Friday, March 16, 2007

Hide and Seek

Kameryn has a new favorite game: hide and seek. Every day, all day, she is constantly saying "Count Mom, Count!" I then have to count and pretend to look for her. She is using hiding in the exact same place she was when she said "count!" Apparently, that is where inspiration strikes. Her little mind says "Hey, this would be a good place to hide. I'll tell my mom to count and see if she can find me..." Brilliant! We have "found" her everywhere. Like sitting on the couch underneath a blanket or pillow under the dining room table in her closet, under the sheets, etc. Her favorite places to hide are in the old entertainment center in the t.v. compartment (which, by the way, is in Cooper's room. She always likes to hide there when he is asleep...yeah. Happy days!) and in mommy's closet behind her dresses. (This one I really have to say is brilliant. All you can see is her little feet poking out. If you didn't know she loved to hide there, it might take you a little while.) However, my favorite place she hides has to be in the car. We will be on trips, to the grocery store, Utah, Burley, etc. and Kameryn will be buckled up in her seat. All the sudden she will call out "Count!". We then have to pretend that we have absolutely no idea where Kameryn could have gone to... I mean, the possibilities are endless. We don't even know where to begin to look. Certainly not in her carseat. I mean that idea is preposterous. I mean, she's buckled in, there is NO WAY she would still be there... Silly girl! We amuse her though and start "guessing" insanely stupid places she could be. After we've guessed our brains out for 15 minutes, she will finally pipe up "I'm under Toopa's blanket in my seat!" REALLY...who'd have guessed. Fun times!

1 comment:

  1. Kami hiding in the car is my absolute favorite thing ever, I think you should write this story up and send it into a magazine as I was laughing my little face off here at work!
