Thursday, October 9, 2008

For the Love of

(Cooper has a "baneee" on his lip because he had a cut under his nose that he and his sister deemed bandaid worthy. I thought it was cute. If I had realized that this little insident would result in us having to buy a whole new box of bandaids, I might not have been so amused. Still cute though. The only way I could get him to hold still enough for a photo was to wrap myself around him and hold him still.)

I don't know what it is, but something about Cooper has just been so endearing lately. I lay in bed wishing I could go pull him out of bed just to kiss him and hold him and tell him I love him. Honestly, I lay in bed wishing I hadn't wasted my day not being with him. Actually, this little admission goes for all of my children. The days go by so quickly, I wish I wasn't so involved with doing the things I do so I could be more involved doing the things they do. And then I wouldn't have to lay awake at night thinking about how much I love and miss them...and they're only asleep.

But, back to Cooper. Something about this little boy is just tugging at my heart strings lately. He is so messy and mischievous. He is always into things, breaking things, hurting things...especially himself. But he is so full of love. He is such an affectionate child. Always hugging and kissing. Always happy to see you. He has more personality than a person his size should be allowed. His little scowl just about kills me. It is so hilarious! I'm pretty sure he is giving Jamison a run for his money in stubbornness. And he's only 2.

Lately he has become my little helper...ish. Basically he likes to help in the kitchen and he loves to crawl under beds and tables to retrieve stray toys and what not. But he feels so big and important it makes me happy.

He has one level to his voice: super loud. He is just so full of excitement for life and everyone in it. He reminds me of my brother Brandon that way. He is trying to learn how to talk and is getting clearer every day. Still not understandable, but the guessing is getting easier.

So so much love for this little boy. I am very grateful to have him in our family. He makes life exciting and unexpected... a very enjoyable, albeit tiring combination.

I love you poop! As Ni Hao Kai Lan (one of Cooper's favorite cartoons) says "You make my heart SUPER happy!" Cheesy, but so true.

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