Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Homecoming

On the third, we, as a family, were far more than blessed to welcome home Elder Hatch. Returning from two years in Atlanta, Georgia. What a happy day.
My favorite thing, Kami was so concerned that her Uncle B would remember her. (As was he) When he got home and said hi to her, oh my goodness! "Mommy, he remembered my name! And I love him so very much." That's all we heard for 5 days straight. And boy, was she stuck to him like super glue! Wonderful, wonderful day! Welcome home B. You have been grately missed. (After two years, Kami is having a difficult time at remembering her uncle B is no longer on a mission. He is still in EVERY prayer.)
Here are "some" photos from the day:Check out that diaper!And here is some of Kami's handi work: (With the camera)

1 comment:

  1. You look really pretty.
    Wouldn't you know that we were down at the same time. I'm glad you guys had a fun holiday.
