You snore now. I'm thinking it is a combination of the intense exhaustion and allergies (which make it impossible for you to breathe adequately). I don't mind though.
Dear Camera,
I'm sorry I took you for granted when you were living. I promise if you ever decide to speak to me again I will treat you with the respect you deserve. And I will try my hardest to ensure that Kami doesn't stick you in a sink full of soapy water again. (In her defense, she didn't know you were allergic, and you were pretty filthy.)
I'm sorry I took you for granted when you were living. I promise if you ever decide to speak to me again I will treat you with the respect you deserve. And I will try my hardest to ensure that Kami doesn't stick you in a sink full of soapy water again. (In her defense, she didn't know you were allergic, and you were pretty filthy.)
Please come back to me. please. I can't afford to replace you.
desperate and depressed
Dear Fall,
Welcome to my little town. We love you... I love you (truly. madly. deeply.)
Welcome to my little town. We love you... I love you (truly. madly. deeply.)
Dear UHEAA (Utah Higher Education Assistance Authority),
You are heaven sent. Thank you for giving us back the $700 you loaned us. It was unexpected and a blessing. It has been a pleasure doing business with you.
You are heaven sent. Thank you for giving us back the $700 you loaned us. It was unexpected and a blessing. It has been a pleasure doing business with you.
no longer a-loan
Dear Home Projects,
Could you please just finish yourselves? My dad is coming to visit me this weekend and I would love to impress him with all your finished glory. Please, just think about it, it would be awesome.
Could you please just finish yourselves? My dad is coming to visit me this weekend and I would love to impress him with all your finished glory. Please, just think about it, it would be awesome.
Thoroughly Exhausted
Dear Old Gravy,
Will you please put this little ditty on sale. It's been 6 years since I have had a winter coat (and no that is not an exaggeration) I would like to end that streak and I believe this is the ticket.
P.S. Dear little ditty, please, even though I know you are a difficult color to pull off, please, please, look absolutely fantastic on me. Because I really have my heart set on you.
I think it's time we took things slow. Things have been moving a little too fast between us lately and I'm just not comfortable with that kind of a relationship right now. i.e. SLOW YOUR ROLL TOOTS.

Will you please put this little ditty on sale. It's been 6 years since I have had a winter coat (and no that is not an exaggeration) I would like to end that streak and I believe this is the ticket.
P.S. Dear little ditty, please, even though I know you are a difficult color to pull off, please, please, look absolutely fantastic on me. Because I really have my heart set on you.
Warily Wearing
Dear Life,I think it's time we took things slow. Things have been moving a little too fast between us lately and I'm just not comfortable with that kind of a relationship right now. i.e. SLOW YOUR ROLL TOOTS.
Apprehensive Admirer
and one last one:
Dear Brandon Bowen,
I love you. you. know.
Dear Brandon Bowen,
I love you. you. know.
Sincerely, Brittany Bowen