Once upon a today Max pooped. He pooped yesterday as well. And the day (which was Sunday) before that. He's a regular old chap. (And he's going to murder me when he's 16 and finds out how often I blogged about his bowel movements...)
Pooping happens. (apparently frequently)
Something particularly fun about his latest poops has been his penchant for taking care of it himself. Sunday morning was his first go at it. I was changing the baby (I have new baby now, FYI. That's how fantastic I've been at blogging.) and apparently the poop smells mingled because I was completely oblivious that Max was getting his diaper changed BY HIMSELF at the exact same time, in the exact same room. (I might not be sleeping and it might be killing brain cells) He has an interesting wiping technique, which I discovered when I turned around to see him wiping his bum on the white duvet for my bed.
What I was hoping was a fluke turned out NOT to be a fluke when yesterday he changed his poopy diaper downstairs. (Another interesting tidbit, since the last time I blogged we've done a complete home renovation and now I have a basement family room...) I found out about this one while I was working on the never dwindling pile of dishes in the sink. He sauntered upstairs in his completely nakeds and handed me the baby blanket he had inefficiently used to wipe his bum.
And then this morning, which you have already read, Max pooped again. And wouldn't you guess that AGAIN he tried to change his own diaper. And AGAIN he attempted to wipe using a baby blanket. Only difference is, this time I caught him. I came out of my new walk in closet (also a new development since last time I blogged) to smell poop and see a son stark naked attempting to put together a potty chair on my bedroom floor. Of course the damage was already done and so sitting on said chair was irrelevant. But when he stood up and attempted to use his brothers blanket to wipe his bum I was actually there to catch him and prevent it. I also happened to have a container of wet wipes within arms length. So I got the privilege of wiping duty today.
On the plus side, disposing of his diaper reminded me that it was garbage day.
See? #winwin
Maybe Tuesdays are rough... and maybe it's 9 am and I just jinxed myself.
And since in writing this post I realize just how much has happened since 7 months ago, allow me to post the sweetened condensed version in case I never get around to it:
- In March I had a birthday. I turned 30. I even managed it without a midlife crisis. (I think)
- We also tiled a bathroom in March. It was pretty epic seeing that we waited over a year for my tile to come in. Good thing I love it!!
- In April Max had a birthday. He turned 2. He's still too cute for his own good.
- We ripped down a wall. Lathe and plaster. That was intense.
- We ripped down a ceiling as well. 9' ceilings, it's all the rage.
- Then dad came up in May and they were maniacs! Drywall, ceilings, stairs, laundry room, family room, playroom, DOORS, trim, paint...
- and somewhere in the very middle of that WE HAD A BABY!!!!
- Beckham George, 6.8.13, 7lb 6oz, 20 in, hair
- Cooper had a birthday. That big boy turned 7. Seven. That's disgusting.
- Even more disgusting, Kameryn turned 9 a couple weeks ago.
- Which brings us to the fact that we've decided to homeschool. I just can't bear the thought of my children growing up so fast all while spending 7 hours of every day away from me. Go ahead and judge us. I have a panic attack about it at least once a day.
- We had a washing machine break. So we bought a new one.
- We painted our hardwood floors. They're blue now. And fabulous.
- Our dog was "bit in half" but he escaped death. At first I was happy about that. Now... (Just kidding, I love this dog more than I like him.)
- We blessed a baby. Attended 2 family reunions. And, just in case I don't get to it, Brandon and I are celebrating our 10 year anniversary the end of this month.
Maybe I've forgotten stuff, which isn't surprising. I forget at least one thing a day. Most times it's the laundry.
Anyway, it's 9:30 now and I've yet to make breakfast so obviously the house is starving!
(See Mom? This is why I don't blog anymore. I have to feed the masses.#bowensareseven)
We are home schooling as well, and largely for that same reason. I missed Emma's bum far too much. I couldn't bear the thought of sending 2 of my monsters away for that long every day. I am selfish and want them all to myself. Maybe we could compare notes at some point about what works and what doesn't? Basically I am terrified that I will ruin my kids through this decision even though I know it is the right thing to do, sooooo some help from wiser, smarter, women would be great. :)