Tonight, however, it is not my inability to shut off my brain that has me sitting staring at an absurdly bright computer monitor. I have an entirely different reason to be up so late ... potstickers. curse you!
Apparently it's not the best idea to eat them at 11:00 at night. I'm just saying...
Let it be known, I blame my father. He fostered my love for late night eating. If it weren't for him I would have no desire to snack past 7:30 (that's the reasonable time Oprah says to put away all food lest you gain 11 million pounds. I should have listened to Oprah.)
So, what does one do when one has an upset tummy... blog. Naturally.
Earlier today something happened that was so adorable my initial reaction was "This must be blogged!" The problem was, I couldn't wrap my brain around how best to describe it.
In fact, I still can't.
Descriptive writing has never exactly been my strong point, I'm not so good at creating pictures. And, well, this was one of those moments that could quite possibly be a "you just had to be there" kind of thing.
But, as I lay in bed with an owie tummy I figured, might as well give it a shot. After all, it was quite possibly one of the best mommy moments of the year and it is definitely something I want to remember FOREVER.
So, bear with me. I promise to not dazzle you with my descriptive writing prowess. But my mom will probably think it's cute. (and she's almost my number one reader.)
So here is how it went down.
Cooper had just been put in time out for playing monkey bars on the bunk bed. (It's going to happen people. If you get bunk beds your children are going to think they are monkeys... deal.)
Landon had just climbed up on my lap
and he had a bone to pick.
With his father.
Apparently Landon thought a serious injustice had just been served. Apparently what Cooper had just attempted was not to be punished, but admired - nay reverenced.
So, there Landon sat, on my lap, yelling profanities at his father for putting Cooper in time out. (okay, not really... but one never really does know.) Most of what I got was poked out lips and "No Dad! Toopa no ie out!" and then with a very serious and completely stern look on his face another "No!" for good measure.
And, in between all this, he would take a break from putting his father in his place to turn to me and tell me just how amazing he thought his brother was. His eyes would get all big and his face would get really animated. He kept waving his arms in big circles and saying Cooper's name with such pride and admiration. I could tell he was trying to tell me what really cool tricks Cooper had been doing on the bunk beds. He was definitely impressed with his brother's monkey skills. It was adorable, he was getting his whole body into it.
Well, all the while this is going on Cooper is in time out completely distraught. So I turned to Cooper and said
"Cooper, Landon thinks your a super hero! He thinks you're so cool!"
I mean, at this point it was very apparent that Landon thought his brother was the coolest thing in the entire world. So, naturally, Landon is on my lap heartily agreeing.
But despite that encouragement, Cooper kept on screaming and I figured he was far too upset to be listening to what I was saying.
Well, eventually Cooper gets out of time out and a little later bed time rolls around. The kids are sent to get pajamas on and Cooper comes out in just his underwear.
"Is that what you are going to wear to bed?"
"Yep." ... Cool beans.
Suddenly Cooper, in nothing but undies, starts running around the house,
his arms outstretched like he is an airplane,
spinning and jumping off furniture.
He pauses briefly, looks at me and states, in a matter of fact tone (as if to explain his sudden larger than life attitude) "Landon thinks I'm the coolest." and with a little nod of his head, as if he's just spoken irrefutable Bible doctrine he's off, soaring through the house again.
And that, my friends, is why being a mother is the absolute best thing in the entire world.
Believe it.
Landon had just climbed up on my lap
and he had a bone to pick.
With his father.
Apparently Landon thought a serious injustice had just been served. Apparently what Cooper had just attempted was not to be punished, but admired - nay reverenced.
So, there Landon sat, on my lap, yelling profanities at his father for putting Cooper in time out. (okay, not really... but one never really does know.) Most of what I got was poked out lips and "No Dad! Toopa no ie out!" and then with a very serious and completely stern look on his face another "No!" for good measure.
And, in between all this, he would take a break from putting his father in his place to turn to me and tell me just how amazing he thought his brother was. His eyes would get all big and his face would get really animated. He kept waving his arms in big circles and saying Cooper's name with such pride and admiration. I could tell he was trying to tell me what really cool tricks Cooper had been doing on the bunk beds. He was definitely impressed with his brother's monkey skills. It was adorable, he was getting his whole body into it.
Well, all the while this is going on Cooper is in time out completely distraught. So I turned to Cooper and said
"Cooper, Landon thinks your a super hero! He thinks you're so cool!"
I mean, at this point it was very apparent that Landon thought his brother was the coolest thing in the entire world. So, naturally, Landon is on my lap heartily agreeing.
But despite that encouragement, Cooper kept on screaming and I figured he was far too upset to be listening to what I was saying.
Well, eventually Cooper gets out of time out and a little later bed time rolls around. The kids are sent to get pajamas on and Cooper comes out in just his underwear.
"Is that what you are going to wear to bed?"
"Yep." ... Cool beans.
Suddenly Cooper, in nothing but undies, starts running around the house,
his arms outstretched like he is an airplane,
spinning and jumping off furniture.
He pauses briefly, looks at me and states, in a matter of fact tone (as if to explain his sudden larger than life attitude) "Landon thinks I'm the coolest." and with a little nod of his head, as if he's just spoken irrefutable Bible doctrine he's off, soaring through the house again.
And that, my friends, is why being a mother is the absolute best thing in the entire world.
Believe it.