Saturday, October 18, 2008

Getting Out

You would never know that we had 8 inches of snow exactly one week ago. The littles and I went to the park for a nice break from the house. The weather and my littles were beautiful. Enjoy the pics.

Landon fell asleep on the way there.

I love this face he's making. Classic. (I had asked him if he knew how to smile. This is what I got)

But Kami smiled for me. Look how cute she is.
Here she is pretending to take a nap like Landon. She forgot to close her eyes.
Look at those crocodile tears...sad :(Mommy and her boys. Not loving my face but TOTALLY loving Landons.I think he looks like his grandpa Bowen in this pic. Not sure why.I was trying to get all three...not so much happening. Cooper would not stay still (surprise!) We will try this again because it definitely has potential for astounding cuteness!


  1. I don't know why I haven't noticed before, but Kami's hair is getting SO long!
