And thus it begins, probably the single most annyoing fact of living next to a dairy. The flies are back, and with a vengance. I truly had forgotten how awful they were last year. Needless to say, they have reminded me. And, unfortunately, they caught me unawares. (If you remember our Christmas Crossword, do to my violent fly swatting, we no longer own a flyswatter) So, we are now being over-run, plagued, you might say, by flies.
Kameryn has taken this into her own hands. Any methods of killing the flies (pie-ders, as she calls them) she can think of, she uses. Today she came running in to me from the kitchen "dare a pie-der an I donna till it!" (I know I shouldn't be proud, but I really am!) She then proceeds to grab the closest item and begins whacking the fly to death, literally. I tell her good job and to leave the fly alone so mommy can clean it up. I walked around the corner and heard her say "Oh man, da pie-der crap!" I walked in and she pointed to the mess the fly had made when she killed it: "See, the pie-der crapped ebree-where and dat's tuz me till em!"
(Now, I shouldn't laugh, especially since we don't say crap in our family....but come on, it's pretty funny.) Honestly, I wish there was some way to keep them out of our house, but what more is a girl to do.
Kami G you are amazing at killing those flies. We love you so much and can't wait to see you next week. We'll have to play princess' and barbies together.