I was a little hesitant to put another movie review on the blog, just because last time the picture didn't turn out and I had to look at the ugly "orangeness" for a week until I finally updated (lame reason, I know) However, this photo seems to be working.
The other day we picked up Surf's Up at the library and we LOVED it! So cute. It was done documentary style, which makes it enjoyable and funny for adults yet it still appeals on the cartoon level to children. And, I must say, way better than any of the other penguin movies out there (Blah on Happy Feet)
It has Shia LeBeouf and John Heder in it. I've always been a huge Shia LeBeouf fan, ever since Even Stevens. (Of course, I've only seen him in Even Stevens and Holes, but, in my opinion, that kid can act!)
So, if you haven't seen it, take a chance on it. Hopefully you won't be disappointed.
Shia LeBeouf was pretty much amazing in Transformers too. Actually I don't know if he was good in Transformers or if he seemed good because Transformers was awesome... Oh well, I enjoyed "Surf's Up" too. You should probably have something awesome happen in your life because your last few blogs have been pretty lame. I would even be alright if you completely made something up, as long as it was interesting. Just think about it :)