Sunday, February 12, 2012

Haircut Day

Once upon a month called January I took pictures on haircut day.


Isn't he beautiful?

Cooper hates haircut day. He has such sensitive skin he breaks out into a horrible rash the second his hair touches him. I've learned to be very quick with him. Except on this day... when the clippers broke mid cut. And his mother kept stopping ever minute or so for photographic proof of his existence. He powered through it though. Little trooper.

When I took this picture I thought "Man this kid reminds me of someone." ... it's Kadon, my brother. This is his go-to face. You know how Zoolander has blue steel? Kadon has this look. Whatever this look is. I always love to see a nod to my side of the family.

This face is all Landon though. It's called "mischief".

Gosh I love his face.

When Cooper was little I used to get "He looks just like his dad!" all the time. The last year or so I've gotten "Wow, he is the spitting image of his dad!" When I say "Oh yeah, Cooper does look a lot Brandon" I always find out that the person meant Landon.
It confuses me.
I've never seen it. Landon has always looked just like Landon to me. And then I stumbled on this picture.
WOW! Do you see that? It's like Brandon fathered a mini-me.

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