Sunday, December 23, 2007

Pee Sheets

I don't know if any of you have heard rumor of the infamous pee sheets. We thought it was an old wife's tale our selves, but we have since become believers. Okay, honestly I am just blabbing, but I am pretty sure there is such thing as pee sheets, and I am most definitely sure they are residing at our house. Let me tell you the story:
About a month ago we finally put sheets on Kami's bed. She had been "sheetless" for a little over a week and a half, and I currently don't remember why. Well, we periodically go through huge bedroom cleaning binges and this night was one of them. Kami asked us if she could try wearing panties to bed and we decided to take our chances. Needless to say, there was an accident.
So, these sheets got removed (the very same night they were put on) and placed in the washer. A couple days later, they were placed back on the bed. Sure enough, nap time came and guess what? Back into the washer (once again the very same day they were placed on her bed) A week later (yes it took us a week to get sheets back on her bed, don't judge us, I've had a rough month) these sheets were replaced on her bed. That morning she woke up saying she had had an accident. Now we were more than sure we had put a diaper on her so we figured it was next to impossible for her to have peed her bed. Guess what? Not impossible. her diaper had managed to fall off in the middle of the night and was down around her ankles, hence the wet bed. So, last night these sheets got put back on her bed one more time and we woke up to (at 3 am) a wet bed. Fun times! (yet so not)
So, I don't know if you are necessarily convinced, but we sure are. Needless to say, we replaced her sheets with a different pair. We will see if they are better, maybe we will at least get more than a couple hours of use out of them before they are soiled.

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