Sunday, December 10, 2006

Knowledge of a God

Today in church the missionaries spoke. (First of all we are so excited to have the new batch of missionaries. The spirit they bring is so entirely different to that we've had in the past.) Anyway, we have a missionary from Maddagascar who gave a wonderful talk. In fact, it may be because I haven't had the opportunity to stay in my meetings much lately (mother's lounge), but today was one of the first days I can remember being so aware of the spirit in a meeting. So this Elder was talking about how the church found him in Maddagascar and how he was converted. Anyway, he saw the missionaries and was intrigued by their countenances and their knowledge of his language. So he decided he would meet with them on his own even though his parents weren't interested.
The more he learned the more he loved and the angrier his parents got. They told him if he continued to see the missionaries they would kick him out. So he got kicked out of his house. He then went on to tell us how he didn't know what was going to happen to him, where he would live, what he would eat, etc. But he said it didn't matter to him because he knew something now that made all his sacrifices insignificant. He knew there was a God and he knew this same God loved him.
That really touched me. How often do we complain of our circumstances and loose sight of the blessings that abundantly surround us. And, not only that, how often do we count our knowledge of a Heavenly Father who loves us among our greatest blessing.
Anyway, I just wanted to share his testimony and add to it mine. I know there is a God. I know He is my Father. I know He loves me. Not only this, but I know we have a God who has been preparing a way for us from the beginning. I often think of the Book of Mormon and how much love our Father in Heaven had for not only those people of that day, but the people of this day, you and I. The book was preserved for our day, to help us. But more than anything, everytime I read it I am amazed at the love of our Heavenly Father for His children. It reaffirms that we have a Father in Heaven who loves us unceasingly, forgives us unceasingly, and has laid out a path for us to return to Him. How awesome is that! I know lately I have gotten more and more involved in the workings of the church (callings, church attendance, etc.) and lost track of the purpose. I find myself complaining about church more than I look forward to it. And I would like to apologize to those who have fallen victim to my complaining and bad attitude. This is something I am ashamed of. God lives, I know He does. I know this is his church. I know its teachings are true. And, I know that by living its precepts my life will not only be better, it will be easier. Not because the trials will go away, but because the perspective will change. My testimony of God is the most precious thing I have. This young missionaries faith struck a cord in me. It helped re-affirm what I already knew but had forgotten in my haste to put everything else first. I am blessed with so much.

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