Friday, July 11, 2008

Word for Word

You'll get a kick out of this:

"Mommy, mommy.

Come see what Cooper did.

He made a BIG mess.

Come see.

Hurry, Hurry...


Seriously?! TA-DA! As if this is behavior worthy of "Ta-da"-ing. I shouldn't leave them alone in the other room.
(I guess my cookies needed salt: that is ALL my salt. ALL over my table, chair, and floor. Really, not THAT big of a mess. I've seen worse.)


  1. hehe... at least their ta-das arent paint related like their cousins!!! i guess the mischieviousness runs in the hatch family ;)

  2. Lydia LOVES to say "TA DA" and now Wyatt is catching on to the phrase. I love it!
    And you're right...that is a VERY mild mess :)
    Hey, did you know that you have some WAY cute kiddos??!!!!!

  3. Cooking with Kids isn't cooking until they've made a bigger mess than you.
