Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Peanut or Plain

Kameryn has started this new little phase; she doesn't like to be silly. Of course, she is a 3 year old and so she is always silly. However, if you point this out to her (say you happen to mention that you think she is a silly girl) she freaks and starts whining/crying "I don't want to be silly!"
So yesterday Kami comes up to me and asks "Mommy, am I a plain girl?" Luckily, I knew the correct answer. I assume that at any other time in her life, being a plain girl would be absolutely dismal. Yet, at this particular moment in time, plain is exactly what she wants to be. I, of course, think my daughter is extraordinary and very far from plain. But, for now, I will indulge her and agree that she is most definitely a plain girl.
After Kameryn was sure that she was plain she had to take a poll on the rest of the family. Here are the results:
Mommy = plain
Daddy = plain (shocking! I for sure thought he would be a nut in her opinion...)
Cooper = silly. In other words: peanut (as in nut. Clever play on words I know. I'm a clever one.)
Landon = most definitely plain. She was offended that I would suggest that he would be otherwise. (Remember that plain is what we are going for here.)
Grandma = silly
So, there you have it. Ironically, for Grandma and Cooper to be silly wasn't a bad thing. Just the thought of being silly herself was horrific. So, the question is are you plain or silly (peanut).


  1. Auntie Gina- Peanut!!!
    Uncle Dave- Bigger Nut!
    Addison- Silly Nut!
    JT-Bouncee Nut!
    Payslei- Cutiest Nut Ever!

  2. Mindi-Peanut
    Kaden- Plain
    We have to balance each other out
