So, I need some help. We have family pictures coming up in a couple weeks and....I just cut my hair. Well, just my bangs. I'm following the current bang trend. (You know, blunt cut, straight, etc.)
I don't hate them. They aren't perfect, of course, because I cut them myself. And, I did cut them a little longer, but that is as a safety net in case we don't love them, that way I can go back to the swoop look.
So, here is what I need: HONEST OPINION; keep 'em or ditch 'em. 
Brandon is no help, he doesn't care. He says they look good. (But I'm not so sure he would say "hun, you look really dorky. I'd fix those before family pics") So, that is why I am posting here. I'm pretty sure I will only get honest feedback from Kadon and mom...and possibly Gina. Are my new bangs going to look dorky in family pictures? Do they look dorky in general?
These pics aren't the best because we had just gotten back from a 2 hour shopping excursion... and of course my hair is flat (as always) but this is what you have to work with. And yes, I probably will actually do my hair for family pictures.
Please remember, although I want honest opinions, please be nice, I do still have feelings and mean comments like "you'd probably be better off if you just cut off your face" will make me sad.
Amari, if you read my blog, my family could use some help with haircuts.
So no one is brave enough to tell you the truth? Some friends you have... Since I'm family, I can tell you the truth. Actually, Kerianna and I were just talking about them and agree that we like the second picture. A bit shorter would work nicely too. So our vote is shorter. But you are a perfect model being so cute to start with. :D
ReplyDeleteI like them. I do think that they need to be a little bit shorter though to look like real bangs and not like you are trying to grow them out. I like the second picture best.
ReplyDeleteSuprisingly, I actually dig them! The length isn't bad, if you do go shorter only do it it minisqual amounts!!!! Like when you open your eyes cut at the top of your lashes. (hope that makes sense) Also, are you sure that you can ROCK the new hairdo?! I mean I totally don't want you to set yourself up to fail! I totally knew that mom would LOVE the bangs, we have all gotten the lecture one to many times.
ReplyDeleteI've always liked the bang look on you. You can totally pull it off so I say keep em! Now Landon on the other hand...I definitely think you should keep his hair the way it is and don't try to go any shorter :)
ReplyDeleteI really like your bangs in the second picture. I would just go a little shorter, that's all. You are so photogenic, by the way! Very jealous!! :0)
ReplyDeletethey're good just make them shorter.
ReplyDeleteI like the second picture. You look really pretty.
ReplyDeleteAs opposed to Kadon's opinion, I say keep 'em longer rather than shorter. They look cute. Anna's growing hers out but I think they look cuter for being longer.
ReplyDeleteHey Brittany! I'm so glad that you found my blog and said Hello. I can't believe how long it's been since I've last talked to you. Your family is so cute!! I love your blog too. It's fun to see what you have been to lately, your very busy. Congratulations on your latest edition to your little family, even though you had him awhile ago. Please, keep in touch!! By the way, I like you with bangs but I do agree with others about triming them a little shorter. You are gorgeous! I miss you lots. Take Care!