Monday, February 2, 2009


We are going all out for holidays this year. Any excuse to make an ordinary day extraordinary we are going for it. Currently we are exploding pink and red hearts all over every square inch of our house. It has been fun. I forgot how much I love little things like this.

Today Kami helped me heart attack their bedroom. This project kind of morphed from one thing to another and "us girls" are extremely pleased with the results.

Kami made all of the hearts out of pipe cleaners and then she cut the ribbon and I stapled them to the hearts. Then we taped them to their ceiling (very high tech, I know) We had a blast and it was a fun mommy-me project.

Last Friday was heart filled as well. We made little mosaic hearts with scraps of red, pink and purple scrapbook paper. Kami and Cooper (Cooper especially) loved ripping all the paper into small scraps and then (the messy part) gluing them onto the paper. Many thanks to dad who helped remind us that glue could be made from flour and water. (I can't believe I didn't have any glue) But the kids loved our goopy paste mess. It was such an adventure in creativity for them. Cooper probably had more glue than paper on his heart, but he loved every minute of it.

Finally, here is a pic of my valentine's garland that I made a week or so ago. Very easy and fast, but it's been so festive!

(Kami wanted to be in all the pictures)

Many, many more pink things on the horizon. This is so fun!


  1. Great, now I feel the pressure to do something fun with my kids. The "heart attack" room is ADORABLE!!!

  2. Yeah. And just like that, the rest of us look like slackers with no soul. ;)

    (Cue Britt's bratty reply: "So what's different between now and any other time?")


  3. You are amazing! I used to do stuff like that but now too often I just think of all the work of cleaning up and taking down decorations when the holiday is over. (Is that I sign that I am getting old?) I think we will try the mosaic hearts though. Fun- fun!

  4. I have been checking everyday for an update. Love the heart attack idea and your garland is adorable. Coop and Kami look like the mosaics were fun for them. What a fun mommy.

  5. wow what a fun mom you are...what don't you do?
