Saturday, June 9, 2007

Mattress Allergy

So, if you have been reading our blog for a while, you will remember a post with a similar title. Well, investigations have been about, concerning Kami's "sleep apnea/asthma" After a big asthma attack about three weeks ago, the Dr. confirmed what we thought might be a problem. He said we should experiment with removing her from her room and her bed. So, for the past 3 weeks, she has been sleeping in our room on a cot without any asthma problems. Last week, we moved her mattress into our room and sure enough, the coughing, restlessness, and snoring all reappeared.
We just bought her a special allergen stopping mattress cover that zips all the way around her mattress (pricey little number) and she has been using it for the past 4 nights. It is either too soon to tell if its working, or its not. (We have to wait awhile to rule out the fact that she was in the middle of an asthma episode before we put the cover on and so that might be why she is still coughing.) If the mattress cover did the trick, then we have to move her back into her room and see if that checks out. Needless to say, it has been a very long month and we are just getting started!

Yesterday, all my loved ones were taking a nap while I was making something for Lyssy. (Which, by the way, you are welcome...:p) I didn't know where Kami was and so I went looking for her. I found her laying on top of her "bed" - storage tubs that used to lift her mattress off the floor. (see a previous post entitled "Big Girl Bed" for more details.) She was cuddling with all of her dollies and animals, had all her toys dumped out around her ,and was using a "pillow" from her bench seat. Needless to say, I was totally slacking and she put herself to bed. Sad... :(
But cute.
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1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the mattress cover! I hope Kami can soon get a good night's sleep, and you can get your room back!
