I came to a realization late last night that made me rethink this whole Mother's Day situation. I was being a little bit of a snot to Brandon yesterday, pestering him for not getting me anything for Mother's Day, even though I had told him before hand that I wanted family pictures for Mother's day (by the way, if any of you know an awesome photographer, let me know; I should say an awesome CHEAP photographer, as in under $100) I'm not usually so selfish, but on days like my birthday, mother's day, and valentines day I become a difficult combination of practicality and sentimentality (ex. I don't want flowers because I think it is unpractical to spend $40 on something that will last a week or so, and then, when I don't get any flowers, I get sad because I feel like he didn't think of me...DIFFICULT! To be worse, when he does get me flowers, I get upset, not mad but flustered, because I could have spent that $40 on something more practical. I am awful! Poor husband)
Anyway, last night, I was laying in bed with my husband and a thought occurred to me: "You would have none of this if it weren't for him." I realized at that moment that my greatest joys in life had come as a gift from this man. I owed the fact that I was a mother to him. As God would have it, life isn't about mothers or fathers, the good we accomplish on our own. It is about the two of us, the partnership we share, and what we are able to create together.
Without Brandon, I wouldn't have Kameryn or Cooper. I also wouldn't have Brandon. He has given me the greatest gift in the whole world. He has also given me the only gift I have EVER wanted, the gift of motherhood. Without him, I wouldn't have had this mother's day. My life is a gift and I am blessed beyond measure to have such a wonderful, caring man at my side. It is a gift to be his wife, to share all of this with him, and I am grateful.
I already told him all of this, I just wanted him to "hear" it again. I love you Brandon. Happy .... Day! I look forward to every Mother's day from now on as an opportunity to celebrate the most precious and eternal gift we have given each other. I love you.
te amo tambien