Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Problem Solved

Guess what, not wanting to count our chickens before they hatch, but still wanting to share our good news: Kameryn's bedtime woes are solved...at least as far as her "sleep apnea/night asthma" is concerned. A while back we got her a new hypo-allergenic mattress cover. After her asthma attack was well and over, we found out that it works great! Next step, we moved her back into her room (drum roll please) ....... and it is all better. Luckily her bedroom doesn't contain more allergens for her and hopefully last night is only a preview of whats to come, lots of sleep FULL nights! Go Kami G.

Big #1

Now, it is not exactly Cooper's birthday yet, but while we were down in Utah we had a joint b-day party for him and his cousin Kinley. Here are some pics, at the request of Jandee, of Cooper going to town on his b-day cake. He is definitely a boy who knows what he wants. It was hard to keep him from the cake long enough to get an initial pic of him with his cousin and their cakes. However, he made up for it by being quite the entertainment for all who came to celebrate with us.

Fun new (and old) Cooper facts: He loves to eat! He also loves to make a mess when he eats (surprise) He loves to talk on the cell phone. (I think he is just trying to copy his mommy ....) Cooper likes to bite, so watch out. He absolutely loves his sister Kameryn. And, last, for this post, Cooper is a morning person. It doesn't matter what time he turns in, I can always count on him to be up and ready to go at 7 am.
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This post is for all of my fellow IKEA lovers out there, and for those of you, Gwen, who don't yet know that you are IKEA lovers, but you are:
I just went to IKEA in Utah and loved it! It had been 6 years since I had been to an IKEA and it has only gotten better. So, first and foremost, the best thing about IKEA is that it is relatively, extremely cheap! YEAH! Second thing, it is a home decorating store, 4 times the size of Costco. How do you not love that? My only complaint would have been that IKEA's furniture tended to go a more modern direction that I would like, however, they have evolved over the last 6 years, and while they still have all of their contemporary/modern pieces, they actually have some very "country"-esk furniture. And for you Pottery Barn lovers, some of the styles look awfully Pottery Barn, and I should know, I have all of PB's catalogs memorized!
I even got Brandon to admit that, as cool as Cabela's is (in his mind) Ikea is cooler! YEA!! We just can't wait until we have a house so we can spend all of our money at Ikea filling it up! Fun times. If you're in Draper anytime soon, stop in at IKEA. My only advice, it is probably better to go Mon-Thurs before 5 and bring good walking shoes as it is a good 4 miles + if you walk the whole store.

"The Goo"

Our family just got back from Utah. It was a packed trip, as most of our trips to Utah are, but this time we got to go to Lagoon. We went down Thursday afternoon and met my mom and brothers at Lagoon. My mom picked up our kids and we got to spend the rest of the day at Lagoon with two of my brothers, Kadon and Jamison. We had so much fun!
I want you all to know that I was a complete rock star and went on every ride, at least all of the scary ones. The lines were great, the longest we ever waited was 15 min. Pretty awesome considering we went on the brand new wicked roller coaster. I was amazed at how short lines were, we practically walked straight on to most rides. In fact, the Colossus was a straight shot right to our seats.
Our only complaint was that the rides seemed to go much faster than we remembered. Much Faster. Even the swings were insane! Ironically, of all the roller coasters we went on, the swings made us the sickest.
So, now to explain the title of this post. Kameryn told her Grandma that when her mommy and daddy got back they would probably need to shower before they went to bed. My mom thought nothing of it and just agreed with her. When I got home she came and asked me "Mommy, you play in the goo? You messy and need to shower?" She is so cute. Now, this may just be my interpretation of what she really said, but I could have sworn that my daughter thought her daddy and I were with her uncles at "The Goo" and so we would most likely need to shower.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Best Little Podunk Town

We have had so many fun experiences this summer! (and it has just started!) I am hoping it doesn't get any hotter though, I do not do well with heat. On Monday we experienced yet another of our town's assets: the beach. For those of you who know where we live, you might not believe that our little town boasts it's own beach, but come on out here and I will show you! So much fun!
Anyway, on Monday, we went to the beach, played games, and roasted hot dogs over a bonfire with our friends in a big FHE extravaganza (we even had the family in charge of the talent put on a magic show for us!) And guess what, little Kami Bami went for a ride on our friend's jet skis. She is so brave. The minute she saw them she knew she wanted to ride. Crazy girl.
Kameryn and Cooper both loved the water, however, Cooper was a little more interested in eating the sand. Goof ball! We weren't expecting the weather to be so cooperating and so we hadn't brought Kam's swimsuit. Instead, she took it upon herself to improvise: she went in pantless. It was the cutest picture to see her tromping around in her shirt, panties, and cowboy boots.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Mommy, Me and the Library

As I mentioned before, our summer reading program has begun. Yesterday was our first "Library Day" The theme this year is something like: Get a Clue. So, on Friday, it was all about getting a clue about the Aztecs. But lets back up a bit.
During the summer, we have free lunch in the park every day for children 1-18. (I know! Awesome!) We met Gwen, Emily, and Bridget in the park for lunch and then Gwen, Bridget, and I walked to the library with our kids. Cooper was not so fond of the idea and so my incredible husband came and picked him up and took him to work with him. (I know, I'm spoiled!) This is why it was just a mommy-me day. It was so wonderful to spend a whole day with just Kameryn.
Now, back to the library. We met and read stories before heading off into the different booths they had set up for us. We also got to sit and watch a lady do an Aztec dance. From that moment Kameryn was mesmerized. She thought the lady was so beautiful and couldn't wait to go dance with her. (That was one of the activities at one of the booths. See the video below. She had to go back 3 different times. She loved it! I think we have a dancer on our hands. . . sorry the video is tilted...)
At the different booths the had headdresses (ribbons according to Kameryn) that the kids could make, face painting, a market where the kids could exchange their beans for prizes, and of course, dancing. Kameryn loved every minute of it. She even won a book in the drawing they do each week. She had such a wonderful time.
After Library we played on the swings until Daddy came and got us and then we went to the co-op and got treats. When we got home we spent the remainder of the afternoon playing in Kami's new pool. It was a very long day, but such a wonderful one. Kami and I had such a good time together! We love our town. It is full of the best things, the best activities, and the best people. We are truly blessed!

Dance, Baby Dance!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

First FHE Lesson

Here is my baby girl's first FHE lesson: Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam.

We were so proud of her. She practiced it on Sunday during Stake Conference and even colored a "visual aid" She did such a wonderful job and we are so proud of her. She was so proud of herself as well. We had to post it on the blog.

"Pretty Bed"

I am so excited, for the first time in our married life, I own a quilt/coverlet for our bed. Yea! I was debating between the country look and the plain white one. I ended up picked the country look (obviously), I wanted to be brave. I am excited. Kameryn came into my room right after I put it on the bed and she said "Wow, this is such a pretty bed" I agree.
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This is Kameryn in her hospital "bed". The first time I saw her crib/jail I almost wanted to cry. She didn't seem to mind. Actually, that's a lie. She hated it, especially in the beginning and when it was time for bed. She absolutely freaked out! She screamed for fifteen minutes. It was rough. Anyway, I just wanted to post this pic. She has a smile on her face so it couldn't have been so awful.
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I figured we might be due for a slightly more upbeat post and so here you go: My son is obsessed with the toilet. The second he sees that the lid is left up (Brandon...) he rushes to it and thrusts his hands down in the bowl. Even when the toilet is clean, that is still a little disturbing. We have had to start shutting my bedroom door as our master bath toilet is his favorite. What is it with little boys and toilet water (I say little boys because I know Wyatt is obsessed with toilet water as well.) Anyway, quick post about my son's newest and grossest obsession. (We also likes toilet paper, but most babies at his age love to unroll toilet paper) Which now definitely makes the bathroom the biggest off-limit room in the house.

Thank You

I just wanted to post a quick thank you for all the encouragement, prayers, and help we have recieved this week. It has been a true blessing and we have felt so blessed. Kameryn is home and well and we are on more preventative asthma medicine to hopefully be able to combat it. She is doing very well. You wouldn't know she had spent two days in the hospital. She is so happy and full of life, just the way we like her! Thank you again, words cannot express how much the support you gave us meant/means. We love you!

Monday, June 11, 2007

For Kameryn

I am not supposed to be blogging. In fact, today was to begin my week long hiatus from the computer. But, certain events have unfolded within the last 24 hours that lead me to release feelings that will otherwise smother me.
My daughter is in the hospital. Things could be much worse and for that, we are blessed. Several thoughts go through a mother's mind when such moments arrive. I would be lying if I said these moments don't bring doubt or anger. Not doubt in my Heavenly Father, but doubt in my own faith to heal and be healed. And not anger at God, though I admit that might be the easiest route, but anger at the unfairness of it all. The longing to be able to take it all away, to feel the pain so she wouldn't have to, and the knowledge that that request will never be granted. And even worse, knowing that the one suffering is not the one who deserves it...she's a baby.
Today I am filled with a myriad of mixed and contradictory emotions. Fear and peace. Anger and understanding. Helplessness and hope. Misery and love. The hardest words I have ever learned to say are "not my will, but thine be done." It is next to impossible to put aside your own desires concerning your child's well being and say those words of complete, yielding faith.
But, from the moment this little girl was created, she has been teaching me about such faith. I always thought I understood what I deemed to be a simple concept. It wasn't until her that I realized how essential, how powerful, and how extremely vital, this "simple concept" was.
From in my womb she taught me the nature of God. A Father, my Father, who was acutely aware of me and my situation. Who looked over my little family huddled together in a hospital bed with Kameryn in my womb and Brandon curled up next to me with nothing but a hope of what might be sustaining to even think that we might one day be able to be a family. Mustering up all the courage and faith we had to be able to say: "Not my will, but Thine be done...even if that means loosing the thing that we want more than anything in the world, our daughter." Through Kameryn I learned that faith is a gift. It is an opportunity, a blessing to believe. It is no small coincidence that her middle name is Grace. "For by Grace you are saved after all you can do."
I don't know why we struggled through what we did to get Kameryn here. Neither do I know why it seems we have to struggle so hard sometimes to keep her here. But I do know that my Heavenly Father knows. He is mindful of us. And, though things may not always be how we would hope them to, He is with us, every step of the way.
Now, I have something to say to Kameryn. And, Kami, while I know you cannot read, and I know you aren't dying, I would like you to know that I love you. And you have given me one of the most precious gifts I have ever received. Through your example, through your being, I have come to know my Heavenly Father in a much more real and vital way. You have taught me to believe. You have taught me to have faith in God. You have taught me to believe in His power. And, through your very being, you have demonstrated His love for me and for you. You are a beautiful girl. You are so brave. And you are full of faith. You define Grace in every aspect of the word. I love you, and look forward to when we can come home. Love, mommy

For Gwen

Thank you. For everyone else, let me just say that I live by one of the best women in the whole world. Her name is Gwen, and she is my "back-lane" neighbor and definitely one of the "bestest" friends I've ever had. I don't know what I have done to deserve her, but she is the girlfriend I never really knew I needed. Now I can't imagine my life without her friendship. She is someone I call EVERYDAY! We do too many things together and we know so much about each other it is scary. I am indeed blessed.
Of course, Gwen is far my superior and I look up to her in so many ways. The woman never has a messy house, it is rare to find either her or her children in shambles: they are always clean and dressed with their hair combed. (Something that is rarely ever accomplished in my house) She is the wonder-women of getting things done. She never leaves a job unfinished and you can always count on her to accomplish her responsibilities and more. Her work ethic astounds me. I used to think I knew how to work, but living next to her makes me feel more like I am a wicked and slothful bump on the log then a hard worker. And the woman has more willpower in her than I could ever dream to muster.
Gwen and Greg were the first people to befriend us when we moved here (an action I am sure they regret to this day!) They are some of the most genuinely Christ-like people we know. (Plus, they are a ton of fun!)
Gwen is always picking up my slack and doing things for me that she shouldn't, but I am grateful she does. Like today, I found Gwen cleaning my disgusting home. (And I mean, should have been condemned, disgusting home) I am so embarrassed, but so grateful that I have a friend who would do such a thing for me. I wish she never had to, but I am grateful that she does. One day, I hope to be as cool and on the ball as Gwen. I hope to always have me house clean, my children clean, and all my responsibilities fulfilled. Until then, I thank the Lord for putting Gwen in my life, to inspire, support, and bless me. I hope to one day be able to repay her for all she and her husband have done for my family. Until then, we will be indebted to them for their kindness.
Thank you Gwen.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Mattress Allergy

So, if you have been reading our blog for a while, you will remember a post with a similar title. Well, investigations have been about, concerning Kami's "sleep apnea/asthma" After a big asthma attack about three weeks ago, the Dr. confirmed what we thought might be a problem. He said we should experiment with removing her from her room and her bed. So, for the past 3 weeks, she has been sleeping in our room on a cot without any asthma problems. Last week, we moved her mattress into our room and sure enough, the coughing, restlessness, and snoring all reappeared.
We just bought her a special allergen stopping mattress cover that zips all the way around her mattress (pricey little number) and she has been using it for the past 4 nights. It is either too soon to tell if its working, or its not. (We have to wait awhile to rule out the fact that she was in the middle of an asthma episode before we put the cover on and so that might be why she is still coughing.) If the mattress cover did the trick, then we have to move her back into her room and see if that checks out. Needless to say, it has been a very long month and we are just getting started!

Yesterday, all my loved ones were taking a nap while I was making something for Lyssy. (Which, by the way, you are welcome...:p) I didn't know where Kami was and so I went looking for her. I found her laying on top of her "bed" - storage tubs that used to lift her mattress off the floor. (see a previous post entitled "Big Girl Bed" for more details.) She was cuddling with all of her dollies and animals, had all her toys dumped out around her ,and was using a "pillow" from her bench seat. Needless to say, I was totally slacking and she put herself to bed. Sad... :(
But cute.
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Thursday, June 7, 2007

Go Me!

Take a look at what I did today! I should have taken a before pic so you could see how awesome this feet was, but let me just say it was awesome! (I organized my craft "closet" for those of you who don't know what I am talking about.) Anyway, I am proud of myself. It took only a year, give or take (mostly give) a few months , to get all my stuff organized. Sad...but happy now.
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Summer Reading

Once again it is time for everyone who doesn't live in our town to be completely jealous of us. The library's summer reading program is once again in full force. We read to Kameryn a predetermined amount of time each week and then on Fridays we meet in town to pretty much have a party and get fun prizes. We all love it and Kameryn especially loves all the extra reading!
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Bathtime Baby

My kids really needed a bath tonight. (Which, of course, they never complain about because they LOVE baths) We were talking on the phone when I started the bath water and so I hauled the kids out of the bathroom and shut the door so both parties could hear. While I was assisting in Kami's phone call I overheard Cooper throwing a fit down the hall. I went to find him and found him pounding on the bathroom door, screaming at the top of his lungs. He could hear the bath water running and he wanted in. As soon as I opened the door, he bolted into the bathroom and pulled himself up on the tub. I am sure, had his legs been longer, he would have been in the bathtub, clothes and all. I could barely get his diaper off fast enough for him.
Kameryn always loved the bath, but never with as much intensity as Cooper does. I have come to find that Cooper is a "go big or go home" kind of guy. He is very passionate about things and he is sure to let you know what he likes and doesn't. Bath time, is an all time favorite thing for that little boy. Right up there with food, so it is a good thing with him that those two things usually correspond.
Kameryn also seems to enjoy the bath a lot more now that she has a buddy to play with. They were so cute in the bath tonight. Giggling and playing. Kami was blowing bubbles on Cooper's tummy and he thought it was the funniest thing that had ever happened to him. I love my children so much. Not only do I find so much joy in each of them individually, but seeing them play and interact together, and watching the growing affection between the two of them doubles my joy. Motherhood is the best.


This is a preface post to Rock Star and Sweet Singing, the two posts immediately following this one. Sweet Singing is of Kameryn singing her favorite song. We think her singing is one of the most beautiful sounds we have ever heard. (By the way, Cooper screams in the end, but he was fine, he just got a little pinch on his finger from the cabinet.) Rock Star is of Cooper at dinner. He was being so cute, sticking out his tongue, screaming/singing, and banging his head and hands. I went to get the camera and of course he stopped. I posted this anyway. There is a very short window of time at the end where he begins to hint at what he did before, but he stops before it gets really good. Sorry you have to listen to my voice the majority of the time. He is just so darn cute I couldn't resist plastering his mug all over the blog.

Sweet Singing

Rock Star

Friday, June 1, 2007


So, I don't have any pics because of course I brought my camera and it had no memeroy card....AAGH! But, putting that behind us, last night we took our family to the drive-in with a bunch of our friends. SO FUN! We went to see Pirates and Wild Hogs. I had heard Pirates was bad and didn't expect much out of it since I had been very dissapointed with Pirates 2. But, I must say, I was pleasantly surprised. I thought it much better than I had been led to believe. The ending was a bummer, not the way I wanted the whole Elizabeth Swan - William Turner escapade to turn out, but otherwise, not half bad. In fact, not bad at all.
Anyway, now that I've gone off on that tangent, lets get back to the drive-in. As I said before, SO FUN! The last movie I saw at the drive-in was Dances With Wolves. That tells you how long ago that was. We took Brandon's truck and blew up our air mattress in the bed. We of course stopped at Wal-mart and filled our cart with an unspeakable amount of candy (none of which we ate) We had 3 of our friends and their families there as well, which was a blast! We got there around 8 and so we killed about 1 1/2 hrs before the movie finally started. They had a little playground for the kids down next to the screen and the women sat around and talked while the men sat around and talked. Honestly, I am so blessed! I have such wonderful friends, the best friends I have ever had in my life, and I've had a lot of friends (not to be bragging, I've just always had a lot of friends and these ones are the BEST!!) I am just so blessed! What an incredible group of people I associate with. We do so many fun things.
I really seem to be having a problem with tangents this morning. It is no doubt a result of little sleep, which again brings us back to the drive-in. The drive-in was delightfully ghetto, right next to a trailer park (which is not knockin' - I live in a trailer) It was also delightfully retro; totally took you back in time, which was fun. So, to make a very long post shorter, we will be making the drive-in a summer hot-spot. Too fun not to go back. Maybe next time we will have a tailgate party. Brandon and I have already discussed that next time we will bring our speakers for a full on surround sound experience. WAY TOO MUCH FUN! What a great night. Quick hitters: no we did not stay for Wild Hogs, we are too old to stay up that late. What did we do with our kids?: they fell asleep next to us on the air mattress. Who was there?: The Andersens, the wards, and Briget and Thad (for some odd reason, I don't know their last name....that's lame. They're our good friends. Wow, I'm a nerd) And now I have officially exhausted all of my tangents. Have a good day.