Also on Kameryn's agenda of mayhem yesterday was to make a really big mess. So, of course she recruited her brother. Snack time posed the perfect opportunity. An unsuspecting mother had given them graham crackers and milk. Cooper didn't get any milk because 1, he's little, and 2, he has a really bad skin allergy to milk (and milk products). Kameryn had to make snack time fair (or messy, I haven't yet decided her motives) and so she dumped her milk on Cooper's tray. Cooper immediately began splashing - what fun! And sooner then I had time to react, milk covered my son, my table, my mirror, my window, my floor, and yes, even the host of this little reality show, Kami Bami. She, of course was not pleased and so she started screaming/whining. Cooper couldn't decide what he was. The milk was beginning to sting and so he was screaming. Yet, simultaneously he continued splashing.
Of course, due to Cooper's allergy, immediate action had to be taken (otherwise, I might have paused briefly for a blogging photo op). Cooper was plunged into a bath and given benadryl. He still broke out in hives, all down his legs, chest and arms. His eyes also puffed up and surrounding face sported it's share of red bumps. luckily, it cleared up fast.
We also had a bubble fiasco, play-doh escapade, etc. I am just looking at how long this blog is getting so we are going to stop here. By the way, if any of you are wondering how I fared yesterday, I got the kids rooms and bathroom deep cleaned, as well as the hallway, and the dining room. That means I only have 4 rooms or so left and only 6 loads of laundry (I lost track of how many loads I did yesterday, I just know it was a lot.) I guess we will see what kinds of mayhem we will get today. Cooper's thrown-up on the carpet already and Kam and Wyatt made a good mess out of a bag of popcorn. At least today I am prepared for the backlash that should come as I try to clean.
This is just a random pic of Cooper helping himself to the yogurt Kameryn left about. (She does this all the time, I find random yogurt containers all through the house. Most of the time they are empty, but on fortunate days like this one, she leaves them full.) This little rendezvous ended with yogurt all over the carpet. We are probably going to have to replace the carpet when we move out..we are so not carpet people.
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