Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Best Little Podunk Town

We have had so many fun experiences this summer! (and it has just started!) I am hoping it doesn't get any hotter though, I do not do well with heat. On Monday we experienced yet another of our town's assets: the beach. For those of you who know where we live, you might not believe that our little town boasts it's own beach, but come on out here and I will show you! So much fun!
Anyway, on Monday, we went to the beach, played games, and roasted hot dogs over a bonfire with our friends in a big FHE extravaganza (we even had the family in charge of the talent put on a magic show for us!) And guess what, little Kami Bami went for a ride on our friend's jet skis. She is so brave. The minute she saw them she knew she wanted to ride. Crazy girl.
Kameryn and Cooper both loved the water, however, Cooper was a little more interested in eating the sand. Goof ball! We weren't expecting the weather to be so cooperating and so we hadn't brought Kam's swimsuit. Instead, she took it upon herself to improvise: she went in pantless. It was the cutest picture to see her tromping around in her shirt, panties, and cowboy boots.

1 comment:

  1. Well, we all know the real reason why this is the best town's because Greg and I live here!!!
    and speaking of Cooper's love for water, did you tell you family about him crawling right into the sprinkler without it even phasing him??? That is definitely a true love for getting wet!!!
