Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Locked Up

Sometimes your children choose not to be stellar members of society.

Say by biting each other.

Or punching each other in the face.

It happens sometimes.

Perhaps they choose to throw mop water and then it ends up all over your couch.

Minor infraction right?

Just like all the door slamming, fighting, screaming, and pestering.

But say things escalate to waking the baby
(who is ill, by the way, and in a very unstable state).

or fighting over the computer chair and breaking the space bar on your keyboard.

Heaven forbid they start rolling around in poop, or throwing up on the floor, or chasing an innocent child down the street yelling obscenities at her... oh wait, those were the dog.

So at what point in an afternoon do they graduate from "less than stellar" to "menace to society".

Because, I'm just saying, at this point someone's got to get locked up.

But, all hilarity and wit aside, at this point Kameryn is screaming and crying from her bed because her brother threw a toy at her face. Landon is crying in his bed because he backtalked his mother and then hit her several times. And Cooper is in my bed screaming "I DON'T LOVE YOU MOM! I DO NOT LOVE YOU!" because he got put to bed with a threat of no dinner for multiple infractions that ended badly when he threw a toy at his sister's face. Oh... and I've got a dog, crying from his kennel, where he was locked after he chased that poor little girl down the street.
I'm sitting here, with 2 hours of sleep to my name, holding a baby who has not stopped crying once today. Not once.
Strangely enough, I would like nothing better than to be screaming and crying from my bed right along with the lot of them.
I do not love this day.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Everything Nice

I love my boys.

All that dirt, chaos, aggression, imagination, and go big or go home mentality can really charm a girl. Not to mention those grins. I die.

But heaven bless that I please have more angel children like my sweet Kami girl.

She is relentlessly obedient. Fearfully beautiful. Tirelessly patient and kind. Continually giving. Intelligent and creative. And just phenomenal as all get up.
(is it "get up" or "get out"? I never know.)

Kami, my happy started with you and continues with you.
I love you so much my insides feel completely explosive.

I wish you would stay little but I am marveled to see you grow.
You are one of my dearest and most inspiring friends. And you remind me every day of the virtues God has blessed women with.

I wish I remembered every day to take you in my arms and tell you how special you are to me. I'd remind you of how beautiful and amazing you are. I would spend more of my day doing my very best to help you become the girl you dream of being.

I love you Kameryn Grace.
So very, very, terribly much.

Today, as only a daughter can, Kami helped me in more ways than she knows. I was in a super grumpy funk and in a messy house surrounded by monster men. I knew I needed to clean and I knew I needed to loose the funk. I told each child to draw a chore and I'd help. Kami drew the bathroom. She then proceeded to clean the bathroom, the porch, and the family room. Mop the entry floor, vacuum the rug, vacuum the family room, mop the dining room, mop the kitchen floor, and haul all the dirty clothes to the washroom.
I kept cleaning because she kept cleaning.
I know it sounds silly, but it's exactly what I needed today.

She was exactly what I needed today.
Sure grateful for this girl of mine.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Score a point for hardwood floors

When you rip out your nasty carpet and expose your "hardwood" floors you open up a whole world of possibilities.
For example, you can now use your living room as a skating rink.

My mom never let me do this... My skate skills must not have been as fine honed as Cooper's are.

I suppose it helps if the skates are your size...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Because you look weird if you update your facebook status 4 times in 10 minutes...

Last night while throwing a frisbee around in the front yard, Kami approaches Brandon:

"How come you never tell me I throw good?"
"You throw great!"
"No I don't. I can't even throw it."

First thing this morning Landon starts dancing around the kitchen:

"Mom, I have to go potty. I'm just going to pee outside?"
"Why not!"
"We have a toilet."
"mmmmgh!" (I'm such a dream crusher)

Kami's got the bug this morning, so she's not going to school. Cooper doesn't understand what the big deal is:

"Kami, it's okay if you're sick at school. There's a garbage can and you can just throw up in there."

and, as Kami was explaining her decision to stay home:

"I just feel dizzy..."
to which Cooper calls out:
"So, I feel dizzy too."
"That's because you're spinning in circles."

Saturday, October 1, 2011