Monday, June 30, 2008

The ABC's of Dating

Being the blog stalker that I am... (I'm really not bad, honest) I found a GENIUS idea. This girl and her husband are doing Dating ABC's, which means, they started with the letter A and are working their way through the alphabet on dates. So, each letter gets a new date. (Going dancing on D, playing basketball on B, etc...)
So, BRILLIANT! How often do you want to go on a date with your hubby, but the same old dinner and a movie sounds, well LAME-O KA-BLAME-O? Or, you want to go on a date but have a brain fart as to what would be fun (and still affordable)? My favorite thing is, they aren't doing anything extravagant or expensive, just different, out of the ordinary routine. BRILLIANT! (That is my favorite word for this post.)
So, Brandon and I are embarking on the ABC's of Dating. Unfortunately, we are stuck at A... (and I want to get to C because I want to go canoe-ing and we just found out that some friends of ours have a canoe!!! We are going to go canoe-ing. That's right, CANOE-ING!! Fun, fun, FUN!!!)
So, of course I think A and immediately I am wanting to take an art class (how awesome would that be?!) yea...Brandon's not going for it. He's not going for an Art gallery either (I can think of other words beside art that start with an A, but come on, this girl wants some culture...)
So, here are our best ideas....(at least the ones we will agree on)
  • Argentina night - we will eat empanadas until we puke and then run around on the soccer field as Boca Juniors and the other Argentina team that Brandon has a jersey for... I don't remember their name, but in real life, they don't play against Boca Juniors because they aren't in the same league.
  • macaroni Art - the only art I could get Brandon to agree on. Well, that and sidewalk chalk.
  • Arcades - This is probably what we will end up doing. We LOVE arcades! However, since we love them, our last (and only) 3 dates have been to an it's not exactly something new and original.
You know what I wish we could do....Alligator wrestling, now that would be cool.
So, if you have some suggestions for the ABC's of dating, post your ideas here. (and it doesn't have to be for the letter A) maybe we will use one of your suggestions. I am excited! Please remember we are a young family, so the more family friendly (as in cost effective)the idea, the better.
(Of course, those of you who know me, know that I stayed up all night one night and made a list already of every possible thing we could do for each letter...yeah, I'm that messed up. But, sometimes your brain jumps over perfectly spectacular ideas. That is where you come in.)
Stay tuned for some fun.

Minty Fresh

Actually, it's "sparkle fun" fresh... Landon had a little help getting ready for church yesterday. Apparently babies need fresh breath too. Landon thought it was yummy.
(Look at that blond hair...??? It's not really blond in real life.)

Friday, June 27, 2008


So here it is people; my gangstaphrenia is giving me problems...You see, I cannot decide which word I prefer. It is a delicate problem. I am trying to pick a word for the people we know. Here are my options:
  1. posse - I don't know why, it's just a GREAT word. (Plus, it totally rocks in the free credit report dot com commercials: "my legs are sticking to the dash and my posse's getting laughed at." Funny funny. Great word) Here is my favorite definitions: A gang involved in crimes such as running guns and illegal narcotics trafficking. But it also means a group of friends or associates.
  2. entourage - never seen the show, but once again, GREAT word. It has an air of importance about it. (Don't you have to be fairly important to have an entourage...kind of like a celebrity...kind of like me...) Just think about it. Defintion: the group following and attending to some important person
  3. chums - it's kind of old school. reminds me of my chums/mates over in New Zealand. (Remember Graham, Gina??)
  4. peeps - Well, this one works with my little birdie header. (and it's short for people. I call people people all the time... he, he.)
  5. outkasts - REALLY KADON GET A BLOG! I can't have an outkast section until I can put you in there...everyone else might get offended.

Honestly, the biggest debate is posse vs. entourage. I might use both, one for friends, one for family.... But which for which? Sound off (that's cool talk for leave me a comment and let me know.)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dinner Maker

I heated up leftovers for lunch today. Apparently Kami wasn't cool with that idea. So, when she whined, I told her if she wanted to eat something else she could make it herself. Do you know what she said to me
"No, because I am not the mom"
I said too bad. Just because I am your mom doesn't mean I have to do everything you say. Of course she responded: "uh huh!"
"You have to make my lunch because I'm not the dinner maker because I'm not the mom yet."
Seriously?! In her defense, although she was being snotty about not eating leftovers, her responses about not being the mom were more of a matter of fact statement. (in her little mind)
Oh Kami...
She is, by the way, quite happily sitting at the table eating leftovers. So I guess that makes me the dinner maker and the boss...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I cut my finger on a stupid olive can tonight. Don't ask how. I'm not exactly sure myself. It must be some super human klutz gene I inherited from my mother. Stupid olives. (not stupid mother) Seriously, there was one tiny, microscopic area on the can the could inflict pain.
OF COURSE my finger finds it.
Stupid finger...stupid olives.
And do you know what, it really, really hurt. Actually, it still hurts. Chalk it up to one more reason to hate olives. Stupid olives, I'm never buying you again.
I only wish Brandon were here to kiss it better...

Watch This!

Phineas and Ferb, on the Disney channel. You will not be disappointed.

Monday, June 23, 2008


I am proud to say that in our household we have streamlined our tantrums for maximum efficiency. Here is the low down on how that works: Each child is allowed three "steps" to their tantrum. The steps must be completed in rapid fire succession. And, said tantrum must begin or end with a squawk. (Do you get the blog header now?)

Let me illustrate with an example from earlier this morning:

Today. Children were fighting over a stuffed animal. Mother took said animal away. Outbursts/tantrums of high efficiency followed as such:

Child 1 (Kameryn) squawked, raised her hand high in the air and slammed it down on the table.
All three components, expertly played out. Good job girl.
Child 2 (Cooper) stood, squawked, and then shut himself in his closet.
Again, all three components, yet he decided to add an air of finality and mystery by locking himself in his own closet. He's a cunning a one.
And that is the conclusion to this mornings tantrums. That is efficiency at work people. It must needs be pointed out that a wait period of only 5 seconds is allowed before the child (or children) involved in an effective tantrum must "get over it". This is usually signified by the phrase "hey Cooper bud." And, in reality, that concludes the tantrum of high efficiency. Patent pending.

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Spider

it wriggled, and jiggled, and tickled inside her....perhaps she'll die.

One little lesson I've learned as a mother, don't ever drink something without first checking the contents of the cup. ie. for floaties and what not. You never know what your children have done to a perfectly harmless glass of juice. Even if you just put it down a second ago. ALWAYS CHECK.
Here's the scoop. Yesterday I went in the kitchen to get a glass of bug juice. (That's green koolaid for those of you not sporting little tykes.) Ironically, I look at this now and the fact that I was drinking bug juice somehow seems so fitting. Odd that I hadn't thought of it before...Anyway, on to my story:
I picked up my glass that was sitting on the counter and poured myself some juice. Now, here is where I made the fatal mistake; I didn't check the glass before I started drinking (I know, I broke cardinal rule #1) So, here I am, drinking away. (Don't get grossed out just yet, it's not THAT bad. It happened yesterday, if it was THAT bad, I wouldn't be blogging about it until Friday.) I happen to glance down in my cup, mid gulp, and what do I see? You guessed it, a spider. A bug in my bug juice, if you will. Yep, that was fairly disgusting.

Of course I didn't keep drinking my drink people! I'm not that immune to the disgusting. Bleh!

When I think of what I could have swallowed had I not looked down...eegh! (I'm trying to figure out how to spell that throaty noise you make when you're about to throw up. I can't figure it out so you get eegh!) However, I guess, had I not known, no harm no foul....ew ew ew!
Now, I will have no comments telling me I eat thousands of spiders in my sleep. I WON'T HAVE IT!
Anyway, there you go. Your daily dose of gross, compliments of me.
(My kid just went Picasa on my computer desk and living room wall. Heaven bless the magic eraser. Needless to say, bye.)

By the by, I just read through this and want you to know, I do not blame my children for the spider in my juice. They're a little too young for pranks like that. ...I hope...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Love Me Some Bagels

Guess what my babies love? (I really need to stop asking these ridiculous questions, obviously they love ...) BAGELS.
A while back at the store (probably about 2 weeks ago) I bought myself some bagels. I have been having odd anemia-like problems at church on Sundays because I never have time to eat some breakfast. (Combine that with nursing and you get a trembly, dizzy, weak, spacey mommy) Anyway, I figured a bagel would be a quick grab, I could store it in the church bag and snack on it in the mother's lounge while I was being snacked on.
Um, so my bagels are all gone and I had one. ONE! One out of 12. Well, that was productive sustenance for me...?!
My kids have been devouring them as quickly as humanly possible. The other night before bed Kami asked me "Mom, is it okay if when I wake up from my nappers if I have one of those waffles that looks like a donut?" What?! I just nodded and said okay. So, come to find out, a waffle that looks like a donut is a bagel. Good to know.
They ate all my plain bagels and all of my strawberry cream cheese. Now Kami is working her way through the onion bagels. She likes them with plain cream cheese and hickory turkey. (Can I just say, Walmart and I aren't NOT on good terms. If they don't start keeping things in stock - meaning the less expensive brands of necessary items, such as honey ham - I am going to flip out! Not really, I don't flip out, but COME ON WALMART. If I have to shop there, at least STOCK YOUR SHELVES!!! Hickory turkey, what the crap! In case you can't tell, not a hickory turkey fan but it has all they had. By the by, for those curious as to why I don't by lunch meat from the other grocery store, it is because theirs only lasts for 4-5 days. Not condusive to only shopping every 2 weeks. Walmart's deli meat lasts longer. If they would stock it....tsk, tsk, tsk.)
Back on track...bagels. Anyway, nothing more to say. My kids just ate all my bagels. And they liked it. I'm going to have to find a snack they don't like....maybe I'll make me some granola.

Think Pink

Cooper is learning his color names. Unfortunately, the only color name he knows is pink. So, when I ask him, "What color do you want?" (as in fork or plate, or cup, etc.) he always responds "pink". Then, of course he grabs the blue one, or the green one, or even the brown one. But never pink.
Today, I was getting him dressed. We opened his drawer and said, "What do you want to wear?" Immediately he said pink and picked out a pair of khaki shorts and a blue shirt. Definitely pink.
He is adorable. I'm pretty sure he knows pink because Kami ALWAYS wants pink. (Of course, she knows what color pink is...) So, funny kid.
Another random little ditty; we have one of the leap frog alphabet things that goes on the fridge. Lately, Cooper has been pushing the little sing along button and bursts out into "A B C D" except, it sounds a little more like "A B E E E eb E A I A A M M M O" and then he pushes the button again and starts over. But he is so enthusiastic about it. Cute kid.
So, my kid is sort of learning his ABC's and his colors. Sort of. GO PINK! (I think I've heard him say "lello" once or twice so that is progress.)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

At it Again

You should know, it's been a couple months with the "new" header. So, it was time for a newer one. I'm liking it, so it might stay up for a while. (A month, maybe more...)
Some other changes: I go rid of all the bios, for a slide show (which I haven't finished yet...) I know everyone is doing slide shows, but...well frankly, we are TOO cute not to. That one will be a while as I am getting used to moving files around in vista (HOW THE HECK?! Honestly, if anyone knows where the "move this" button is, it could help me out.)
Next, just some rearranging. Nothing big, just different.
I really wanted to do a column of "we look at you" and "we don't look at you (oh snap! update your blog)" But... I couldn't quite get up the guts to possibly offend that many people, so I guess I'm going to do google reader and just let you all think we love you. (Except for Mandi, she knows she's an "outkast")
Um, I think that is all. There are still more changes to come, but I've been at it long enough.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Go Daddy!

Of course you know I have to do a little tribute to the man in my life on this the day that is all about him... I apologize to my faithful blog readers (and friends and family) who definitely get tired of my relentless husband bragging. But what can you do? When you got it; flaunt it!

Happy, happy day, hunny! All our love to you. Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your goofiness. Thank you for honoring your priesthood and fulfilling your calling. Thank you for providing so abundantly for us. Thank you for your time. Thank you for your "lameness". Thanks for your love. But most of all: THANK YOU FOR BELONGING TO US SO WE CAN MAKE EVERYONE ELSE JEALOUS!!!

I am constantly in awe of my husband. He is everything we need and more. He knows what is best for us before we know it ourselves. One thing I love about Brandon is he is humble. He is not afraid to admit he was wrong or to accept help/knowledge from others. He is gracious and kind. Not to mention very enjoyable to be around. I say this all the time but I honestly believe it; everyone likes Brandon, he is just a likable guy. (But we like him best!) Happy Father's Day Baby!!!

This post couldn't be complete without me saying a little something to my daddy.

I love you dad. Happy Father's Day. My dad taught me everything that a father should be. He is patient, he is kind, he is generous, he is handsome, he is wise, he is brilliant, he can do ANYTHING, and he is perfect. (Just like my husband. He must have shown me how to recognize a good man when I saw one...) I love you daddy. Thank you for being mine.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Run Forest, Run

You know, I have never seen Forest Gump. I was really just looking for something that had to do with running for my post "title". So there you go.
Now, guess what I did yesterday? That's not even an appropriate question is it? Of course, from the title you can assume that I went running, and you would be correct.
So, guess why that makes me AMAZING? Because I DO NOT run. I am a terrible runner. First of all, I'm sure I pretty much look like a dork, secondly I boast both the speed and endurance of a snail. (This analogy only works if snails can't move further than 2 feet respectively without collapsing. For the sake of this analogy let us say that it is so.) And thirdly, I don't like it. Nothing about wheezing for every breath says "hey, this sounds like a fun activity!"
I promised Gwen I would run a mini-marathon, or something along those ridiculous lines, with her sometime coming up in either July or August. I'm not exactly sure what month but I am pretty sure I will be terminally ill whichever month it may be... Just kidding Gwen. I guess it is time to crack the whip.
The other day, Brandon and I raced from the park to the library. (I won, by the way. It may or may not have had something to do with the malfunctioning of Brandon's stroller...) Anyway, I about died, literally. I was doubled over, gasping for every breath. It took about 15 minutes for my heart rate to slow back down. The saddest part of this whole side story, I think our library is maybe (MAYBE) 50 yards (150 feet) from the park. Shameful.
So back to last nights running VICTORY! I ran a WHOLE 2 city blocks. I know, hold your applause. We only stopped (meaning me and 2 of my kiddos) to lift the stroller on and off of the sidewalk. I have to admit, it wasn't SO bad. Okay, it was kind of enjoyable. Freeing almost. I don't get out much. (Who can blame me with temps in the 30' mid-June) But last night it must have gotten up to about 50, and with a sweatshirt, it wasn't cold at all.
Gotta love it when you are so stir crazy that running actually seems like a good activity. (and it was)
Tonight we will be running to the basketball standards (We will probably take the long way since they are only just barely down the street.) And then, I plan to wipe the blacktop with Brandon's face. (That's how bad I'm going to beat him for those of you who don't know smack talk.) And, yes, I do not know a thing about how to play basketball. Let's just say the phrase "What foul?" may spurt from my lips on numerous occasions...
So, for now, just know I am awesome. Now I've got to get off my lazy bum and do some laundry, turbo jam style. (I don't even know what that means...)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


We are attempting the sleep thing in our house. Unfortunately, it's not always this wonderful. But it isn't all not so wonderful. First nights are always far too devastatingly tortorous for me. But, we are on night 3 now, so we are almost in the home stretch. We'll see.

Isn't he perfection?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Remind Me

No desire to be disgusting...but, next time, remind me that when I feed my two year old caramel popcorn, I need to make absolutely certain that I will not be present for diaper changing in 24 hours. Just remind me.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


I DID IT! I finally cut Brandon's hair (along with Cooper's) and I didn't mess it up. I must say, I am mighty proud. I have been "attempting" haircuts for 5 years now to no success. It usually takes me about 1 1/2 hours and it ends up looking...well not so professional. Hence the reason Brandon usually doesn't get a haircut until we visit Utah.
Well, like always, we forgot/ran out of time last time we were visiting and so that left Brandon's unruly locks to me...too shay. (How do you really spell that word? Better yet, what does it really mean?) touche - thanks Kadon.
So, last Saturday I dove in. Both feet. Man am I awesome. I just went with it, no hesitation, no second guessing, no incessant combing. Guess what, the end result: no uneven sideburns, no 80's steps, no bald husband. I am too awesome.
There was one minor set back, however. Don't tell Brandon but I didn't exactly achieve the "look" I was going for. I was hoping to semi-spike the center, leave it a little longer, so he could do is hair in the fro hawk. Seriously! I think the fro hawk is hot. Maybe next time...

For now he will just have to be clean cut, but at least he doesn't look like a dork.

I don't have any after pictures for you, all I have is a pink panty clad little boy running out in prep of his haircut. Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Cell Phone Blues

Here is the advantage of having a grand total of 8 people read your blog: you can beg them for favors.
We have a cell phone instead of a home phone. Our cell phone has decided to go on the fritz. Of course, we still have another 6 months before we can "upgrade" or whatever it is they make you do to replace a broken phone. Meanwhile, our speaker doesn't work, and so while I can hear others speak, they can't hear me. (I am sure there aren't many complaining about that one.) However, now my earpiece is going and so I can't hear others talk. Doesn't make for very productive phone conversations.
There are a couple key items that need to be taken care of over the phone that now can't be. (aka doctor's appointments, calling Gwen to congratulate her on her baby - YAY!, etc.) I'm just a bit miffed.
Mom is probably doing better because there have been at least 15 times these last two days where I have thought: I should just call and ask mom, and then haven't because I CAN"T CALL ANYONE!
What really seems to be frustrating me is the way cell phone companies work nowadays. Used to be, your phone quit working, you transferred your sim card to one that did. Not so any more, my friends, not so. Now you have to make sure, first, that it is a phone "supported" by your company, second, that it is not under contract (Bologna!) and third, that the employee feels like being helpful (or, in some cases, knows how to be.) because you have to take the phone into them to get them to transfer everything over. No more sim cards.
BAH! What they really want you to do is just buy a new phone and sign up for a new contract. I don't have the money (or the stupidity) to pay $180 for a new $30 phone. This is not a gripe against my cell phone carrier in particular, just an all over gripe. And I'm not really THAT miffed, just a little at a loss for what to do.
Here is where you come in (if I haven't deterred you with me endless whining) If any of you are in possession of an old Alltel compatible cell phone that works and is not under contract and want to send it my way, PLEASE DO! I will love you for even longer than I do now.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Guys, we have a new computer (yay!) and I find the new keyboard a tad bit challenging.... Bare with me. Many, oh so many, typos to come.
By the way, my phone is STUPID! more on that to come.