Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nicole says pictures are like "Manna from Heaven"

I tried to send pictures to my brother
in an e-mail

(He is on a kick butt mission in the Ukraine.)
and it didn't work.
5 times
it didn't work 5 times
So, I'm doing what I apparently know how to do
which is post pictures on blogger
and I'm going to make him meet me half way.

I love you Kadon
This is a post dedicated solely to your awesomeness

(well that, and my cute family)

Just some people being crazy

Look how handsome that little boy is.

Cooper was taking pictures of us: it was a hoot!

YAY! I love my boy.

I told Landon we were going to take a picture for Uncle Kadon.
He likes his Uncle Kadon, this one.

Isn't she so cute!
I feel obligated to say Kami picked out her hair do. After I did it I had her look in the mirror.
"I LOVE IT!" So... there you go.

This is the best I got of all three kiddos... and the dog.

We've had a lot of dirt at our house as of late. So, naturally, there has been a lot of playing in the dirt at our house.

Kami being beautiful, as always.

Cooper likes to be silly. He was so proud of himself when he figured out a way to stick fruit snacks to his face.

This one was taken when Kinley came to visit us for a week. Best week EVER.

Landon wanted to help me make cupcakes. He was a HUGE help.

Landon really likes to get his picture taken. (And fortunately, I was fast on the trigger finger and got this one before he squinted up his eyes... see picture below if you need a reference to his regular smile.)

Here is Landon with his new awesome shoes. He saw these at Ross and had to have them. Brandon thinks they are hideous. We knew Uncle Kadon would love them. (Landon loves these shoes so much he has to sleep with them. true. story.)

Kami and I at the zoo. (She went to the zoo for a field trip.)

All the Bowen kids hanging out in the teepee at the zoo.

Kami and the peacock

Landon wanted his picture taken with the "tractor". I told him he had to smile. He obliged (naturally)

the boys loved the skid loader

Brandon and I have been keeping ourselves busy. Here is a sneak peak at what we've been up to.

Okay... that's probably enough pictures.

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