Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Big Wet One

I posted this as my facebook status. But my Mom continually informs me that the blog MUST be updated. Enjoy!

Along with learning how to walk this last month, Max has also learned the art of kissing.
It's a big deal in the Bowen household soley based on the fact that we aren't exactly known for our overly expressive children. ;)

Not only can Max now effectively blow kisses, he can also full on maul your face with his drooling open mouth headbutts. 
Also known as kisses.  
(he gets it from his dad)  

Super adorable and pretty messy. 

The following make-out session happened tonight.
Allow me to paint for you a mental picture.

Brandon was laying on the carpet in the "nursery" (We have a nursery now. As in an entire room whose soul purpose is to sleep the baby. N.B.D. WHAAAT?!?!) Max was having the time of his life using his dad as a human sized jungle gym. And he was feeling extra loving; repeatedly planting huge slobbery kisses all over Brandon's face.

One time in particular the kiss was extra slobbery (coincidentally it coincided with a Daddy, Mommy, Landon, and Max dog pile)
Come to find out, all the extra liquid in Brandon's mouth was not slobber...

How does one put throw up delicately?
You probably don't huh?

So baby blew chunks in Brandon's mouth. 

I'm still dry heaving over it.

Landon, in witnessing his mother's distress, offered to get me a napkin to throw up in. Upon delivering it he offered the following logic:

"You know Mom, if you're going to throw up, it would be best if you did it in the sink."

ps Mom, you had to have known throw up would be the thing to bring me out of blogging obscurity.

1 comment:

  1. I'm never having children. This is the worst things I've ever heard.
