Jacques")

I'm a menace
I played tennis
In my house
In my room
Didn't know a racket.
Could hit a lamp and crack it.
I smell doom
In my room!

Life is rocky
I played hockey
Against Clyde
While inside
Scored- and broke a window
Now I feel the wind blow
While inside
Gotta hide!

I was naughty
Did karate
I showed Ben
In the den
Thanks to all my chopping
We're VCR-shopping
For the den
Once again

I'm athletic
It's pathetic
Mom gets sore
More and more
Though it's aggravating
Let's both go ice-skating
Kitchen floor
Fun galore!

words by Alan Katz

9. Dance Dance

Today I am grateful for dance parties.
Dance. Dance. Revoltions.
Today we turned on 80's dance music and rocked out as a family to Gloria Estefan, "Let's Hear it for the Boy", and some techno stuff that had us whipping out our mad robot dance moves. Let me tell you, it was impressive! I love my family. I love their crazy killer dance moves. You should see Kami bust a move... and Landon he knows how to get down with his bad self. Cooper is just crazy! Today Brandon layed on the couch and wiggled his bum to the beat. (he will die of moritfication when he reads this...) But I loved every minute. I have the dance skills of a cardboard box, but I still love to groove with my darling family. Being a family is the best. Spending an hour before dinner singing our hearts out while we dance around like maniacs in our living room ... with the blinds open... is the best. Good times.

and that is what I am grateful for today.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

8. Sunday Dinner

Today I am grateful for Sunday dinner eaten around the table. I am grateful for how "fancy" and very Sunday jello tastes. I am grateful for happy memories of Sunday dinners eaten around the dinner table at my childhood home. I am grateful for family.
And that is what I am grateful for today.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

7. In-Laws

Today I am grateful for my in-laws, mother, father, sisters and brothers. I am blessed to have in-laws that I love dearly and that like me back (or at least they are doing a good job at making me think they like me...)
But more than anything, I am grateful for in-laws that absolutely love my children and my children absolutely adore them back. That makes me happy.
I am grateful for a wonderful day spent with the family that grafted me in. A day spent boiling our innards in the hot pots at lava. My husband's best day ever.
We think it's just so wonderful to be together as a family.
Thank you Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Mandi
Thank you Aunt Mindi and Uncle Kaden
We love you whole bunches and are so grateful you choose to spend your day with us.

and that is what I am grateful for today.

Friday, November 6, 2009

6. Basics

Today I am grateful for the "basics". I am grateful for food to fill our bellies. Money to pay our bills. Laughter to fill our house. Clothes for our bodies.
I am grateful for a bed to go to sleep in. I am grateful for a tomorrow to wake up to. And, I am very grateful for a coat. (and a stylish one at that, I had a woman stop me in Costco today to tell me I had the cutest coat ever. I agreed with her, naturally.) Then, of course, I couldn't be grateful for my coat without being grateful for my beautiful sister, who teaches me daily what it truly means to use your blessings to give generously to others.

and that is what I am grateful for today.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

5. Fall Family Time

Today I am grateful for an hour this afternoon spent with the ENTIRE family (Daddy included)
raking leaves.
Jumping in leaves.
Sliding in leaves.
and an altogether leaf palooza.
I am grateful for a beautiful fall day, with a slight warm breeze. (can you say, windows open bliss.) I am grateful for the ache in my back from raking pounds and pounds of leaves. I am grateful for the joy on my kids faces as they swung on the swings. I am grateful for my husband's work ethic. I am grateful for my husband's rippling pectorals. I am grateful for our home. I am grateful for the pride of ownership in our home. I am grateful for the responsibility our home is.
And last, but certainly not least, I am grateful for a cleaner bathroom (This potty trained boy is KILLING my bathroom's cleanliness. Seriously. Let's just say seat, floors, walls... nothing is safe from this boy's sharp shooter.) and a new and installed toilet seat, without pink nail polish and rusty hinges.

and that is what I am grateful for today.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

4. Best Friend

Today I am grateful for my best friend. My handsome Husband. My birthday man.
Brandon Bowen is my most favorite person in the whole world. He is kind. He is funny. He is patient. He is dedicated. He is forgiving. He is silly. He is friendly. He is brave. He is strong. He is dead sexy. He is mine.

and that is what I am grateful for today.

Happy Birthday Muffin!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

3. Giggles

Today I am grateful for the afternoon giggles with Cooper. For a little boy who picks up his messes when I ask him (woot! woot! Cooper) And for a house that is maintaining it's state of mostly clean.
And that is what I am grateful for today.

Monday, November 2, 2009

2. Throw up

Today I am grateful that when my 1 1/2 year old got sick and threw-up all over the floor, he threw-up on the kitchen linoleum and not on his father's lap, where he had previously been residing, my family room carpet, my couch, or worse yet, my chest where he was just minutes before. Dodged a bullet there. And for that, I am grateful.
I am also grateful for my family's giggles coming from the couch while they watch tom and jerry. My family's laughs are the greatest!
And that is what I am grateful for today.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

1: Testimony

Today I am grateful for the knowledge that I have a Father in Heaven who has a desire to hear me. I am grateful for the comfort this brings into my life. I am grateful that regardless how trivial my current trial or worry or stress may be, it always matters to my Father in Heaven because it matters to me.
I am grateful for the knowledge that my Father in Heaven cares about me, my life, and my family. I am grateful for the peace that comes from being able to pray to my Father in Heaven and I am grateful for the blessings that He so abundantly pours into my life. I am grateful that His comfort and blessings are there for the asking. I am grateful for my knowledge that God is good. I am grateful for the opportunity and the blessing to have faith in Him and His goodness and mercy towards me.
I am also grateful for music and the peace and comfort it gives me. When the days are long and hard, or my spirit is particularly weary, or lost, or empty... I sit at the piano and sing as I play through the hymns. There is so much joy, peace, and understanding to be found in the hymns. It is very really one of my favorite places to find the Spirit of the Lord. On days I don't feel as though I can pray (for one reason or another) I sing and find myself praying through music. I am grateful for music. I am grateful for the gift and talent that has been given to me by a gracious Lord that allows music to be such an integral part of my life. I have a testimony of the power of music and I am grateful I have the opportunity to share my testimony through music.

And that is what I am grateful for today.
my current favorite hymns for comfort and peace
Hymn 124 Hymn 104 Hymn 127 Hymn 98 Hymn 129
Click on the link to be directed to the words and music for each hymn.

The Spooks!

Grandma Hatch made Kami her beautiful Belle dress for her birthday. She most definitely felt like a princess and was very excited.

Cooper was Kami's knight in shining armor. Very Very Cute stuff.

And here is our little dragon. Cooper got himself pummeled a couple times for calling him a dragonfly. His sister is very particular when it comes to Halloween costumes apparently.

Landon wouldn't hold still very long. suprise. So this is the best we got of the three of them together.

Little Cooper spent the majority of the night like this. His helmet kept falling over his eyes and he couldn't see a thing.

This was my Halloween costume this year. I made it for my annual Haunted piano recital. I figured it was about time I dressed up. Now, I have gotten a lot of flack about not smiling. Let me explain that Kami took this picture and this is the best we got so deal with it.

Here is our handsome daddy in his annual Halloween costume "Exhausted Fieldman" I couldn't get him to stand in front of the red sheet. (actually I didn't even try. I figured he'd say no.)

Kami with her cat pumpkin.

Cooper with his pirate ship. This pumpkin was bigger than him (in case you can't tell)

Landon with his spider... and a hot dog mummy in his mouth. Goob.

Kami wanted to be sure to include a Happy Halloween wish from our family to yours. So here it is:

The Halloween Holiday

Happiness all around. This year we tried to jam all our fun Halloween activities into two days because Daddy wanted to be a part of them and harvest didn't calm down enough until Friday. So... Friday we made eyeballs and Goblin Grub. Spicy chicken fingers and spinach dip for dinner.
And then we carved our pumpkins. Kami wanted a cat, Cooper a pirate ship (naturally) and it was agreed upon by the older two that Landon most definitely wanted a spider. Brandon gutted them all and then I went to work carving "masterpieces". By the time I reached Cooper pirate ship, I handed the dirty work over to our friend Janice. I didn't buy lights so you don't get pics of them lit up...

Then Saturday we did pumpkin shaped pancakes and scrambled brains for breakfast. Jumpimg in leaves for afternoon fun. Mummies and Halloween jello jigglers for lunch.
here the kids are making their mummies for lunch.

And then trunk-or-treat, trick-or-treating, chili and visiting friends to round the nights off. We had plans to do sugar cookies as well but the clock ran out of time (silly clock)

The kids, of course, adored the trunk or treat (massive amounts of free candy...what's not to love?) And I adored the trick-or -treating. Completely nostalgic. And those little costumed kids running from door to door is the absolute cutest thing ever.I forgot to put Landon down for a nap. So poor little Landon fell asleep the second he hit the truck and slept through the entire trunk-or-treat. He is the main reason we went trick-or-treating afterwards. The big kids definitely didn't need any more candy but Landon only had an empty bag. It didn't take the boy long to figure it out though. After the first house handed him candy just for looking at them he glady trucked his way right up to every other doorstep, treat bag in hand. So adorable! Of course, once they gave him his candy, he never wanted to actually put it in his bag. I'd hold it open for him and say "Landon put your candy in here." He would just grip it tighter and look at me like "are you crazy mom?" I'm sure he ate almost as much wrapper as he did candy.
All in all it was a very enjoyable night spent with people we love (our Daddy especially, we have sure missed him) and... wait for it... we have yet to experience Halloween meltdown 2009. We'll cross our fingers and hope it doesn't happen.