Sunday, February 10, 2008

Pretty Princess

Grandma brought Kameryn this dress when she came up to stay with us. It is the first real "princess" dress she has ever owned. She loved it. Of course, when I told her she looked like a princess she said "no, I don't want to be a princess. I want to be plain." Go figure. She was, however, very proud of her pretty dress. Thanks Grandma. This dress was the perfect fit for a ...plain girl.


  1. Don't pass this on to Kami G, but Lydia and I both think she is a very pretty little princess. We love her new dress!

  2. What a wonderful, PLAIN, princess!! :0) I love the dress! Is this another attempt to do Kami's hair. I want to know how it turned out. The last one was so cute, by the way!!

  3. What a pretty plain girl. Grandma loves you.
