Monday, May 14, 2007

At a loss for words

Strange title for a post, but that's what I am, at a loss for words as to how to describe my condition. I am not exactly a klutz (okay, I am) nor do I necessarily have bad luck but I can't exactly figure out how to describe what it is that I do have if neither of these two previous words describe me. (It is, however, a lot like the movie "Just My Luck", so maybe it is bad luck...) Let me explain, for those of you who enjoyed side splitting laughter at the expense of my Ironing board post, you will probably enjoy this one. (Heartless mean people...)
Saturday a series of events unfolded. My day started out innocently enough but, while out weeding flower beds, I knelt on a bee or a wasp. Anyway, it stung me, and it hurt, a lot. But I was brave. I am semi-allergic to bee stings. I usually swell up quite profusely, but I am not as deathly allergic as Brandon is. Anyway, we took the necessary steps to easing my pain, an itch stick, benadryl, bandaids, etc. (By the way, Kami said the cutest thing about this whole situation: "Dat not nice, dat bee should go to time-out!") And then we carried on with the day as planned, we went to help my brother Kadon with his eagle project at the cemetery.
Things were going fine until I suddenly felt rather light headed, nauseous, and wousy. No, it was not as dramatic do the fact that I didn't pass out, but I definitely didn't feel all that well. Brandon immediately took me home and I spent the next 3-4 hours in la-la nausea land. Thank you benadryl! Might I just add, not a benadryl fan. (although, I didn't swell up to nearly the proportions I have in the past)
Let us now fast forward to the end of the day, as this is where the pain gets good - "ish" (I haven't found this story nearly as hilarious as ones in the past, but it has gotten a fairly good laugh from quite a few.) Brandon took me miniature golfing. So fun! ... yet not. I was hit with the golf ball going at various speeds of pain in four different, yet all painful, places. I was hit in the ankle (once on either side), in the toe, and, remarkably, once in forehead. HOW?!!! Honestly people, am I like a magnet for pain, humiliation, and ... more pain? I just don't get, I am a nice enough girl, the universe does not need to punish me.
Furthermore, how much more humbling can a girl take. You know how it is said that some people have greatness thrust upon them? I have humility, or humiliating circumstances, thrust upon me. Honestly, this little rendezvous with "fun times" is not what I would consider a humiliating experience, but it is definitely a "Brittany" experience, so typical. And maybe that is what I should have entitled this post "So typical."

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear the whole story behind the golf balls....:)
