Monday, September 10, 2012

Life is...

 Back to school:


Kami is in 3rd grade. Which is impossible. And scary. And she is gorgeous. Naturally.

 Don't ask me about this face... I have no clue... maybe he's a tough guy?

Cooper is in 1st grade. And he LOVES the cafeteria!

Other odds and ends:

We have a dog, he's still fat. And he barks at people for no reason other than to give me stress and anger issues.

Bowens are great!


  1. 'bout time #realtalk #nuffsaid

  2. Bowens are great! Your kids are so grown up and keep getting cuter! And Morgan has the same bag as Cami so y'all have good style too. :)

    We sure miss you guys!

  3. I agree with Kadon. They are really cute pictures though.
