I debated about posting this because I would feel like a fruitcake, but I have had soo many people call concerned that I felt I should at least post and say, thank you for all the phone calls. I am feeling really well. Really. It is going to take a little bit of adjustment but the discomfort is worlds better than the pain. I am also looking forward to March when we will blast this little problem maker to smithereens. Hopefully the next little guy that forms will take his pretty little time and at least have the courtesy to wait until I am not pregnant.
Many thanks go out to my mom, who helped me get on my feet during a rough weekend, Gwen who is totally the best friend EVER and gets taken advantage of way more than she should...mostly by me. But so many thanks, because we definitely wouldn't have been able to handle 2 kids in the hospital all day. (Brandon probably would have killed them, which is when it would have been advantageous to be in a hospital.) So I am very grateful for that, and the fact that she has her life so together that she can handle 2 extra kids at the drop of the hat. Thanks also go to Brigette for taking our dog, Tiffany for bringing us dinner, and all of our friends and ward members who have sent their love and concern.
Anyway, I am optimistic that I will be feeling 100% (for a pregnant woman with kidney problems) by Monday...or Tuesday, but definitely soon. So thank you.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Dancing Babies
Check this out. My kids are crazy for dancing. They are also crazy about turning the music on my piano as loud as they possibly can and then leaving the room . Which then leaves me waddling over to the piano to shut off the incessant rhythms (They really like to turn on the back up rhythms so I have the same 8 measures of music repeating over and over at blaring decibels)
I took this video to show the grandparents but forgot about it (what with the "busy" week) until I was laying here blog "stalking" and Kami said, "I think you should put my picture on the blog"
That is when you know you blog too much...
I took this video to show the grandparents but forgot about it (what with the "busy" week) until I was laying here blog "stalking" and Kami said, "I think you should put my picture on the blog"
That is when you know you blog too much...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
As Luck Would Have It
As I posted my previous post yesterday the thought did cross my mind that 'as luck would have it' my husband's dentist appointment might not go so well and then I would feel bad about giving him such a bad time. Well....as luck would have it, my husband has to get a root canal. Unfortunately, it is one of those "complex" ones and so he has to go to a specialist (Yeah!)
You know, yesterday was one of those empowering and demoralizing days. I went shopping with my kids, by myself. This is a big deal. For those of you mothers who do it all the time, realize I have a husband who loves to help me. When it comes to marathon shopping, I allow him to. (Why would you voluntarily handle 2 kids on your own when you have willing help) Let me just say, my kids are amazing. They were such helpers and very pleasant. (We made 5 stops - definite marathon shopping day) I was also pretty amazing as well, if I do say so myself. I had an incredible morning. Well, all this joy and empowerment was sprinkled with defeat. My miraculously clean house, toppled in ruins (messes, our tree didn't fall on our house, though that would have been sad), my go get-em attitude crippled by fatigue (classic pregnancy), and all kinds of financial "Holy Crap"s.
But, do you know what, I am glad it all happened yesterday. The empowerment I felt from things going well helped buoy me from the hits that wanted to come our way, and today (as well as yesterday) I am feeling positive. A little worn down, but positive.
Brandon is feeling a little picked on (what with yesterday's post) so be sure to feel extra sorry for him today. He is in pain - expensive pain...with a little bit of humbling thrown in for good measure. He might even listen to my advice next time...after he hears it from his dad, of course. However, I do wish that I would have been wrong - I REALLY wish I would have been wrong. (Why am I only right when I don't want to be?) Anyway, poor Brandon. Post your comments of sympathy.
You know, yesterday was one of those empowering and demoralizing days. I went shopping with my kids, by myself. This is a big deal. For those of you mothers who do it all the time, realize I have a husband who loves to help me. When it comes to marathon shopping, I allow him to. (Why would you voluntarily handle 2 kids on your own when you have willing help) Let me just say, my kids are amazing. They were such helpers and very pleasant. (We made 5 stops - definite marathon shopping day) I was also pretty amazing as well, if I do say so myself. I had an incredible morning. Well, all this joy and empowerment was sprinkled with defeat. My miraculously clean house, toppled in ruins (messes, our tree didn't fall on our house, though that would have been sad), my go get-em attitude crippled by fatigue (classic pregnancy), and all kinds of financial "Holy Crap"s.
But, do you know what, I am glad it all happened yesterday. The empowerment I felt from things going well helped buoy me from the hits that wanted to come our way, and today (as well as yesterday) I am feeling positive. A little worn down, but positive.
Brandon is feeling a little picked on (what with yesterday's post) so be sure to feel extra sorry for him today. He is in pain - expensive pain...with a little bit of humbling thrown in for good measure. He might even listen to my advice next time...after he hears it from his dad, of course. However, I do wish that I would have been wrong - I REALLY wish I would have been wrong. (Why am I only right when I don't want to be?) Anyway, poor Brandon. Post your comments of sympathy.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Go Figure!
Do you ever have those absolutely frustrating moments with your husband? I don't, very often, unless he does what he did today. (Don't worry, I am only mentioning this because my husband is perfect and I know most men suffer from this same ailment.)
Do you ever give your husband advice, or tell him something/ some new idea and he totally shrugs you off, only to call you a week later and say "I was just talking to so and so (usually his father) and he gave the best advice." Of course, the "best" advice the father or friend gave is the exact same "terrible" advice you gave a week earlier?
So, here is the spiel: Brandon has been complaining about sore teeth for a couple weeks now. I said, and I quote, "Brandon, you should really go to the dentist. It will only get worse, and it is better to catch it now then have to pay for a root canal." Brandon said something like, "I don't have time for the dentist. You worry too much. I'm going to take a ibuprofen and I'll be fine." Needless to say, he took an ibuprofen and he was not fine. Once again today he was complaining about tooth pain. Once again I said, I am going to call the dentist and make you an appointment. And once again he said, I don't have time and I'll take an ibuprofen.
I just got a call from Brandon and he said "I am coming home to brush my teeth, I have a dentist appointment. Tammy (his scale lady) told me it was only going to get worse and to believe her when she said it was better to take care of it now then deal with a root canal. I got to thinking she was right and so I called and made an appointment." Hmm, go figure the exact same words I had spoken not only weeks before but also hours before. Words that had been tossed by the wayside. I was so mad I wanted to scream! Brandon is lucky he is at the dentist, I have half a mind to pull his teeth out with my bare hands, I am so mad!
I'm not really that mad, just frustrated. I don't understand what makes my advice bad and the exact advice from someone else brilliant.
Do you ever give your husband advice, or tell him something/ some new idea and he totally shrugs you off, only to call you a week later and say "I was just talking to so and so (usually his father) and he gave the best advice." Of course, the "best" advice the father or friend gave is the exact same "terrible" advice you gave a week earlier?
So, here is the spiel: Brandon has been complaining about sore teeth for a couple weeks now. I said, and I quote, "Brandon, you should really go to the dentist. It will only get worse, and it is better to catch it now then have to pay for a root canal." Brandon said something like, "I don't have time for the dentist. You worry too much. I'm going to take a ibuprofen and I'll be fine." Needless to say, he took an ibuprofen and he was not fine. Once again today he was complaining about tooth pain. Once again I said, I am going to call the dentist and make you an appointment. And once again he said, I don't have time and I'll take an ibuprofen.
I just got a call from Brandon and he said "I am coming home to brush my teeth, I have a dentist appointment. Tammy (his scale lady) told me it was only going to get worse and to believe her when she said it was better to take care of it now then deal with a root canal. I got to thinking she was right and so I called and made an appointment." Hmm, go figure the exact same words I had spoken not only weeks before but also hours before. Words that had been tossed by the wayside. I was so mad I wanted to scream! Brandon is lucky he is at the dentist, I have half a mind to pull his teeth out with my bare hands, I am so mad!
I'm not really that mad, just frustrated. I don't understand what makes my advice bad and the exact advice from someone else brilliant.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
More Fall Fun
Here are more of the pictures taken the other day. I tried to post them but blogger was having a problem and so I couldn't. It is obvious to see who wanted their picture taken and you had "things to do". Also, the Kami faces are what you get when you tell Kami to smile and open her eyes. (so her dad)
My favorite Kami shot
The best one we got of Coop.
My favorite Kami shot
The best one we got of Coop.
Braving Exhaustion
I must first tell you that it takes a very brave woman to post something like this. Either that, or a woman with no shame. I am one or the other, take your pick. This is a picture of the current state of my house. Ironically, this all happened in a matter of seconds (okay minutes, 15 to be exact). 
It all started with the books; we went to the library today, which always results in a minimum of 30 books. (I like to get my workout) We started by reading one book, then Kameryn decided to bring me all of the books at the same time. Next was the pillows. Kami and Cooper scooped them off my bed and brought them into the family room. I don't know why, but they had a fun time jumping and landing in them. Unfortunately, the fun time only lasted a matter of a minute or two and they were off. We have the towel the dog dragged in (literally) along with the paraphernalia of puppy toys the kids brought in for the dog, who was only interested in the towel.
I have the marshmallows and fruit snacks that the kids got out for "snacks" which they weren't allowed because they had already had dinner. (Of course, the obvious response when you are told you can't have something is to throw it on the floor) And lastly, my two favorites because they seriously happened within seconds of each other: First, the crayons dumped on the pillow. That was a Cooper. He picked up the whole box of crayons and tipped it upside down to watch all the crayons fall out. Then, he didn't even waste a second, dropped the crayon box and sauntered into the kitchen. Where he emerged 30 seconds later dragging my hand mixer by the cord.
I love these last two just because of the sheer randomness. And, because it illustrates perfectly how my kids don't even miss a beat. They are like little robots, programed to dump, spill, pillage, and plunder. Seriously, Cooper went about these endeavors so mechanically it was as if he was programmed to do it. But that is how it has been lately. The second I pick something up, they are dumping something out. The moment something is put away is the same moment something else is pulled out.
It is a constant viscous cycle which end in the second grouping of photos. And yes, I know, another brave undertaking.(Taking pictures of myself after another exhausting day) Might I add, all of these photos were staged, (duh) but it did feel so good to close my eyes and rest my head for a bit.
This must just be the 3 year old 1 year old combo I have going right now. I do realize that I could have had this all picked up by now, but I am just so tired. I have been chasing children, puppy, and messes all day. (Not that every other mother out there hasn't been doing the exact same thing) As soon as I finish this post I will get up and clean. Hopefully I will get it all done before I pass out. I didn't take a picture of the rest of my house but just trust me it is worse. For example: Cooper dumped a whole can of sprite on the floor - yesterday. (still not mopped up) The kids room was cleaned Monday, Tuesday, and this morning; which in kid language means time to dump out all of our toys because now they are put away. The kids decided "splish-splash" was a fun game to play while in the bath. And, while mommy was doing dishes, Cooper had fun unrolling an entire new roll of toilet paper. (He made it all the way through the bathroom, his room, and into the family room before he ran out.) Luckily though, my house is in one of those messes that will only take as long to clean as it took to make the messes. (No more than 15 minutes a room.)
Ironically, the strangest thing about this whole situation is that I wouldn't give it up for the world. My only regret is that I don't feel like I've had enough time for my kids today. As a mother, does the self doubt and "I could do better" feeling ever go away?
As a side note, I can't imagine 3. Poor little Landen (that is the name we are testing out for baby boy) is already protesting his mother lack of ability to stay on top of things. Maybe he will be my little super organized and composed one... maybe.
It all started with the books; we went to the library today, which always results in a minimum of 30 books. (I like to get my workout) We started by reading one book, then Kameryn decided to bring me all of the books at the same time. Next was the pillows. Kami and Cooper scooped them off my bed and brought them into the family room. I don't know why, but they had a fun time jumping and landing in them. Unfortunately, the fun time only lasted a matter of a minute or two and they were off. We have the towel the dog dragged in (literally) along with the paraphernalia of puppy toys the kids brought in for the dog, who was only interested in the towel.
I have the marshmallows and fruit snacks that the kids got out for "snacks" which they weren't allowed because they had already had dinner. (Of course, the obvious response when you are told you can't have something is to throw it on the floor) And lastly, my two favorites because they seriously happened within seconds of each other: First, the crayons dumped on the pillow. That was a Cooper. He picked up the whole box of crayons and tipped it upside down to watch all the crayons fall out. Then, he didn't even waste a second, dropped the crayon box and sauntered into the kitchen. Where he emerged 30 seconds later dragging my hand mixer by the cord.
I love these last two just because of the sheer randomness. And, because it illustrates perfectly how my kids don't even miss a beat. They are like little robots, programed to dump, spill, pillage, and plunder. Seriously, Cooper went about these endeavors so mechanically it was as if he was programmed to do it. But that is how it has been lately. The second I pick something up, they are dumping something out. The moment something is put away is the same moment something else is pulled out.

It is a constant viscous cycle which end in the second grouping of photos. And yes, I know, another brave undertaking.(Taking pictures of myself after another exhausting day) Might I add, all of these photos were staged, (duh) but it did feel so good to close my eyes and rest my head for a bit.
This must just be the 3 year old 1 year old combo I have going right now. I do realize that I could have had this all picked up by now, but I am just so tired. I have been chasing children, puppy, and messes all day. (Not that every other mother out there hasn't been doing the exact same thing) As soon as I finish this post I will get up and clean. Hopefully I will get it all done before I pass out. I didn't take a picture of the rest of my house but just trust me it is worse. For example: Cooper dumped a whole can of sprite on the floor - yesterday. (still not mopped up) The kids room was cleaned Monday, Tuesday, and this morning; which in kid language means time to dump out all of our toys because now they are put away. The kids decided "splish-splash" was a fun game to play while in the bath. And, while mommy was doing dishes, Cooper had fun unrolling an entire new roll of toilet paper. (He made it all the way through the bathroom, his room, and into the family room before he ran out.) Luckily though, my house is in one of those messes that will only take as long to clean as it took to make the messes. (No more than 15 minutes a room.)
Ironically, the strangest thing about this whole situation is that I wouldn't give it up for the world. My only regret is that I don't feel like I've had enough time for my kids today. As a mother, does the self doubt and "I could do better" feeling ever go away?
As a side note, I can't imagine 3. Poor little Landen (that is the name we are testing out for baby boy) is already protesting his mother lack of ability to stay on top of things. Maybe he will be my little super organized and composed one... maybe.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
We love our Grandparents!
It was UEA or Fall Break (I don't know what they call it these days) for my family this weekend. So they all came up to see my Grandma in St. Anthony. Fortunately for me, I have learned the art of leaving things at my mom's house, so they had to stop by here to bring it all to me. (The saddest thing, they had to bring the truck because I had so much junk...sorry mom) The other fortunate thing, I am on the way to Grandmas, which means I am also on the way as they head home, so they stopped by again to see me.
I love this! It is always nice to see my family. My mom and sister saved me from a terrible fate of endless dishes and mopping. It is always so nice when that happens. Anyway, we love it when they stop in. We've included a pic of Kami wearing the hat the Grandma and Grandpa picked out for her. (Cooper got one too, but he wouldn't leave it on long enough to get his picture taken.)
Fall Time Fun
We have big trees in our back yard, and by big trees I mean absolutely MASSIVE! I love them. My dad, on the other hand, is worried they will fall on our house, but that is another post. Well, within the past couple of days our leaves have turned and are beginning to fall. If you looked up at the trees you would think the leaves haven't begun falling because there are so many. However, if you looked at the yard, you would swear all of the leaves had already fallen. Get my point? There are a lot of leaves, both on the ground and soon to come.

Yesterday I raked up leaves. You may think this a futile point with so many left on the trees but I promise you, I would not be able to rake them up if I waited for them all the fall. I know my strength and raking up a 2 ft deep layer of leaves is not in my physical abilities. (Nor yours, I assure you)
So, it looks like I will be raking leaves on a weekly/daily basis for the next little while. Which is completely fine with me because I love raking leaves. Especially on beautiful days like yesterday. The day was so perfectly fall, I was in heaven!
Here are some pics of our adventures in the leaves. Kameryn thought they were the most wonderful thing in the whole world. Cooper was more interested in the rake, cell phone, and camera that was not in use. Needless to say, the little bugger made it difficult to get a good pic of him. (Very uncharacteristic of the Coop)

Friday, October 12, 2007
Of course you notice! Look (and might I add listen) to how awesome my blog is! We decided to get seasonally spooky. This all came to be from the decision to get festive come Christmas time (or festive for Christmas time come November time)
It got me thinking: Hey I can be festive for Halloween. So here you go. Oh, and please don't think I have no life and so I have time to do this. This literally took all of 25 min.
Side note, isn't "lil' red riding hood" such a great song? I totally LOVE it! Go me. Anyway, enjoy the new "spooky" atmosphere, header, and music. I hope it gets you in the haunting spirit.
It got me thinking: Hey I can be festive for Halloween. So here you go. Oh, and please don't think I have no life and so I have time to do this. This literally took all of 25 min.
Side note, isn't "lil' red riding hood" such a great song? I totally LOVE it! Go me. Anyway, enjoy the new "spooky" atmosphere, header, and music. I hope it gets you in the haunting spirit.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
I just wanted to post a pic of my new haircut for all to see. Sadly, I waited to long and the style kind of went flat (the result of a long day) Anyway, enjoy. Brandon really likes it and I am excited to have a real style for the first time in months. Yea! New makeup and new hair - I am going to be a changed woman!!!
Monday, October 8, 2007
NOT an obsession!
I think the real root of my problem stems from the fact that I don't know much about makeup and so I always have to buy one of everything to try and see if this will finally be the product that makes a respectable looking woman out of me. (You know, the dilemma: is this the right color or is this? I guess I will get one of both just in case) That, and the fact that I have never taken the time to sit down, experiment, and figure out which makeup regiment and colors/products work best for me. I probably should do that because my makeup purchasing problem coincides with my makeup hording problem. (I can't throw makeup away because I always worry that one day, that might have been the perfect color/product to solve my dilemma) Sad, sad, strange girl.
Honestly, even as I read through this post I realize how very sad this is. Plus side. I just ordered elf makeup for $1 a piece and so this stash did not cost me near what you think it did. Plus, it is not like I have a makeup purchasing obsession; I don't walk in a store and go straight for the cosmetics. It is just when I run out or have a big event coming up (like a wedding or family pictures) I go searching for, as I mentioned before, something to make a respectable looking woman out of me. And, because I have no clue what I am looking for, I always come home with options...that sit in the bottom of my makeup bag.
So...if you ever need a certain makeup color, chances are I have it and don't ever use it, so give me a call.
Ballerina Babies
Kami got a new "dancing shirt" and so she had to try it out today with her pretty princess skirt and dance to the music. Well, apparently it looked like a lot of fun because Cooper went and found the other skirt. Of course, I am a mother and so I put it on him. A father would never do such a thing. Anyway, it paid off, look at the cute pics I got:

"This dancing stuff is hard on the toes."

Thursday, October 4, 2007
Okay everybody, here are the pictures of our brand new puppy Lulu. She is a Schnoodle (a mix between a schnauzer and a poodle) We are loving her already, especially my two boys. It is so bad, I know who will replace me when I die.
Lulu loves Brandon the most. She follows him everywhere he goes and sits on his lap constantly. I must admit I am getting slightly jealous. I tell him we needed a puppy for him as much as we needed one for the kid.
Getting this puppy has been slightly nerve wracking for us, not because we haven't planned/prepared or aren't excited...we just made the mistake of telling the wrong people first (no offense mom and Gwen) If you get a dog, don't tell non-pet people first - they don't get it and all they see is the responsibility, mess, etc. (once again, no offense, I completely respect your rights to be non-pet people) So, after talking to non-pet people we got the feeling that everyone thought we were idiots.
But, we knew we had made the right decision and we were happy, nay thrilled, with the results. It was just hard having no one be excited with us. So, we found a solution. We called our similar pet person friend, Jesalee, and she was more than excited for us. (Go Jesalee!)
Anyway, I have sort of posted pics of her. Problem is, she loves Brandon so much I can't get a picture of her without half of her being consumed in Brandon. Also...the pet store gave her a Schnauzer haircut (not a fan) so we are waiting for it to grow out, but we still think she is cute.
It is hard to tell how she will be, but she is such a sweet dog right now. She is very patient with the children who are intent on mauling her to death. I will let you know how I feel about her after I take care of potty training her (the only thing I am NOT looking forward to)
Bikini Bread
I don't exactly know how to open this post....but, yesterday, we made "bikini bread" (zuchinni bread for those of you who don't speak 3 year old) Unfortunately we tried a new recipe, and, while it was good, it wasn't my moms'.
I usually won't post recipes on this blog seeing that we have a food blog and all (http://www.littlepiggyfood.blogspot.com/ Check it out!) But I figured I should post this one here because it fit so well.
Here is my mom's recipe for "Bikini Bread"
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon salt
1 cups white sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
3 teaspoons vanilla extract
½ teaspoon baking powder
3 cups grated zucchini
3 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 cup chopped walnuts
3 eggs
Grease and flour two 8x4 inch loaf pans. Preheat oven to 325*F. Sift flour, salt, baking powder, soda and cinnamon together in a bowl. Beat eggs, oil, vanilla, and sugar together in a large bowl. Add sifted ingredients to the creamed mixture and beat well. Stir in zucchini and nuts until well combined. Pour batter into prepared pans. Bake for 40-60 minutes, or until tester inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool in pan on rack for 10-15 minutes. Remove bread from pan and cool completely.
I usually won't post recipes on this blog seeing that we have a food blog and all (http://www.littlepiggyfood.blogspot.com/ Check it out!) But I figured I should post this one here because it fit so well.
Here is my mom's recipe for "Bikini Bread"
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon salt
1 cups white sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
3 teaspoons vanilla extract
½ teaspoon baking powder
3 cups grated zucchini
3 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 cup chopped walnuts
3 eggs
Grease and flour two 8x4 inch loaf pans. Preheat oven to 325*F. Sift flour, salt, baking powder, soda and cinnamon together in a bowl. Beat eggs, oil, vanilla, and sugar together in a large bowl. Add sifted ingredients to the creamed mixture and beat well. Stir in zucchini and nuts until well combined. Pour batter into prepared pans. Bake for 40-60 minutes, or until tester inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool in pan on rack for 10-15 minutes. Remove bread from pan and cool completely.
Thank You Power
You know those times when the world's great scientific minds finally catch up to doctrine of Christ (like when they finally proved that living the word of wisdom would bring you health and happiness...only they didn't know the Lord had already told us this hundreds of years before.) Anyway, I witnessed one of these events today while watching Good Morning America. THey had a "blurb" on a lady who had written a book on the power of thank you. Here is an excerpt from the intro of her book:
THIS BOOK WAS BORN OF COMMON SENSE. NOT THAT I claim to have more of it than anyone else. But it just seemed common sense to me—a hunch, really—that if you want to be happy, focus on what you've got—not what you've not. The benefits of doing just that read like the claims of some too-good-to-be-true infomercial:
You'll be more optimistic.
You'll exercise more.
You'll think more creatively.
You'll bounce back from adversity faster.
You'll be less intimidated by challenges.
You'll have higher immune response.
You'll be more alert and interested.
You'll be more adventurous.
You'll live longer.
You'll be more likely to help others.
You'll be more likable.
You'll be more tolerant.
You'll be a better boss or team leader.
You just might do better on a test.
These outcomes, reported in the country's top psychology journals, are the findings of some of the nation's foremost re¬searchers in a newly emerged field called positive psychology. For nearly two years, I have been digesting this scientific literature, trying to discover if my hunch had any basis in fact. Did it ever!
…Regard¬less of your age, religion, financial circumstances, or any other classification society might dream up, you have within you the tools to allow you to live the life of satisfaction, security, and optimism you long for. That power begins with two words: thank you.
So here is the deal, haven't you heard mentioned in the scriptures, by the prophets, and over the pulpit to be grateful for the blessings that are yours? Of course you have! If you don't remember them, allow me to jog your memory:
From a talk given in 2002 by Elder Haight: "As recorded in Luke, one day the Savior entered a village where there were 10 lepers. Now, those of us who have grown up in the last few years know very little about lepers. Leprosy was a terrible, dreaded disease anciently. These 10 lepers came to the Savior and said, “Master, have mercy upon us; have mercy upon us who have that terrible ailment of leprosy.” And He said to the 10 lepers, “Go visit your priest, and he will take care of you”—which they did. They went to see their priests, and they were cleansed, all 10 of them. A short time later, one of them returned to the Savior and fell on his face and his hands and his knees, thanking the Savior for blessing him and making him well from that terrible disease. And the Savior said to that one man: “Weren’t there 10? What has happened to the other nine? Where are they?” (See Luke 17:11–19.)
As I’ve read that story again and again, it’s made a great impression upon me. How would you like to be part of the “nine society”? Wouldn’t that be something—to be numbered among those who failed to return and acknowledge the Savior for the blessings He had given them? Only one returned.
It’s so easy in life for us to receive blessings, many of them almost uncounted, and have things happen in our lives that can help change our lives, improve our lives, and bring the Spirit into our lives. But we sometimes take them for granted. How grateful we should be for the blessings that the gospel of Jesus Christ brings into our hearts and souls. I would remind all of you that if we’re ever going to show gratitude properly to our Heavenly Father, we should do it with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength—because it was He who gave us life and breath. He gave us the opportunity to live as we are, to have the gospel in our lives... As that gratitude is magnified and developed and expanded, it can bless our hearts and our minds and our souls to where we’d like to continue to carry on and do those things that we are asked to do.Gratitude requires awareness and effort, not only to feel it but to express it. Frequently we are oblivious to the Lord’s hand. We murmur, complain, resist, criticize; so often we are not grateful. "
Sister Bonnie D Parkins related the following "Gratitude is a Spirit-filled principle. It opens our minds to a universe permeated with the richness of a living God. Through it, we become spiritually aware of the wonder of the smallest things, which gladden our hearts with their messages of God’s love. This grateful awareness heightens our sensitivity to divine direction. When we communicate gratitude, we can be filled with the Spirit and connected to those around us and the Lord. Gratitude inspires happiness and carries divine influence."
And, last one, last year in the monthly message in the Ensign, President Thomas S. Monson spoke of the power of gratitude. He told this story: "The District of Columbia police auctioned off about 100 unclaimed bicycles Friday. “One dollar,” said an 11-year-old boy as the bidding opened on the first bike. The bidding, however, went much higher. “One dollar,” the boy repeated hopefully each time another bike came up.
The auctioneer, who had been auctioning stolen or lost bikes for 43 years, noticed that the boy’s hopes seemed to soar higher whenever a racer-type bicycle was put up.
Then there was just one racer left. The bidding went to eight dollars. “Sold to that boy over there for nine dollars!” said the auctioneer. He took eight dollars from his own pocket and asked the boy for his dollar. The youngster turned it over in pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters—took his bike, and started to leave. But he went only a few feet. Carefully parking his new possession, he went back, gratefully threw his arms around the auctioneer’s neck, and cried.
When was the last time we felt gratitude as deeply as did this boy? "
If you have stuck with me through the entirety of this long post, good for you. I have just one scripture for you and then a thought/challenge.
“Live in thanksgiving daily,” said Amulek, “for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you.”
We are so blessed. I believe that if each of you took the time to really count your blessings you would realize that you live a very charmed life, despite your own personal hardships, the Lord is literally pouring out blessing on your head. Receive them and BE GRATEFUL for them.
Here is my challenge, take time everyday to list your blessings, to say thank you, to the Lord and also those around you in your life who bless you everyday. Perhaps keep a gratitude journal and every night write down one thing you are truly grateful for. In your prayer each day, make the effort to say thank you, sincerely, for at least one of the many blessings that are yours. Instead of just reciting "thank you for this day...for our many blessings..." be truly grateful for the day and NUMBER/LIST off your "many blessings". Take the time to open your eyes to the bounty around you and sincerely thank the Lord for providing it for you. I am not a prophet or apostle, but I am confident that I can promise you an increased happiness and a more personal relationship with your Father in Heaven. Lets give this "thank you power" a try.
THIS BOOK WAS BORN OF COMMON SENSE. NOT THAT I claim to have more of it than anyone else. But it just seemed common sense to me—a hunch, really—that if you want to be happy, focus on what you've got—not what you've not. The benefits of doing just that read like the claims of some too-good-to-be-true infomercial:
You'll be more optimistic.
You'll exercise more.
You'll think more creatively.
You'll bounce back from adversity faster.
You'll be less intimidated by challenges.
You'll have higher immune response.
You'll be more alert and interested.
You'll be more adventurous.
You'll live longer.
You'll be more likely to help others.
You'll be more likable.
You'll be more tolerant.
You'll be a better boss or team leader.
You just might do better on a test.
These outcomes, reported in the country's top psychology journals, are the findings of some of the nation's foremost re¬searchers in a newly emerged field called positive psychology. For nearly two years, I have been digesting this scientific literature, trying to discover if my hunch had any basis in fact. Did it ever!
…Regard¬less of your age, religion, financial circumstances, or any other classification society might dream up, you have within you the tools to allow you to live the life of satisfaction, security, and optimism you long for. That power begins with two words: thank you.
So here is the deal, haven't you heard mentioned in the scriptures, by the prophets, and over the pulpit to be grateful for the blessings that are yours? Of course you have! If you don't remember them, allow me to jog your memory:
From a talk given in 2002 by Elder Haight: "As recorded in Luke, one day the Savior entered a village where there were 10 lepers. Now, those of us who have grown up in the last few years know very little about lepers. Leprosy was a terrible, dreaded disease anciently. These 10 lepers came to the Savior and said, “Master, have mercy upon us; have mercy upon us who have that terrible ailment of leprosy.” And He said to the 10 lepers, “Go visit your priest, and he will take care of you”—which they did. They went to see their priests, and they were cleansed, all 10 of them. A short time later, one of them returned to the Savior and fell on his face and his hands and his knees, thanking the Savior for blessing him and making him well from that terrible disease. And the Savior said to that one man: “Weren’t there 10? What has happened to the other nine? Where are they?” (See Luke 17:11–19.)
As I’ve read that story again and again, it’s made a great impression upon me. How would you like to be part of the “nine society”? Wouldn’t that be something—to be numbered among those who failed to return and acknowledge the Savior for the blessings He had given them? Only one returned.
It’s so easy in life for us to receive blessings, many of them almost uncounted, and have things happen in our lives that can help change our lives, improve our lives, and bring the Spirit into our lives. But we sometimes take them for granted. How grateful we should be for the blessings that the gospel of Jesus Christ brings into our hearts and souls. I would remind all of you that if we’re ever going to show gratitude properly to our Heavenly Father, we should do it with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength—because it was He who gave us life and breath. He gave us the opportunity to live as we are, to have the gospel in our lives... As that gratitude is magnified and developed and expanded, it can bless our hearts and our minds and our souls to where we’d like to continue to carry on and do those things that we are asked to do.Gratitude requires awareness and effort, not only to feel it but to express it. Frequently we are oblivious to the Lord’s hand. We murmur, complain, resist, criticize; so often we are not grateful. "
Sister Bonnie D Parkins related the following "Gratitude is a Spirit-filled principle. It opens our minds to a universe permeated with the richness of a living God. Through it, we become spiritually aware of the wonder of the smallest things, which gladden our hearts with their messages of God’s love. This grateful awareness heightens our sensitivity to divine direction. When we communicate gratitude, we can be filled with the Spirit and connected to those around us and the Lord. Gratitude inspires happiness and carries divine influence."
And, last one, last year in the monthly message in the Ensign, President Thomas S. Monson spoke of the power of gratitude. He told this story: "The District of Columbia police auctioned off about 100 unclaimed bicycles Friday. “One dollar,” said an 11-year-old boy as the bidding opened on the first bike. The bidding, however, went much higher. “One dollar,” the boy repeated hopefully each time another bike came up.
The auctioneer, who had been auctioning stolen or lost bikes for 43 years, noticed that the boy’s hopes seemed to soar higher whenever a racer-type bicycle was put up.
Then there was just one racer left. The bidding went to eight dollars. “Sold to that boy over there for nine dollars!” said the auctioneer. He took eight dollars from his own pocket and asked the boy for his dollar. The youngster turned it over in pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters—took his bike, and started to leave. But he went only a few feet. Carefully parking his new possession, he went back, gratefully threw his arms around the auctioneer’s neck, and cried.
When was the last time we felt gratitude as deeply as did this boy? "
If you have stuck with me through the entirety of this long post, good for you. I have just one scripture for you and then a thought/challenge.
“Live in thanksgiving daily,” said Amulek, “for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you.”
We are so blessed. I believe that if each of you took the time to really count your blessings you would realize that you live a very charmed life, despite your own personal hardships, the Lord is literally pouring out blessing on your head. Receive them and BE GRATEFUL for them.
Here is my challenge, take time everyday to list your blessings, to say thank you, to the Lord and also those around you in your life who bless you everyday. Perhaps keep a gratitude journal and every night write down one thing you are truly grateful for. In your prayer each day, make the effort to say thank you, sincerely, for at least one of the many blessings that are yours. Instead of just reciting "thank you for this day...for our many blessings..." be truly grateful for the day and NUMBER/LIST off your "many blessings". Take the time to open your eyes to the bounty around you and sincerely thank the Lord for providing it for you. I am not a prophet or apostle, but I am confident that I can promise you an increased happiness and a more personal relationship with your Father in Heaven. Lets give this "thank you power" a try.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
It's a Jungle Out Here!
Take a peak at our backyard. Brandon has been doing some fall cleanup and he is having a blast ripping up trees (who would have thought, a boy enjoying being destructive...) Anyway, this is the damage he has caused:

Okay, so honestly he didn't do all this damage himself. We had a big storm the other weekend (we are assuming, we weren't in town) and we came home to snow (YES SNOW!) and 3 branches of our tree that had fallen. Luckily nothing was hurt, but they were HUGE branches. Each one was about the size of a 5 year old tree - hence the backyard full of tree limbs.
Brandon is on his way to the dump with his first of 5-6 loads. I told him we had to take a picture first to remember this by. Home ownership is the best. We are having so much fun!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Grocery Shopping
This is kind of lame, but...I found a grocery store! I have been totally bummed because I haven't been able to find a real grocery store (besides Albertsons and Smiths) since we have been here (3 years). I've been totally bugged and have had to shop at Walmart. (Nothing against Walmart, but I really miss the comforts of a down home grocery store - like Maceys in Utah)
Anyway, today we found one, per say. I mean, we always knew it was there, but today we actually got up and went there. Can I just tell you, I will not be going anywhere else from now on. They have candy, cereal, and grains in bulk (something I haven't seen since UT) They also have FRESH produce, not shipped all over the country, picked 3 weeks ago, produce. (now, I do know their produce is still shipped, but not in the quantity that Walmart's is.) There is also fresh meat, a butcher in the back; something Walmart definitely doesn't have. I am so excited I just had to post about it...lame I know.
Anyway, today we found one, per say. I mean, we always knew it was there, but today we actually got up and went there. Can I just tell you, I will not be going anywhere else from now on. They have candy, cereal, and grains in bulk (something I haven't seen since UT) They also have FRESH produce, not shipped all over the country, picked 3 weeks ago, produce. (now, I do know their produce is still shipped, but not in the quantity that Walmart's is.) There is also fresh meat, a butcher in the back; something Walmart definitely doesn't have. I am so excited I just had to post about it...lame I know.
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