Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Brave Boy

My little Cooper got his shots today. He had to get 6 of them, which, unfortunately meant 6 different pokes. He handled it much like you would if you were a 14 month old baby boy getting poked 6 different times while your mommy held you down as you screamed in pain and terror. Yeah, it was sad. However, the saddest part was something I hadn't anticipated: Kameryn. Now that we live in our new place we are within walking distance of almost everything in town (Yeah!) including the health department. We purposely scheduled Coop's shots at 10 am so we could make it in time for "lap sit" at the library (which no one attended besides us ... Gwen....) So, of course it was only natural for Kami to accompany us. (Plus, Brandon is in harvest, so we currently don't own a father/husband.)
Well, poor little Kameryn just about died when Cooper got his shots. The second he let out his first blood curdling scream and she got a grasp of what was happening she came running. "Mommy, please don't let her hurt my Cooper brother!...I don't want my Cooper brother to cry!" It was heart wrenching. I had my little boy laying on my lap, with his big blue tear filled eyes looking up at me, pleading with me to save him. And my little girl pleading with me to save her brother from his pain. When I explained to her why he had to have the shots, she laid herself down on the floor and just sobbed. This was one of the hardest and most touching things I have experienced with my kids. I was shocked by Kameryn's sense of protection, and intense love that she holds for her little brother. I knew it was there, but the intensity with which she fought for him and mourned with him surprised me. Being a mother is awesome!
This whole experience also made me reflect on my relationships with my siblings. I know I would fight just as hard to save them from their pain as Kami was with Coop. Being a sister is awesome too.
Oh, and of course, as these things always go, in a matter of 5 minutes all was forgotten and Kami was promising to come back and see the nurse in a couple weeks. So no hard feelings.


  1. That is so sweet! But when my children had to have more than one shot (isn't that every time?) they had two nurses, who counted, so it could go into two legs at the same helped...sort of.
