Thursday, April 8, 2010

Kid's Say the Darndest Things

After finishing a prayer on the food the other day Kami looked up at me and said
"Mom. It's very important we have families, because otherwise..."
Then she stalled and seemed to be having a moment where she couldn't remember what she had wanted to say. Because she had told me just the day before how important it was for us to have families so we wouldn't be alone I filled in the blank for her
"so we don't have to be alone."

"yes." she looked up at me and then said what she had really wanted to say. "Also Mom, it's important we have families because if we didn't then nobody could tell us when our birthday was." very true little girl.

Tuesday afternoon found just Cooper and I in a conversation. Kameryn was at school and Landon was taking a nap. While cleaning I stumbled upon Cooper in the bathroom.
"I'm going potty" he said.
"Good" I said.
All the sudden he got this bewildered expression on his face and said the following:
"I talk really loud."
It was as if the thought just occured to him. Like his own personal "WHOA" moment.

Hmm... you think? A bit of an understatement Cooper son.
I left the bathroom in giggles. You sure do boy.

Landon and I are also having conversations as of late. His communication skills are improving quite nicely... for a two year old. I think the biggest difference is that he is trying to use full blown sentences and actually convey his feelings to the fullest. Two fun ones from him:

Yesterday -
I said "Landon, you need to clean up your banana you left on the floor."
He said "AAGH! AAGH! AAGH! Not my nana! Toopa Tami nana! AAGH!"
Anyway, if you didn't get that, it was a lot of screaming in frustration and a partial temper tantrum whereupon somewhere in there he threw the words, clear as day, "it's not my banana! It's Kami and Cooper's banana!" I was quite proud of him. Although, it was his banana.

Today -
I pulled Landon up on my lap to tell him I love him
Me "How's your day been Landon?"
Him "I wety oo take a na"
Me (incredulously) "Your ready to take a nap?"
Him "yup"
Alrightly then. That was an adorable surprise.

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