Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Cute Costumes

Here is Kamey G. as a mouse. Check out that total Bowen cheeser!
Here are the two kids. Cooper went as a bear. (Actually, it is just a bunting we got at Old Navy to keep him warm. Fortunately for us, it has bear ears!) There wasn't too much excitement going for Halloween. We missed all the trunk or treats and the carnival at the middle school didn't have much for little tykes. However, Kameryn did get a hot dog at a neighbors. She also went trick or treating at about 5 houses. Not much of a haul but she thought it was awesome. She practically skipped to and from every house. Next year, I think we are going to do a progressive dinner type trick or treating experience. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. Your kids' are so cute! I love their Halloween costumes.
