Sunday, April 4, 2010

...and the next day, I was better.

Thank you for all your love and concern.
I am doing much better today. (As I was yesterday and the day before)

Thursday was just tough.

No worries though. I made it through it and I'm tougher and better because of it.


  1. I'm glad today is better, and hopefully listening to conference was a boost. I've never heard so many talks that mentioned the importance of just trying to love your family, friends, and neighbors. I love ya Brit!

  2. I'm so glad that you are having a better day. (Hopefully it still is!) I just want to thank you for making your 2 previous posts because I'm not brave enough to do so, and you described how I feel numerous times. Life isn't perfect, children aren't perfect and we are far from perfect, but as long as we are trying to improve ourselves and our families and include our Heavenly Father and our Savior in that process then it will all be OK. Thanks again! P.S. I really enjoyed our little tie-making date. We'll have to do it again sometime soon!! ;0)
