We have exciting news for our Cooper boy: he is eating with a fork! I didn't know he was already prepared for that stage in his development, but he knew he was. Today at lunch he kept trying to grab Kam's fork, so I went and got him one, suspecting he would be content to bang it on his tray a while before throwing it on the ground. In reality, he did the exact opposite; I put the fork in his hand and he immediately began to try and use it the way it was intended, to get food from his tray to his mouth. He was so cute! He was so proud of himself and there was a lot to be proud of, he was so big! It was like he had been watching us eat all along and then taken a look at his eating style and went "Hey, I'm eating like a barbarian, which I am not. I am a civilized young man and it is time I prove to my parents that I am climbing up the social ladder."
Okay, he probably didn't think all of that, it was probably more of a "they do it this way and I want to too." He did an amazingly good job at it as well, I mean an amazing job. He got almost all of his food from his tray, to his fork, to his mouth. Amazing! This was his first time and you would have thought him a resident professional. The funny thing is that now he things all food has to be eaten with a fork. Food he would have just picked up with his hands and shoved in his mouth he now thinks is warrant of a fork: like toast... Oh well.
If you are mulling over the title of this post, don't. It is just the nickname I have for Cooper (that, and well Pooper...) I can't necessarily say why I call him this, sometimes you say things and they just stick even though they have no correlation to anything (Such as our puppy Osgrr whom we affectionately called grrbear, or Baminator/Bami, which is a nickname for Kami that evolved from the original KamBam nickname, which came from Mandi) So, I guess the point all my ramblings are trying to come to is this: I call my son "handsome pants" the end.
I call my sons "Monkey" and "Tiny Face" I have a feeling "Tiny Face" may get outgrown. I doubt very much "Monkey" ever will. Kudos to Coop for acting like a gentleman.