Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Difference Between Girls and Boys

Okay, this is not the difference, it is just a difference, but a difference just the same.
Cooper wanted to play stuffed animals with Kami. She wasn't interested and so I told him I would play with him. I picked the little stuffed puppy up and said "ruff, ruff. Hi Cooper, my name is Ruff." He just looked at me, suspicious like and so I tried again. This time I threw in a "Do you want to play with me?" for good measure. Again, he just stared at me. Then he picked up his little stuffed cow and I thought "Hey, we are getting somewhere."
Then he smacked me with the stuffed cow and laughed.
(Actually he smacked Kami because she was standing right next to me. His aim isn't to good when he is swinging.) Then he did it again, and laughed.
Apparently this was considered a good time. Apparently, if you are a boy, this is how you play with stuffed animals. Good to know. Kami likes role-play, Cooper likes smack down.
I should have known. When we play trucks, Cooper doesn't like to race around the room saying vroom vroom. (I thought boys liked that?!) Nope, he likes to say vroom vroom and then ram his truck into yours.

As long as I live I think boys will be a mystery.

(added later) Okay when I said that this wasn't the difference I didn't mean THE difference, I simply meant this isn't the one and only difference, just one I had observed. Just wanted to clarify...I do know the difference (anatomically speaking) between boys and girls.


Do you know how some people uncontrollably snort when they get laughing too hard? Well, when Kami gets really angry, and I mean really, really angry, she squaks. Seriously. She looks straight at you and "SQUAK!!" followed by a deadly, "do not test me" stare. I think she just gets so upset that she doesn't know what else to do, or what words to say. She is so frustrated she just squaks. Then she glares, to make sure you get the message.
It doesn't make her happy if you laugh at her. It's pretty hard not to laugh when you have just been so seriously squaked at.... I'll try harder next time.
This is something I want to remember.


We watch a show on food network called Diner's Drive-In's and Dives (Highly recommend it for yummy food viewing) The host's name is Guy Fiette (I am not sure about the spelling on the last name) He is hilarious, definitely not your typical food network host.
Anyway, he has this saying (actually a couple) that he says when things are exceptionally yummy; "winner winner chicken dinner" (he also says "that's money") We have started saying it in our house without really realizing it, until, of course, Kami repeated it this afternoon.
When they were racing to their bedroom (for naps, no less, AMAZING!) Kami called out "winner winner chicken dinner!" HILARIOUS!! What a funny goop! My favorite, albeit unrighteous, was that she continued to call out "winner winner chicken dinnner" while Cooper screamed from his crib "No! No! No!"

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Kami Said...

Kam: Mom, why is your tummy so big?
Me: Because, I had a baby.
Kam: It's squishy....and lumpy.

Gee...thanks. (Is having a baby still an excuse for having a "big squishy" tummy when it's been 4 months? Let's just tell ourselves it is.)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hot Fun

(Do you remember that song from the movie My Girl, "Hot fun in the summer time..."?)
Here we are partying it up old school in our plastic pool on the front lawn. What a great day to be a mom. I sometimes forget how absolutely adorable my children are. I wish I could spend more of my time just watching them play. Too much joy for words.
Warning, there will be A LOT of pictures. he, he. The water was a little cold. Kameryn is such a ham for the camera these days.Kami took this pic of Landon. Look at them laughing.


Two not so fun milestones Cooper has reached. Number one coincides with number two so I will post them in that order:
  1. Cooper can now open doors....yay!
  2. Cooper can unscrew the lids off of bottles of fluid....yay!
So what this means for you, aka me, is that shutting the bathroom door so Cooper won't get into things he shouldn't no longer works. In addition, things in the bathroom, such as shampoo, lotion, gripe water, spray bottles, etc. that were not a problem before, are now a problem. (keep in mind, toothpaste, makeup, and soap were always a problem. Hence the reason we shut the bathroom door.)
Not sure about our course of action now. Maybe we should demolish our bathroom and get used to peeing outside. I'm sure our neighbors wouldn't mind.

The First Time...

Okay, if you haven't heard it yet, check out the song "The First Time, Ever I Saw Your Face" playing on my little music thing. This version is sung by Leona Lewis (Bleeding Love), and I am a fan. It is best if you turn your speakers on to blaring. (That way you can sing along, be extremely mediocre and not ruin it, at least that is what I do...Man, I wish I had the skills to pull it off. I am just grateful that some people do, and they make records.)
Anyway, just thought you would like to know.
Randomly, I am a Taylor Swift fan right now. Also check out Invisible and Picture to Burn. Picture to Burn makes me fun.

Body Love

Here is a little explanation into these videos. On Monday we were out playing in the pool when out of the blue Kami started the little dance pictured in the first video. (If you listen closely, when she gets closer to the camera you can here her singing "I love my feet. I love my feet.")
Once she climbed into the pool the song evolved to "I love my head" (insert head bob) then "I love my knees" (insert knee wiggles) and finally "I love my whole body" (insert videos number 2 and 3) I tried to get one of her singing while dancing, unfortunately instead of hitting the record button on the camera, I hit the off button....smooth. My favorite, check out that little bum wiggle. I'm not sure, is that Polynesian or Hispanic? (Not that she can claim any Hispanic blood, but check out those moves, she can shake it!) Heaven knows she didn't get it from me.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Prayer Police

So, Cooper poked Landon in the eye last night...nice
Apparently, closing your eyes when it's time for prayers is a big deal to the little guy.
We'll see if Landon learned his lesson....poor baby.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Yep, he's that cute!
(This is what we call the "goo" face)

Seriously, if perfection were bundled up in a baby, wouldn't he be it?

I see Hatch in him in this picture. I've never seen it before, but maybe...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Road Analogy

For those of you who don't believe Kami talks (because you have never heard her) I relate this story. Here is a little background: lately all "good" advice comes from Jesus. Things such as, clear your dish, is interpreted as "Do you know what Jesus tells us, He says we should always put our plate in the dishwasher." We roll with it. (That one we took the cleanliness is next to Godliness route.)
So today,
Oh wait, one more explanation, when playing outside it is Kameryn's responsibility to make sure Cooper stays in the yard and doesn't go near the road. She takes this job very seriously.
So today, Kami comes in from playing outside with death on her mind. Here is the "conversation" verbatim. (I say "conversation" because really it was one-sided, I just soaked it all in.)

"Mommy, do you know what Jesus says? He says we should be careful when we play outside and not go in the road. Because we could get run over and break our legs. And Cooper would go in the road and he would die. And I would go in the road to get him and I would die. And you would go in the road and die. And Daddy would come in the road and die. And he's to little, he can't walk. Then we all would be dead in the road. And do you know what, that would be really so sad."

(So morbid so young?)
Randomly, my favorite new little thing she does is she talks with her hands. So imagine little hand shrugs every now and then. Too cute.

Shaken; not Stirred

Fun thing about having piano students; there are more "kid's say the darndest things" moments. Take for instance Thursday's piano student, Kimbree. Upon completion of her lessons she was gazing at our family photos on the wall. She looked at Brandon's picture and then straight at Brandon (who was sitting on the couch) "You look just like James Bond!"
Sweet! Every man's dream, to be compared to James Bond. Kimbree even had to get the movie case out and hold it right up to his face to ensure us all of the resemblance.
Funny thing, Kimbree is only 6. I didn't know they made James Bond fans so young. (Don't worry, they don't. Apparently her father is a HUGE James Bond fan and has been watching Casino Royale every 3-4 days. Funny.)
Here is a pic so you can all see the resemblance: know, I kind of see it? How funny! I think the best thing about it is, (well first, let it be know that I am definitely NOT a Bond fan.) but, casino royale, and the new bond, whatever his name may be, happen to be my favorite bond. Fun, fun. Another fun fact, Brandon came home from seeing this movie and couldn't wait for me to watch it with him, said the main girl in it reminded him of me. (I think it was the dark hair, green eyes thing...I didn't see the resemblance) So there we have it, the two of us, stars in a James Bond film, or at least body doubles. Who would have thought we were such beautiful people?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Deal or No Deal

Ahh Cooper. I'm not sure how much sleep the child got, I'm sure it was very little. But, suffice it to say, it was not enough.
Earlier today I casually mentioned to Cooper that he would not be able to play "tools" until he picked up the crayons. He had what can only be described as, well, we'll call it a complete meltdown. Thrashing of limbs, screaming uncontrollably, you know, meltdown.
When Cooper doesn't get his way, he attacks me. Sort of. He runs after me and grabs hold of my leg and then won't let go. I'm not sure what the purpose is, or the result he is going for. It really resembles a hug. Were it not for the incessant screaming I might think "Aw, how cute. My baby loves me." Yeah, I'm pretty sure thats not what he's trying to tell me. (It is rather funny.)
Well, during said meltdown, Kami looks at me and says "I don't know whats his deal." Followed by, "I think he learned it from you."

For the record - I don't throw temper tantrums.

Fun Kami fact: Her vocabulary has gotten rather familiar...almost like someone else says it all the time. hmmm... Her latest "Oh my gosh." (we are working on changing that one to goodness) and "Oh shoot, oh shoot, oh shoot!" Too cute coming from a 3 year old who has no idea why one says something like that.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Day of the Moms

Making the decision to be a mom is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. (Quote source unknown. But it's nice just the same.)

All my love to the mothers in my life: So mom, mom (in-law), sisters, aunts, grandmas, and friends: Happy Mother's Day! I love you and want you to know that I learn new and wonderful things about motherhood and womanhood from you every time we are together. (Even if it is only on the phone.) Thanks for the inspiration to be better, to love deeper, and to try harder. Thank you for doing what you do everyday.

For my mom: I found this quote and liked it. I thought of you.

All I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. - Abraham Lincoln.
Love you.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

My Greatest Blessings Call Me Mom

Happy mother's day! I have an undying urge to post about my sweet little ones (surprise). Here are some of the fun times/events/sayings they are bringing into my life. I love being a mother! (I now realize this will sub post back to the day I originally started it.. oh well.)

Kameryn:When did she turn 15? Honestly! So, her latest can be described as defiant...possibly grouchy...definitely teenage behavior. Take for instance yesterday, she was trying to steal a toy from Cooper, I told her to knock it off. She looked at me, turned on her heels, stomped off to her room and then pivoted back only to scream at me "I am never going to watch this movie again! EVER!" Then she slammed the door. A couple times. (Their latch doesn't always work.) That little outburst has happened to me repeatedly this week. She doesn't get her way, she will scream whatever threat she can think of (usually "I am never going to play with you again! EVER!") and then she slams the door. She's three....(deep breath)
Honestly, though I definitely want to remember that, what I really want to remember is the way she and Cooper play together. Best of friends. Inseparable. She is always looking out for him. Making sure he gets his fair share. She is such a good helper with Landon. Watching her talk to him is enough to melt any mom's heart. She tells him stories, makes funny faces...I've even caught her changing his diaper. (That was adventuresome)
I love how for Kami, everything is now "the girls". (We are going to do this mom, because we are the girls) I know the way her eyes sparkle when it's time for family home evening and we tell her stories about Jesus. She is too cute! I love when she says to me "Hey, I have a good idea!" I don't even know how to describe her. She is wonderful!
Cooper:photo courtesy of Kami G. I love the artistic expression with the blurriness, and the shot in front of the window. Plus, Cooper's expression is priceless. Doesn't that face just scream "I'm the man!"
HOLY CRAP! (literally...) Cooper has come full swing into the search and destroy phase. Take for instance today. He dumped out a bag of goldfish crackers, all over the living room carpet and puppy porch. (The puppy porch is our enclosed front porch where Lulu used to reside. It seems like everyday this week Cooper has dumped something on the floor out there. On Sunday it was a full bag of BBQ chips. Yesterday was a bucket of animal crackers. Tuesday, a full tub of parmesan cheese - the expensive kind. And now today, a bag of goldfish crackers. Oh yes, I believe reese's peanut butter cups were the food of choice of Monday, or was it Tuesday... either way, that was a mess. Chocolate EVERYWHERE! I'm sure we have lost at least $15 worth of groceries to the puppy porch floor.) Back on track with today. While cleaning up the bucket of toys Cooper dumped out in his bedroom, Cooper took full advantage of my back being turned and unrolled a WHOLE roll of toilet paper in 45 seconds flat. It was strewn all over the bathoom, through his bedroom, over Kami's bed, wrapped around the covers, and back into the bathroom where the remaining half had been disposed of in the toilet. (On the bright side, he should be excellent at t.p.-ing. Very quick, very efficient...very quiet as well.) Lunch is a whole other story. I've included a picture. Ever see that happen in one meal? Yep, that was a first here as well. By the way, that is chocolate pudding, and rice... (I guess it's what I get for feeding Landon at lunch time... I'll learn.) Edited to say: this part of the post was written back whatever day I started this...Thursday? Anyway, since then, he has dumped a bag of tortilla chips on the floor and bean burrito. We got a break yesterday (Saturday) since we weren't home.
So, besides that...what I really want to remember about Cooper is the crazy throat grunt/laugh he makes when he is really excited. His little shimmies when he is dancing or even just sitting in his chair (TOO CUTE!) The way he screams in excitement over everything. (I'm pretty sure the child has only one volume: extremely loud.) His complete adoration for his sister, and his mommy...(depending on his mood) His love for all things cars, wrestling, and messy.
Which leads me to, I have never met a messier child in my life. I was doing laundry yesterday, I went through more stain spray than I have ever in my married life. That kid! Poor Landon won't have anything to wear at 2 because I am pretty sure Cooper will have sent it up in flames. Mud and dirt caked everywhere, holes in socks...filthy! Summer with this kid is going to kill us. I think I will send him out naked. What a boy! All this mess only makes me love him more. How does a little one get more "boy" then Cooper. I'm really not sure they make the boy flavor any stronger. What a hoot! So much love for him and his crazy antics! (His favorite word right now is "no!" 'Hey Cooper, I love you.' 'love you!' 'Hey Cooper...' 'No.' 'Hey Cooper' 'No.' ' Hey Cooper...' 'What??' 'Love you.' 'no.')
I think I have an obsession, and I think his name is Landon. I honestly cannot get enough of him. I don't remember staring at my other two as much as I stare at this one. (Of course, my other two didn't like me near as much...) Landon loves to talk to his mommy and his mommy loves to talk back...Brandon told me yesterday I was going to corrupt our child. He says I talk to him like a ghetto white gangster and our son is going to get beat up because he is going to think that is how you really talk... "fo shizzle"(... it's Kadon's fault)
I officially have my first thumb sucker, or fist sucker I should say. He is definitely a hit with the ladies, as all the YW want a piece of the Land-man. So much love for such a small bundle. I know I devote nearly 2 hours of each day staring at the child, cooing odd "gansta" phrases into his ears, kissing his cheeks, and being all sorts of annoying, in your face mommy. Never so much love... He has started a cute little belly laugh. He will break it out at the oddest, and most delightful, of times. One never expects it, but it is pure bliss. I think if I love him anymore I will explode.

Sorry for such a long post, but I have been thinking so many thoughts of my children lately. I didn't want to forget one single ounce of them. They truly are my reason for everything! There is no greater gift.
I love you babies! (Brandon, you're cool too.)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Shout Out! and {Memory Monday}

Just wanted to send out a little shout out to one of my favorite things (probably on the top of my list as far as "things" go, right after fall, of course.) RAIN! I woke up to a beautiful rainy day. It always lifts my spirits. Strange, I know... but rain makes me smile.
So, since I am giving a shout out, I might as well do a little {Memory Monday} to go along with it.

Rain: I am not exactly sure how long I have been a fan...I'm wondering if it has something to do with the fact that it always rained on my birthday. (Small side note: I used to complain that it always rained on my birthday. One year, my dad told me he would fix it. It was an absolutely beautiful rain -free day. About 8:00 that night, it started to rain. I didn't realize how much I loved, and looked forward to the rain until that moment. My dad said he did it just for me. I believe him.)
Anyway, back on track, when it used to rain, my brothers and I would run outside, barefoot of course, and dance in the cold-e-sac, making sure we splashed in all the puddles. After we were thoroughly soaked through, we would climb into the hot tub, clothes and all. Then we would treat ourselves to some homemade broccoli cheese soup. Rain was the best. (Fun times, fun times!)
My love for rain runs deep. I prayed and prayed for rain on my wedding day. It was the most beautiful overcast day and at the very end of our outdoor reception, it started raining. It was too perfect for words. Here Brandon and I are, dancing in he rain on our wedding day.
I guess whenever I see rain, it reminds me of how much my father, and my Father in Heaven love me. It reminds me of my family, it reminds me of basically it just reminds me of everything I love. Is that odd?
So, beautiful, beautiful day. Shout out to one of my favorite things in the whole world.

Monday, May 5, 2008

We are Crazy!

This is a typical night at our house, enjoy!


I was trying to get some pictures of the kids and I. Yeah, that was effective. I probably should have combed my hair, made myself presentable... but, of course I didn't. And now I am posting the pictures on the blog for all to see. That's conveniently stupid. Oh well, just look at my cute kids. Look at Landon's cute face. Cooper wasn't much for participating... Gotta love the Bami. Not a good picture of me, but adorable of the Bam.

How Cute is That

We are so proud of our new shrubs. We are spending the few (very few) spring like days fixing up our house on the outside. We now have 2 garden plots, shrubbery, and have filled up our gaping holes with dirt/compost. Now, if we could only kill all the dandelions... I'm pretty sure our grass to dandelion ratio is something like 2:100. (That is, if you can call what is on our lawn grass...which you probably shouldn't.)
Brandon has "fixed" the sprinklers every other day. They're fine. He just likes to check them, and then check them again, and then again, just to make sure. Today he edged the lawn. Fun times.
If the weather EVER warms up for good, we will get our steps fixed. Until then, at least our plantings and TLC makes it look like someone actually loves our little place. Because we do!
I think next week we will plant our garden, unless, of course, it snow again.

(Oh bummer, I can't find the pictures of our cute house. I'll post those later. Just imagine the lack of ghetto white trash-ness and the approach to respectability.)

A Little Late

...but this was our 1st day of May. 6 inches of snow is always convenient. It was beautiful though.

Oh, Cooper...

toothpaste...yep, that was fun.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Real Men Don't Wear Pants

Yes, it is true, tomorrow is No Pants Day. And like Brittany said, it is a real holiday. I don't truly know how it came about and am fearful to Google it because of what I may come across. I do know this much, No Pants Day has been around for a little over ten years and is a world-wide holiday. The first Friday of every May is officially No Pants Day (I suggest you mark it on your calendars). Right now you are probably wondering how I, being in school and all, am going to pull off not wearing pants. Well to be perfectly honest I'm going to "stick-it-to-the-man." Not really though, my plan is to wear compression shorts with a pair of over-sized boxers over the top. My only dilema now is trying to get out of the house with out my Mom freaking out...

I also invite everyone to participate in the joyous celebration that is No Pants Day. I do, however, realize that most people aren't as bold as I am. Because of this I will not shun you if you wear a skirt or a pair of shorts. So go out, have some fun and enjoy the breeze ;)

No Pants Day

It has come to my attention that tomorrow is no pants day. Officially. Exactly what my brothers need, an excuse to run around pantless. Wow. (I'm supposing this was the brain child of a man.) In this post, I am supposed to wow you with my wit, cunning sense of humor, and, undoubtedly my good looks. (Since things like that permeate through the text.)
In all seriousness, Kadon called, wanted me to post this. Says he's too busy golfing to bother hacking into my blog to do it himself, let alone, coming up with the gumption to create his own blog. (The fear of being placed in a "outkast" column, created specifically for him, must be deterrent enough.) Side thought, if he is golfing they must not be enjoying the 6" of snow we are...too bad for them.
Anyway, I told him I would start the post and hold space for his witty commentary. That way, when he finally got around to writing about it himself, he would have amble space...or something like that.
I am also to pass along the following:
Clinton, apparently my brother respects your wit and humor enough to allow you the esteemed pleasure of commenting, nay, posting on this very delicate and apparently sacred day of no pants. Have at it.
Kadon, one last reminder, when you do hack into my blog and replace this post with your own, keep it clean. We must maintain our G rated blog. Children are present. Oh, and Kadon, what are you going to do? Are you seriously going to go pantless? Maybe wear a skirt instead? DARE YOU!

And there you go, no pants day, officially. Anxiously await my brother's post.