Saturday, July 28, 2012


Two mornings ago Cooper constructed a masterpiece of cow anatomy from playdoh and a citrus squeezer (not sure if that is the technical term). I then sent the following picture and text message to my husband (who was away on a business trip) and one of my favorite friends, Gwen (who was a natural first choice because her husband owns a dairy)

Text #1:

"Look Mom, I made a cow penis! 
They should call these milk penis's because they are penis's that give milk. 
Instead of udders."

Someone should really stop laughing long enough to teach my son the anatomy of a cow.

Text #2:

I would post it as my facebook status except it requires the repeated use of the word penis. And in light of recent events  I feel to do so would confirm that the Bowens are on a fast track to spiritual destruction.

(Brandon's facebook status was hacked and "he" was repeatedly stating that a picture of a very buxom woman in her underwear was "awesome")

1 comment:

  1. still stinkin hilarious!

    p.s. you probably better start sending Cooper out to the dairy to work with Wyatt...I'm sure he could teach him a thing or two about cows (probably way more than he wants to know...)
