Thursday, May 8, 2008

My Greatest Blessings Call Me Mom

Happy mother's day! I have an undying urge to post about my sweet little ones (surprise). Here are some of the fun times/events/sayings they are bringing into my life. I love being a mother! (I now realize this will sub post back to the day I originally started it.. oh well.)

Kameryn:When did she turn 15? Honestly! So, her latest can be described as defiant...possibly grouchy...definitely teenage behavior. Take for instance yesterday, she was trying to steal a toy from Cooper, I told her to knock it off. She looked at me, turned on her heels, stomped off to her room and then pivoted back only to scream at me "I am never going to watch this movie again! EVER!" Then she slammed the door. A couple times. (Their latch doesn't always work.) That little outburst has happened to me repeatedly this week. She doesn't get her way, she will scream whatever threat she can think of (usually "I am never going to play with you again! EVER!") and then she slams the door. She's three....(deep breath)
Honestly, though I definitely want to remember that, what I really want to remember is the way she and Cooper play together. Best of friends. Inseparable. She is always looking out for him. Making sure he gets his fair share. She is such a good helper with Landon. Watching her talk to him is enough to melt any mom's heart. She tells him stories, makes funny faces...I've even caught her changing his diaper. (That was adventuresome)
I love how for Kami, everything is now "the girls". (We are going to do this mom, because we are the girls) I know the way her eyes sparkle when it's time for family home evening and we tell her stories about Jesus. She is too cute! I love when she says to me "Hey, I have a good idea!" I don't even know how to describe her. She is wonderful!
Cooper:photo courtesy of Kami G. I love the artistic expression with the blurriness, and the shot in front of the window. Plus, Cooper's expression is priceless. Doesn't that face just scream "I'm the man!"
HOLY CRAP! (literally...) Cooper has come full swing into the search and destroy phase. Take for instance today. He dumped out a bag of goldfish crackers, all over the living room carpet and puppy porch. (The puppy porch is our enclosed front porch where Lulu used to reside. It seems like everyday this week Cooper has dumped something on the floor out there. On Sunday it was a full bag of BBQ chips. Yesterday was a bucket of animal crackers. Tuesday, a full tub of parmesan cheese - the expensive kind. And now today, a bag of goldfish crackers. Oh yes, I believe reese's peanut butter cups were the food of choice of Monday, or was it Tuesday... either way, that was a mess. Chocolate EVERYWHERE! I'm sure we have lost at least $15 worth of groceries to the puppy porch floor.) Back on track with today. While cleaning up the bucket of toys Cooper dumped out in his bedroom, Cooper took full advantage of my back being turned and unrolled a WHOLE roll of toilet paper in 45 seconds flat. It was strewn all over the bathoom, through his bedroom, over Kami's bed, wrapped around the covers, and back into the bathroom where the remaining half had been disposed of in the toilet. (On the bright side, he should be excellent at t.p.-ing. Very quick, very efficient...very quiet as well.) Lunch is a whole other story. I've included a picture. Ever see that happen in one meal? Yep, that was a first here as well. By the way, that is chocolate pudding, and rice... (I guess it's what I get for feeding Landon at lunch time... I'll learn.) Edited to say: this part of the post was written back whatever day I started this...Thursday? Anyway, since then, he has dumped a bag of tortilla chips on the floor and bean burrito. We got a break yesterday (Saturday) since we weren't home.
So, besides that...what I really want to remember about Cooper is the crazy throat grunt/laugh he makes when he is really excited. His little shimmies when he is dancing or even just sitting in his chair (TOO CUTE!) The way he screams in excitement over everything. (I'm pretty sure the child has only one volume: extremely loud.) His complete adoration for his sister, and his mommy...(depending on his mood) His love for all things cars, wrestling, and messy.
Which leads me to, I have never met a messier child in my life. I was doing laundry yesterday, I went through more stain spray than I have ever in my married life. That kid! Poor Landon won't have anything to wear at 2 because I am pretty sure Cooper will have sent it up in flames. Mud and dirt caked everywhere, holes in socks...filthy! Summer with this kid is going to kill us. I think I will send him out naked. What a boy! All this mess only makes me love him more. How does a little one get more "boy" then Cooper. I'm really not sure they make the boy flavor any stronger. What a hoot! So much love for him and his crazy antics! (His favorite word right now is "no!" 'Hey Cooper, I love you.' 'love you!' 'Hey Cooper...' 'No.' 'Hey Cooper' 'No.' ' Hey Cooper...' 'What??' 'Love you.' 'no.')
I think I have an obsession, and I think his name is Landon. I honestly cannot get enough of him. I don't remember staring at my other two as much as I stare at this one. (Of course, my other two didn't like me near as much...) Landon loves to talk to his mommy and his mommy loves to talk back...Brandon told me yesterday I was going to corrupt our child. He says I talk to him like a ghetto white gangster and our son is going to get beat up because he is going to think that is how you really talk... "fo shizzle"(... it's Kadon's fault)
I officially have my first thumb sucker, or fist sucker I should say. He is definitely a hit with the ladies, as all the YW want a piece of the Land-man. So much love for such a small bundle. I know I devote nearly 2 hours of each day staring at the child, cooing odd "gansta" phrases into his ears, kissing his cheeks, and being all sorts of annoying, in your face mommy. Never so much love... He has started a cute little belly laugh. He will break it out at the oddest, and most delightful, of times. One never expects it, but it is pure bliss. I think if I love him anymore I will explode.

Sorry for such a long post, but I have been thinking so many thoughts of my children lately. I didn't want to forget one single ounce of them. They truly are my reason for everything! There is no greater gift.
I love you babies! (Brandon, you're cool too.)


  1. what a precious tribute to your cute kiddos! Thanks for sharing!

  2. okay so after reading this I can't wait to see my kiddos this weekend! I already have so many fun ideas! See you soon!

  3. Brittany,

    KeiLani just pointed out to me that you still haven't put a picture and comment about Lanson on your right side. By the way, I love this picture.
