On Kami's birthday we had friends come over to play. (Paige and Austin) It was a really fun day for all. Jami's kids are so well behaved and easy to have over. Austin was a little apprehensive about the whole play date and was content to sit on the sidelines and watch the kids play.
The fort was his idea. (and one he was really excited about)
and a mighty good idea it was.
My boys and the fort.
Kami with Aloryn (pronounced al - a - rin; she named her herself)
She had to cart the doll everywhere and she (the doll) had to be in every picture.
So I would say it was a successful birthday present.
The beautiful Paige
I know this one is blurry but it is posted to prove the point that my child is crazy. Anytime I went to take his picture he would flip himself over like this and show me his bum.
Boys are weird.
Landon looks slightly, well perhaps stoned. But Coop looks adorable.
(This is a much cuter side of him then he showed in the previous picture. Although he does have an adorable bum.)
Landon up close.
(that kid loves a close up)
I thought this one was adorable of Paige and Austin.
Paige sneaking out the exit.
Austin wouldn't poke his head out. But, if you look in this picture of Kami you can see his fuzzy head in the background. He kept popping his head up over the couch but he was really quick and I am not known for my speed with a camera.
The fort was his idea. (and one he was really excited about)
and a mighty good idea it was.
She had to cart the doll everywhere and she (the doll) had to be in every picture.
So I would say it was a successful birthday present.
Boys are weird.
(This is a much cuter side of him then he showed in the previous picture. Although he does have an adorable bum.)
(that kid loves a close up)
Now for a couple "personal portraits"
Austin wouldn't poke his head out. But, if you look in this picture of Kami you can see his fuzzy head in the background. He kept popping his head up over the couch but he was really quick and I am not known for my speed with a camera.
I finally have a chance to check everyone's blogs and I saw this post. It is so cute!! Paige and Austin really had a wonderful time at your house. Thank you so much for inviting Paige and then letting Austin stay at the last minute! You're awesome! Now I need to return the favor! (Sorry, I'm a slacker!)