Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Creepy Single Uncle

So you know it would take a lot for me to come out of blogger obscurity... and here I am.
Alright, here goes:
I know this guy...

okay I'm related to this guy,
and well, he's in a bit of a predicament.

The fact is, he's gotten himself into a fisticuffs of sorts... with a girl. (I don't condone it, I just relay the messages.)
No worries, it's not of the physical nature, no actual punches have been thrown. It's more of a battle of words, a battle of wits, and, dare we say it, a battle of patheticness.
(No, I am definitely not calling any relative of mine pathetic.)
What I mean to say is, it's more a battle of what poor soul has had the most pathetic and all together mind numbingly awkward dating scenarios, hookups, and busy bodies heaped upon them and still has the good faith to take it all in stride and blog about it with wit and a writing style superior than ones opponents'. That's what kind of battle we're talking about.

Luckily, he finds himself the man for the job. As any of you who have ever had the pleasure of being in his company (or stalking his blog) will attest to, his wit and writing style leaves nothing wanting and is only to be surpassed by my own, naturally.

So what are we to do? Go here. My darling brother-in-law, some of you may know his fame from his blog, clintniferous, is engaged in a blogger brawl. He explains the details here.
He needs your votes (all 3 of you who read my blog) to make sure he advances to the next level.

So again, go here and vote for Clinton Bowen as the superior Single Mormon Blogger.

Good thing he's not in a fisticuffs with Cooper, poor guy. Even at 18 months old Cooper could eat his lunch! (imagine what he could do now. Actually, if you're curious click on "The Single Life? Yes Please" link below, it's explained in vivid detail)

If you have time, you may wish to read some of our favorites:
The Single Life? Yes Please
Domino Effect
Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the love. If I do end up winning (its a long shot) it will owe it all to the Bam for spicing up my photo.
