- harvest pizza parties
- piano lessons (love those kids to pieces)
- paydays
- powerade monies
- scrunchy man grins
- max and his wonder eyes
- patience
- my kids
- husband
- my dad: and his phone calls to say he is thinking about me (he does it all the time and it makes me happy)
- my friendship with my sister
- an easy/quick dinner of mac and cheese and ramen noodles
- cute kids in cute Halloween costumes
- motivation
- November
- remembering that I don't really hate my dog, I actually like him
- husband (can't say it or think it enough)
- dishwasher
- inspiration
- the YW who heart-attacked us and brought us cookies
- a home
- new friends
- flannel sheets
- motherhood
- family
- the sound of Cooper writing his letters (curl down, kick your toe, start at the top...)
- Landon and his everything. The intelligent way he forms a sentence, his grammar, his explanations...
- the friendship amongst my children
- prayer
- my brother Jamison (miss his gentle presence in our home)
I am grateful for this.
I am grateful for this.
Thanks for the reminder to be grateful.