Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Locked Up

Sometimes your children choose not to be stellar members of society.

Say by biting each other.

Or punching each other in the face.

It happens sometimes.

Perhaps they choose to throw mop water and then it ends up all over your couch.

Minor infraction right?

Just like all the door slamming, fighting, screaming, and pestering.

But say things escalate to waking the baby
(who is ill, by the way, and in a very unstable state).

or fighting over the computer chair and breaking the space bar on your keyboard.

Heaven forbid they start rolling around in poop, or throwing up on the floor, or chasing an innocent child down the street yelling obscenities at her... oh wait, those were the dog.

So at what point in an afternoon do they graduate from "less than stellar" to "menace to society".

Because, I'm just saying, at this point someone's got to get locked up.

But, all hilarity and wit aside, at this point Kameryn is screaming and crying from her bed because her brother threw a toy at her face. Landon is crying in his bed because he backtalked his mother and then hit her several times. And Cooper is in my bed screaming "I DON'T LOVE YOU MOM! I DO NOT LOVE YOU!" because he got put to bed with a threat of no dinner for multiple infractions that ended badly when he threw a toy at his sister's face. Oh... and I've got a dog, crying from his kennel, where he was locked after he chased that poor little girl down the street.
I'm sitting here, with 2 hours of sleep to my name, holding a baby who has not stopped crying once today. Not once.
Strangely enough, I would like nothing better than to be screaming and crying from my bed right along with the lot of them.
I do not love this day.


  1. When can I come get any or all of your kids? Jade has a dentist appointment at 10:00, so I could be there by 10:30. How does that sound? I won't force anyone to come, but whoever wants to can jump in my car!

  2. Brittany, I just wrote you an amazing comment that made me cry. Maybe I wrote it just for me because I needed to hear my own advice. Really, we're all in this together and you are my hero.

    You are amazing, an amazing individual and mom. You are making a difference in the lives of your stripling warriors. They are strong. They are sure. You have taught them right. (and I have no doubt it will continue.) It's worth it. You are succeeding. Thank you for a shining example and motivation to keep going.

    I love you Britta-Britt. When I grow up I want to be just like you!

  3. Brittany,

    I wish I would have read this yesterday. I checked your blog on Tuesday, but not yesterday.

    I am laughing and crying at the same time. Laughing because you are so witty and crying because I can relate. Been there, done that.

    Hang in there. I promise that the good outweighs the bad (most of the time).

    I love you, and love those fighting, crying, screaming kids.

    How does that line go - "You can never know the good if you've never known the bad, never be happy if you've never been sad." I know you know the song, you have perfomed it enough.
