Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Love Us Some Butcher Paper

Mom sent us home with one of her rolls of butcher paper (so I could make some duplicate patterns for the superhero capes) and...well, we put it to good use.

I'm sure she doesn't mind.

I've always wanted to own a big roll of butcher paper, but I couldn't exactly swallow the cost at Costco. I'm thinking now that I might just have to save up my pennies.
If you have extra butcher paper laying around you house, whip this little project out (since it is SOO hard) My kids loved it / are still loving it. I'm sure our little look-a-likes will be hanging around for the next few weeks.


  1. I have the cutest niece and nephews! Love you guys!

  2. butcher paper is SO worth it. i use it all the time... see if there is a newspaper place in town, sometimes they give away the last part of the roll. way worth it!

  3. have to buy butcher paper at Ikea! It is very very very cheap. Much better than Costco.

  4. I've always got a roll around too. I call the local newspaper and ask if they give away or sell their roll end. Usually they are free and one roll end will last us years.

    Back when I was a fun mom we would make and decorate life size tracings of us. Good times!
