Monday, June 23, 2008


I am proud to say that in our household we have streamlined our tantrums for maximum efficiency. Here is the low down on how that works: Each child is allowed three "steps" to their tantrum. The steps must be completed in rapid fire succession. And, said tantrum must begin or end with a squawk. (Do you get the blog header now?)

Let me illustrate with an example from earlier this morning:

Today. Children were fighting over a stuffed animal. Mother took said animal away. Outbursts/tantrums of high efficiency followed as such:

Child 1 (Kameryn) squawked, raised her hand high in the air and slammed it down on the table.
All three components, expertly played out. Good job girl.
Child 2 (Cooper) stood, squawked, and then shut himself in his closet.
Again, all three components, yet he decided to add an air of finality and mystery by locking himself in his own closet. He's a cunning a one.
And that is the conclusion to this mornings tantrums. That is efficiency at work people. It must needs be pointed out that a wait period of only 5 seconds is allowed before the child (or children) involved in an effective tantrum must "get over it". This is usually signified by the phrase "hey Cooper bud." And, in reality, that concludes the tantrum of high efficiency. Patent pending.

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