Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Series of Unfortunate Events

You know how sometimes things happen and you think "Wow! That was unfortunate."?


Long before the new "swimsuits" arrived, (back in the early weeks of Max's life) We had a true moment of new motherhood excitement when Cooper, at his mother's request, was extra helpful in heating up some meatloaf for breakfast for Landon.
We go full out in our family and so a 30 second microwaved meatloaf turned into a 30 minute microwaved meatloaf...

Wow! That was unfortunate.

This event ended in an immediate evacuation of the premises
(in our nearly nakeds, it was before noon...)
a delightfully toxic toasty smell, and a spanking new microwave.
Oh, and a lesson on the correct cooking time for microwaved meatloaf.

First Sunday back in church as a Bishopric widow with a new baby went swimmingly. In hind site, I probably shouldn't have bribed the children with lifesavers for good behavior. Seeing that Landon tried to swallow his lifesaver and I had to rush him out of the chapel so he could throw up in the hall... well I should have seen it coming.

Wow... That was unfortunate.

So, Landon got to show off the pecks he's been working
on and we re-entered the chapel Matthew McConaughey style
(that means shirtless for those of you not down with the Hollywood scene.
And by we I need to clarify that Landon was the only shirtless one.)

The middle of last week Cooper took a spill into the coffee table and was rewarded with a goose egg on his forehead. An injury that pales in comparison when later that same day he took a flying dive into the springs on the trampoline. Bruised up his nose and sliced his upper eyelid clean open. (And you know how head wounds bleed.)

Yep, that too was unfortunate.

Thank heavens for a level headed father,
who may or may not have been accused
of being too level headed and uncaring,

(Mom might have freaked out just a tad more than he did)

and a butterfly bandage borrowed from the neighbors.

The end of last week, father and son made a late night trip up to the ER so the nurses could extract a small ball that wedged into the very most inner parts of a frightened little boys ear when, as he explained, "Kami dropped it onto Landon's bed, Landon stuck it on my bed, and then I rolled over and it got stuck in my ear" Way to go suction cup ears!

That's amazing!...and unfortunate.

It came out all right
and Cooper has learned the valuable lesson
of not sticking small objects in over sized ears.
Or "accidentally rolling over small things..."
Those ears of his have a disobedient
mind of their own.

And finally yesterday, I had the pleasure of finding our outside freezer door ajar, as it had been for who knows how long: one hour, two, maybe days... it's all relative.

I'm sure you can fill in the blank...
but just in case, let me just say it. After all, I've earned it:

WOW! a little unfortunate, don't you think?

Luckily my house keeping skills are still super top notch
and so my neglect in freezer organization
actually worked in my favor,
and only the popsicles and ice cream were harmed
in the making of this blog post.

And that, my blog friends, is what we like to call:
a series of unfortunate events.

(great movie BTW... I'm not cultured enough to have read the books however.)

*I would be remiss to not mention the obvious bucket load of blessings that took place amongst this all. The fact that everything resulted in nothing more than something to look back and laugh at is amazing seeing as how we escaped some pretty serious peril and injury.
We have actually felt far more fortunate then unfortunate amidst it all. So really, this is more a list of highly fortunate events.

And, can I just say, that any boy
who manages to live past 4,
despite all his attempts to harm himself,
is a miracle in and of himself.

Facebook {March 10- June 28 2011}

I like to keep the "one liners" I post on facebook. Sometimes it's the only proof I have that we've existed in the past month. Sorry if it bores you, but my narcissism just won't let me leave well enough alone ;)But honestly, since my face book status is my very own "kid's say the darnedest things" reel I like to save it somewhere special for future generations.
Let's pick up where we left off:
  • Yesterday we were playing a game of ispy in the car. It was Cooper's turn: "ispy something that is green... with lots of leaves... and a tree trunk." We were stumped, just couldn't get that one. March 10
  • "My not all up in your grill! My up in your nose." – Landon March 11
  • When my 3 year old gets super mad at me he starts yelling in some babble language. I have no proof, but I'm 96% sure he's saying naughty words... March 17
  • Kameryn comes up to me tonight "Mom, boys are SO crazy! When Cooper says 'I'm going to pee on you' he really pees on you." Wow. I guess crazy is another word for disgusting... March 18
  • I've decided I'm going to shave my legs on a more drastically regular basis. You just never know... March 30 Here is what prompted that thought, as explained on facebook: "We had a lengthy stay at labor and delivery trying to prevent my body from forcing baby to make an early arrival. It's all good now, they gave me a shot, and a healthy dose of "oh crap maybe I should make some preparations for this baby.""
  • Home appraisal time. Cross your fingers for BIG numbers! April 4
  • I truly hate that the nearest Zupas is in Utah (and that I have no plans of visiting for at least the next 2 months) Curse you Idaho! April 8
  • Landon said to me this morning "Mom, if we don't like lunch or dinner we need to say 'BOO!' " April 9
  • Little girl cracked the eggs for the scrambled eggs this morning. I think I fished out all the shells... wish me luck. April 10
  • Piano Recital!! April 16
  • This morning I thought I'd be "fun" and make my kids mickey mouse pancakes for breakfast. The first words out of Kameryn's mouth "Mom, I really like your bunny pancakes." ...I'm only bummed that wasn't my original plan. April 19
  • Because I neglected to empty my husband's coat pockets before I put it in the wash, I now have a dryer full of melted candy. I really should have known better. April 21
  • Baby Max. Wednesday, April 27th 3:38 am. 7 lbs 3 oz 20.5 inches long. Happy family. April 28
  • Just Skyped with my brother in the Ukraine; SO COOL! May 9
  • I'm thinking the 4 kid thing wouldn't be that difficult if the 2 middle ones would cooperate. May 10
  • sad boy = sad momma May 16
  • Cooper playing "rocket binkie" with new baby brother. Made me happy. May 18
  • My son Landon just came into the room with a sly little 'I'm so clever' smile on his face and then he says: "Mom, I'm hiding my granola bar in my pocket so you can't see it." Tricky kid, Mom has no idea. May 18
  • So cool he can do it in his sleep. May 20
  • Dear Brittany, it takes 15 min to clean your kitchen top to bottom. I know, I timed it. Pretty sure you can work it into your schedule more frequently. May 24
  • The kids are watching looney tunes and Kami is convinced the coyote is the good guy... May 29
  • I'm pretty sure holding baby Max is the absolute best way to spend the day. June 1
  • "Landon, don't feed your dinner to the dog." "My not, my just gibben him a little lick." June 1
  • "...She's having a potty. Not a potty like she's sitting on the potty, a potty like someone invited her to a birthday potty and she's going so that's why she's not coming here." - Cooper. I'm super grateful he's around. His translation skills are top notch. June 2
  • "It's okay Mom, I took a secret shower." - Cooper trying to convince me he didn't need a bath. June 10
  • In case you were wondering, since it's been a while, yes he is still stinking adorable! June 22nd
  • "No! My don't want to play outside! That is super not fun and my not like that!" -Landon... June 22nd
  • "Landon, didn't you wear those undies yesterday? Aren't they dirty?" "I don't know, let me smell 'em. Yep, these undies are dirty. You wanna smell 'em." - No I do not. June 23rd
  • Kami threw up on the tramp last night. Her response to me, "it's okay mom, when I jump on the tramp I'll just jump over the throw up" - problem solved. June 25th

Friday, June 3, 2011

"I'm the Little Brother"

Because he is still pretty ridiculously adorable... well... you're welcome.

And yes, that is almost a smile.

He almost looks amused.

Babies make the best yawn faces.

I love this one: Look at Max's face. He's preparing himself for Landon's particular brand of "love".

And naturally Landon and I needed a picture together. Not exactly sure what happened but my camera did a mega zoom maneuver
(because no mother in their right mind would take a picture of themselves that up close and personal on purpose.)

I love it anyway.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Strange Things Are Happening

(does anyone have that song playing in their head because I sure do. Please tell me someone else actually knows the song I'm talking about... if not that would just be awkward.)

Brace yourselves, this post gets a little PG13... you've been warned.

I was sitting at the computer doing some research for a project I'm about to do, when Kameryn comes over with some black things and asks me what they are.

At first glance they look like some of Brandon's black church socks that the dog had gotten too.

And then, the more I watched her finagle them the more apparent it was that the mystery object was not an object appropriate for young eyes and hands...
especially considering the fact that I had NO IDEA where they came from and they definitely weren't mine.

Had they been mine it would have still been awkward but not nearly as awkward as it actually was considering I didn't know who they belonged to.
(and when you are fingering things like that you had better know who they belong to and be okay with the fact that you are touching them...)

So that brought me to a perplexing situation:

Apparently, upon questioning my children, we came to the conclusion that 3 pairs of black g-string underwear miraculously appeared on the coffee table.

No lie.

Appeared out of thin air.

Right onto the coffee table that had held no g-string underwear mere minutes before.

See, this is where things get extra awkward. If they weren't mine (which they weren't) they had to belong to someone else.

My children really like our neighbors.

A lot.

My children also like to visit our neighbors a lot.
You know, because they like them.
And sometimes my children visit the neighbors without them knowing.

Our neighbors don't share our same religion and so they also don't share our same "taste" in underwear... and we all have clotheslines... So there was always that option...

Okay, I'm sorry, but how does one go about knocking on their neighbor's door and saying something like

"Excuse me, but did my children happen to steal 3 pairs of black g-string underwear from your yard?"

Honestly, how do you put an un-awkward spin on a conversation like that?

Um, easy,

you don't!

So I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Do I do the right thing and make every possible effort to return something when you know it's not yours?
Or, do I do the more comfortable thing and let other people's personal personal belongings remain none of my business.

Pretty sure you've got a good guess as to what I was going to do.
(or what I was NOT going to do)

But honestly, out of thin air?

No one has even the slightest clue as to where they came from or how they managed to get on the coffee table?

They just appeared?

I'd like to say stranger things had happened around here:

but actually, no.

No they haven't.

For everyone's peace of mind, after a lot of sloothing, we now know,
without a shadow of doubt,
that the underwear actually arrived in a box, addressed to us, from Target.
While I had only ordered swimsuits for the children
(and the receipt attested to that)
they had included this very special prize in the box.

Like a box of cracker jacks!

On the very positive side, now Brandon has a new "swimsuit!" too. ;)
(three actually...)