Today, at McDonalds, Cooper ate 11 chicken nuggets. It must be because he's 5 now. HAPPY BIRTHDAY my Cooper man! _ "Mom, it was totally freakin' me out! ... It was scaring my crap out of me." - Cooper _ "Sharing with ants is good. They won't bite you if you share your food with them." - Cooper. His logic was too cute to argue with. _ Painting my house. It's happening. For reals. Right this minute!! _ Max laughed for the first time today. He's a snorter.
My son just peed in his own ear. Apparently that is one of the perks of being a boy. _ I just had to tell my son Cooper that using his aunt's sonicare toothbrush to brush his bum crack was a bad idea. He's having a hard time realizing that time out was justified. _ "I'm not clumsy. It's just the floor hates me, the tables and chairs are bullies, and the wall gets in the way." Quote I found that might as well be my middle name. _ "Cooper, set it down nicely." "So do you want me to drop it or throw it like this?" Apparently there is a language barrier... _ Pinterest!!! AAGH! So much love. _ 3 days of a sick baby makes for a very tired mommy in a very messy house. _ "Kami, call me 'Master Brother" - Cooper. _"Cooper, thank you so much. You are being such a good helper today." "I know, it's because I want you to give me something." - Crap! So much for raising helpful and responsible children... _ Max is a cuddler. I love nothing more. _ "It's okay Mom, I was just getting this spoon nice and cold for you by eating the cookie dough in the freezer"... "See, now there's not too much cookie dough in the bag." - Cooper. He's such a helper. _ If eating bread and butter pickles for breakfast isn't normal, I'm not sure normal is a state I wish to attend. _ This morning we were assigning out Saturday jobs, Cooper says, "I know, maybe I should do nothing!" Capital idea. _ "Are you crying or just sweating through your eyes?" -Kami "Sweating through your eyes?" You kill me kid! _ 8 years: best of my life! Happy Anniversary to my best friend Brandon Bowen. You are even more amazing than I could have ever hoped for. _ Holy crap!!! Pretty much kill me now! _ Today in a fit of rage Landon screamed out: "Mom! You are not allowed to do the dishes! Doing the dishes is bad for you." Now that's a statement I can get behind. _ Who ever decided to have the kids start their school schedule a week early so they wouldn't be tired and grumpy for their teachers definitely didn't have MY best interest at heart.
September: (first half)
Kami says that when her friend lost a tooth the tooth fairy gave her a Walmart gift card... let's just make a pact as parents that that kind of behavior from the tooth fairy is unacceptable. I can't be meeting unrealistic expectations. (Husband says the study recently done on the tooth fairy has her leaving $10 a tooth... not at this house.) _ son cracked an egg on my phone this morning... remarkably it won't let me answer calls... go figure. _ "My will look cute in that. My will huh Mom?" Not even a question, Landon Bowen always looks cute. _ Caught the son double-fisting the macaroni at lunch. He must have been a fan _ So much love for my angel baby Max. He is so patient with his mommy. _ Baby = bad fever. Momma = not a fan. :( _ Cooper's got some pretty awesome descriptive words these days. My favorites of the day: "baby-coon" (swaddled baby... like a cocoon) and "chuggy" (Used in a sentence "Max you've got some chuggy legs" ... as in chunky or chubby)
Pictures Posted on Facebook:
Yep, THAT toothbrush... August 3rd
Cooper and Max August 25
Kami pulled off her fingernail. Anyone who knows the drama behind it, be sure to send her your supreme congratulations for being so brave ;) Sept 1
Fun last day of summer at outer limits. Sept 5
"Landon you need to take a bath." "no my don't, my not stinky!" Sept 7
Cooper and Max August 25
Kami pulled off her fingernail. Anyone who knows the drama behind it, be sure to send her your supreme congratulations for being so brave ;) Sept 1
Fun last day of summer at outer limits. Sept 5
"Landon you need to take a bath." "no my don't, my not stinky!" Sept 7
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