Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Scripture Power

As I sit here at the computer chair completely wasting time (when I should be doing dinner dishes - Bleh) I hear the following from the couch.

Kami: "Cooper, ready: And it came to pass."
Cooper: "and it came to pass"
Kami: "and I Laban"
Cooper: "and I Laban"

Apparently it is scripture power time and I am missing out.
Also, good to know that something is sinking in. (We've been scripture power buffs now since September. We haven't missed a day.)

And since I'm posting about scripture power, and this is journaling, (you can stop reading now if you aren't interested. The following is not set out to entertain.) here is our original scripture power coloring chart and our current scripture power sticker charts: If I'm being completely honest, I think I loved our original chart more. Originally we started with small insentives to read each night (we read 5 verses a night, btw, one verse per person.) and a large insentive to make it all the way to the end (family movie night - we bought the movie Up.) It didn't take long to figure out that the kids much prefered coloring in boxes to any insentive. It was always fun to watch Landon get so excited to help color in the box. (All three of them got to color in a small portion of the box each night) Now we do stickers, and each child has their own chart and their own stickers they got to pick out. However we aren't as diligent at placing stickers. We never forget to read, but we rarely remember to sticker. Anyway, fun times.
Oh yes, and lest I forget, the small insentives in the beginning were 1. an icecream cone 2. a dollar store toy 3. a picnic in the park (which ended up being a trip to lava with Grandma and Grandpa Bowen, Aunt Mandi, Aunt Mindi, and Uncle Kadon) and 4. A trip to McDonalds. We let the kids pick what they wanted the "prizes" to be. Only, since the majority of the weeks took place during harvest, we had to combine/rethink a couple.

I've debated over posting this for a long time. I didn't want it to come across as bragging. You know: "we read our scriptures every night, so we are real cool." Because it's not like that. I finally just figured not to worry about it. Scripture Power is an important factor in our lives. It was something Brandon and I talked about as being very important for our home and family. And it has been. We knew we needed the blessings that come from reading the scriptures as a family every day. (even if it only is 5 verses a night, and a lot of times it feels as if no one is really paying attention well enough to learn something) We are very grateful we started "Scripture Power" and hope it is something our family remembers and has gained strength from.
I have fond memories of waking up early to read scriptures as a family: my older sister and brothers buried in a pile of blankets they hauled up from their bedrooms. Grumbling about being tired. (some of my sibling weren't big morning people) Fond memories. Very fond memories. I am very grateful for scripture power in my childhood, and I hope, by continuing it in my family, my children can one day benefit from the strength and blessings that family scripture power brings.

And do you want to hear something awesome?! Last Sunday we started 2 Nephi! Woot! Woot! (only took us 3 1/2 months. At this rate we might finish the Book of Mormon by 2012.)


  1. Cute charts!! How did you make them? Me and Kaden have been better about reading scriptures together too. Except we're bad and we only do it on school days. We need to work on it. And your blog back ground is way cute too!

  2. You guys are doing great. I am proud of you.
