Saturday, December 15, 2007

Poor Stupid Puppy

What do you do people? If you can see through all the burrs our puppy is hidden under there. Seriously! AAGH! Last night our puppy came in from going potty covered from head to toe in burrs. I spent 2 hours trying to comb and but them out to no avail. Poor dog. Poor stupid dog, but poor dog just the same. She had so many burrs around her nose she couldn't open her mouth. She had one stuck to her eyelid so she couldn't open her eye all the way. Her ears were "glued" down to her head. Her feet are matted down beyond recognition, and now she has bald spots all over thanks to my pitiful attempts to help her out. After 2 hours I gave up. She has a grooming appointment on Tuesday and hopefully they will be able to help her out. We are thinking they will just have to take the clippers to her and buzz her down bald. Poor dog. I felt so bad for her, she was so traumatized by the whole experience (not to mention that these burrs are not your regular burrs, they are super powered burrs. There are cockel burrs but there are also these long skinny stick like ones and they are the worst.) she shook for a good 1 1/2. I just had to hold her on my lap and pet the few, non burr covered areas. Poor girl.
Because she is black it is hard to see all the bald spots, but maybe if you look close...poor dog.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, you're probably going to have to put your dog in those nasty outfit things. How embarassing for you and the dog. You should just let her have blotchy fur, let her keep some dignity. Haha, I really can't stop laughing.
