(Before grandparents and aunts freak out, don't worry, the bump on his head isn't THAT bad. It's just big and bleeds a lot...all over everything. So we had to get it covered, and a normal bandaid wasn't big enough.)
So, if these photos don't encompass all that is Cooper, I don't know what does. What a GOOP! He is hilarious. One minute he's bumming around in his diaper, the next...well you see what happened next. (He wanted to dance like Kami...) He's too cute. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a decent picture, my camera (person operating the camera) was whacked, and then there was the minor detail about my son not being able to keep his finger out of his nose. Boys. (No, kids. Kami has the same problem.)
He' just too adorable.
Cooper had a b-day last Saturday. (I know...yes it HAS taken me this long to post it...bad, busy, mommy. I'll post birthday festivities when I'm ready for a blog overload day. Maybe Sunday.) We are now the proud owners of a two year old. I'm not sure the terrible 2's applied to Kami (3's have been harder with her), but I'm pretty sure Cooper is going to take the title to the extreme. Don't get me wrong, Cooper is an INCREDIBLE little man. He's is extremely affectionate, absolutely hilarious, and insanely polite. He is also extremely mischievous, often times aggressive, a little obstinate, and VERY VERY VERY messy. Not to mention a bit of a klutz/accident prone: Of course this isn't my boys first head bump (that's laughable) One bump barely clears up before another takes it's place. What's a mom to do? My son is an accident waiting to happen. (No wondering where that trait came from. Remind me to tell you some stories later...)
What a boy. What a WONDERFUL little boy.
The bigger he gets the more my heart wraps itself around his little person.
"Hey Cooper, guess what?...I love you!"
Love the pictures. I thought the mess was going to be bigger. I guess it seems bigger if you are the one cleaning it up. Coop is pretty adorable.